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New Photos from Knott's

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Hey everyone!


Yet another Knott's update! Here are some notes from their visit:


- XLR8R still closed. Both trains had parts missing. Let's hope they can get this operating with two trains for Solace!


- Jaguar closed. Jaguar fulfilled today's 'random closed ride' quota. I don't think we've had a visit where at LEAST two of the parks major attractions weren't closed at the same time.


- Riptide. Um...this only does one flip? Are you kidding me? Worst Top Spin program ever!


- Funniest moment of the day - Even the "Silver Bullet Test Seat" was closed! LMAO!!!


- Ghostrider - OMFG!!!! Most brutal ride I think I have ever had on it! Both Dan and I looked at each other... "WTF was that???" Today's ride cancels out any 'improvements' we said we felt on the ride last week.


- Random clothing. We kept finding random clothing all over the park! The funniest one was the 'random jacket' seen hanging out by the CLOSED bathrooms!


- "No filming chicks taking dumps" was the gist of the 'no cameras' sign we saw posted by the women's restrooms.


So anyway, today was just 'going through the motions' at Knott's. It wasn't a horrible day, yet it wasn't very inspiring: Wander around, try to find an open ride, ride Silver Bullet, wander around some more, ride Ghostrider...ouch! ouch! ouch! wander around some more...ride Montezooma's...Wheeeeeeeeeeee!



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Well, we can only hope that they are prepping for Solace. If not, they can bet that folks like me will probably not venture clear across the country next year for the event.


As for the restrooms, they have the same signs at Cedar Point. I noticed them last year. Not quite sure, but I bet it is to hide their secret unrinal numbering system.


(Picture borrowed from CoasterDave who took it last year at Solace.)


Knott's Numbered Stalls

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Robb I hope you photoshop the "go away" on the sign. Because that is very rude of KBF to say to people that come to the park. I guess I got lucky when I went to KBF over winter break because everything it the park was open.


I was thinking the same thing, hoping that it was photoshopped on because if that is the way the sign really is, then I think KBF really has to rethink what they put on a sign.

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I tell ya, the last time I went to KBF (pre-cedar fair ownership), I went to Scary Farms, which is the best halloween event has ever thrown. I talked to a friend of mine whos down in San Diego, who went this past oct. and said its become a former shadow of itsself. I really hope someone can step in and save this little park(read: not six flags). Its a great place with alot of history and should have alot more opportunity to prove itsself.

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LOL! Yes, guys, the sign is a photoshop job!


The real sign actually just said some things about the weather!


--Robb "It was meant as a joke!" Alvey


Just couldn't wait for April Fools, could you?


So what did they real sign say?

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I believed the sign too...


Like I said after last weekend's trip reports (and FlyingScooter said the same above) if that was how things were at the seasonal parks out here in Ohio they would have closed a long time ago.... Hard to believe, when Cedar Point has always been so awesome, that the same company owns them.



Shari "And to think, I used to want to go to CA to see KBF and SFMM" Shoufler

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Fun is something Robb and Elissa can generate anywhere, anytime. (Just look at how much fun Chopsticks can be in the Universal update).


Its not so much that Knott's is a bad park, or craptacular......but its on its way there. Its trying to become something it was never intended to be, a major thrill park, the Cedar Point of the West. With each visit I've had (usually 1 or 2 visits a year, but hey, I live on the East Coast) the park has gotten less and less memorable. The removal of classic rides, laziness of ride operators, overall poor operations, obnoxious color schemes, and now the god awful barkers on Silver Ballet, shows how Knott's is deteriorating to a level you'd expect of a Six Flags. When you go to a park to have a good time and are just frustrated to the point that you'd rather just leave and head elsewhere, its hard to like the place. Now when its a place that you know can be amazing because you'd gone there for years and always had fun, its even worse. There was a time in the 1990's that you'd be at Magic Mountain and wish you were at Knott's. Nowadays the opposite happens, and the saddest part of all is that Magic Mountain hasn't gotten much better at all.


On my visit to Knott's, I was anticipating staying there for around 3 to 4 hours, ride Bullet, enjoy the other coasters and rides I hadn't yet a couple of times, get some lunch, etc. I was there for about 2 hours before I was ready to go to Disney. 1 train on everything, slow operations on Montezooma, Ghostrider, Riptide; closed Xcelerator; repaving issues; and those annoying mics on Bullet just made me feel really down and ready to get out of there. It would have been nice to ride it a few more times, but the 1 train, the forcelessness, and the ride ops gave me enough of an experience to generate my opinions of the ride. Fortunately there are plenty of other places nearby to escape to. Now had I actually had to pay to get in the park, I'd be even more upset. We're not stuck up or snobbish or anything, its just that we know how good the park can be because we've experienced it years ago and we want that back again. We shouldn't have to put blinders on or TRY to have fun, it should come naturally.

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