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    • Yikes! As a Westchester resident I was really excited when Standard Amusements came into the fray because the park needed some direction and investment into new rides. But I was always hesitant because of the contract and the county's inability to keep up their end of the bargain time and time again.    The county doesn't realize it but if the initial plan to add a Chance Hyper GTX went through this park would get some many visitors. There would be nothing as thrilling in the entire local NYC market and the westchester and CT residents would definitely spend the money to ride it.    Even if they demo Superflight it doesn't really add enough space to fit a coaster (most likely a flat ride), but that's if they don't leave it SBNO for years.    Oh well 😕
    • I looked it up. . the character who shows off her panties is named "Upsy Daisy" no. . really and apparently that's her bed that follows her around. . . .   Bwaaaa-haaaa-haaaaaa  
    • This is sad really i thought they had good things going for them but over the last year or 2 have had issues from what i told. I think alot of it is staffing and just a lack of trying or caring.
    • Looks like a nice balance of kid stuff and thrills. Great area for families - prefer seeing things like this where kid stuff just isn't segregated to one section but instead integrated around larger stuff (Hersheypark does a great job at this). This park routinely shows how it somehow is always a step above the rest of the company's lineup.
    • Darien Lake indicated that they would do "a track profile make - over", but when I was there last year I didn't see any track come off or any new pieces come in, just a lot of power-washing and painting (there may be a lot more than what I saw however). If I had to guess I'd assume it's just repair, painting and new trains.  I'll probably be there early in the season and can report if it's any better, it previously tracked horribly.
    • I've never seen so much discussion about an annual pass, Legoland went pretty heavy with the advertising on their new annual passes. Gone are the tiers of Silver/Gold/Platinum and now replaced by an all-year-round elite pass. The new family pass for 3 people works out at a cost of roughly $69 per person. A day icket on the gate usually costs around $41. Aggressively marketing the cheap cost of it being the same as a 2-day visit.  They're also much cheaper than the annual passes of the big three parks: Everland, Seoul Land, and Lotte World tend to be double that price at $140-$200 for a new pass. As part of a new season flash sale with the introduction of the pass, if the pass was purchased before March 14th, you would also gain free parking for the year, usually around $10 a visit. So many of my students have told me they purchased one for their families since it was too cheap to ignore, and we are a 3-hour drive from the park as opposed to 30 minutes from Everland. Even my wife suggested we buy one so this will be her first ever theme park pass.   It'll be interesting to see if this gamble pays off for the struggling park, sacrificing potential day tickets for higher visitor numbers and more in-park spending. With the older Korean parks struggling with aging equipment: Everland has been focused on the zoo side mostly, it currently has half the park closed down for essential renewal work while open rides running only a few hours a day in split-shifts, and over at Lotte World they are also having to retire aging old rides (half the outside area is walled off and 3rd floor is still empty since the rapids closed) with more heavily rumored to close this year (Pharoah's dark ride has to close 1 hour a day for maintenance from 2:30-3:30 and has only a few working ride vehicles left), the Korean theme park industry is a bit of a crossroads that Legoland with much newer rides seems eager to capitalize on.    
    • I really do think long term the single biggest winner of the merger will be this park. 
    • Are they doing any sort of reprofiling or is this a new coat of paint and trains? I won't know what to expect with the latter. At SFNE with Riddler, the new trains were and are a night and day difference. I expected the same out of the one SF America and that was a big old nope. Sure, no headbanging is better than headbanging, but it tracks so poorly that is was still extremely rough anyway. Of course, it was also 105 degrees out and probably running faster than normal, which probably didn't help.
    • Is it just me, or is Phoenix Rising kind of jankety and rough?... especially for a brand new coaster
    • I got to attend the opening of the DCUniverse area the other weekend at Six Flags Fiesta Texas (it also overlapped with the Mardi Gras celebration, so did some of that too). the area looks great, and with this open now, SFFT has the biggest assortment of DC Universe themed rides in North America (even if we don't count Kid Flash, which has been a paperweight for a long time now, and seeing the announcements that it's getting removed?  just confirms whatever lawsuit was going on is now concluded). anyways. . here's some pics. my quick takes on the 3 brand new rides?    Cyborg (Nebulaz) - it's great, running both forwards and in reverse, with heavy theming (Kilg%re takes over control of the quantum mechanism and makes the ride go crazy) - forwards is slightly more nauseating than the backwards portion.   I actually fit in this Nebulaz, tho I saw many people get walks of shame - so if you don't fit in a seat, ask to try another one, as even tho they claim the seats are all the same?  some of them have slightly longer seat belt clamps and I had no issue riding - 1st time I've ever fit on a Nebulaz. Shazam (spinning drop tower) - a very gentle ride, it reminded me a LOT of the SFOT parachute drop.   really long cycle, and more of an upscale "bounce tower" than a drop tower.   looks amazing at night with the lighting package. Metropolis Transit Authority  ("Monorail") - the station is a *stunner*.. . subway tile, and a queue that looks like waiting at a train station.   the ride itself is a bit short (shorter than I expected it to be, and it actually looks shorter than the original plans showed (where it went around the Gotham City Crime Wave swings) - it now cuts in front of it.   There is no onride audio (a shame, as it would be great if it pointed out things you pass), tho there is audio in the station that teases the train arriving and leaving.     it's high enough to get some great views, and with even a slight breeze was very comfortable on a warm day.    They do only allow 3 adults and one child maximum in each car - so this could cause quite the line on a busy day, as there are only two trains with 4 cars each.  I have to assume that is for safety reasons, as out car - with 3 adults - seemed a bit shaky on some of the turns.    it adds to the thrill level of this gentle ride tho, I thought. Batgirl (the kiddie coaster) is running great still and the new colors look really nice on it. same with Green Lantern (zoom jets) - the new color scheme is fantastic. Poison Ivy (up up and Away), really works well with the gondolas redone as giant fruit with vines (and shade) in the queue now. I did not ride Penguin (convoy) even tho it had opened with some statues in place, as they still are not quite done with it, and expect a few more dioramas to be added to the track area. anyhow. . here are some pics even the Batmobile at "Batman" (the 1st S&S Freespin built) has been refurbed the new DC Universe area (where the main concentration of rides are) a look at Green Lantern, the Monorail, Cyborg, Shazam, and Batman Poison Ivy (the revamped up, up, and away) the new entry sign from Spassburg (it lights up, and the other side say DC Universe across the top) the Metropolis Transit Authority (Monorail) queue building up high enough you get a nice view towards the front of the park from the station and a great view of the DCU area LTR: Superman Krypton Coaster, Cyborg, Green Lantern, and the base of Supergirl (Skyscreamer) In this pic you can see most of the land, plus Wonder Woman golden lasso coaster on the upper right looking across at the MTA queue building, and on the right some of Penguin. . they are still going to be putting up some dioramas here to drive thru. looking down into Penguin, you can see some of the statues that have been placed, but as of a week ago, there was still some work to be done on it.  it IS up and running tho. pulling into the station, you get a great close up of Shazam, and in the distance the top of Gotham City Crimewave, Joker, and Superman Krypton Coaster they have some DCU characters out. for the month of March, they are starting out with Flash and Harley Quinn I may have gotten "confused" meeting "the Flash" during Mardi Gras. . . I didn't get any beads, but the actors all had a good laugh. yeah. . Boomerang.    but it sure is picturesque. that's Dr. Diabolical's Cliffhanger in the right window there. View from the VIP lounge patio. why hello Mr. Jeffery Siebert! got a mini behind the scenes warehouse tour and got to see the maintenance shed where they keep the extra trains for all the coasters. and then found out Harley was out now. . so went back to DCU for a pic. kinda behaved myself this time. also went to see the new for Mardi Gras show, "Voodoo Dolls" it's very, very good. (and indoors with cushioned seats and air conditioning) some of the voodoo queens get special effects for their numbers.. such as bubbles! and to top it off, I got to ride on a parade float for the evening Mardi Gras parade. for once, I got to be a Pirate, instead of being the swiss girl - (for some reason, when I do the parade, they always wanna dress me up as the swiss girl) 😛 ready for the parade to start, and to toss out hundreds of beads!   the area looks great, the park is fantastic, and the Mardi Gras food is all really good.   Highly recommend checking it out while the event is still going on!
    • Based on what I've seen it looks like they may stick with the Mind Eraser name
    • Agreed! Also, are they still calling it Mind Eraser or is the park going to rename it?
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