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SharkTums last won the day on May 15

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  • Birthday 03/14/1981

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  1. I also rate the three hour buffet as the best water ride of the trip. Smisty is right, as usual, except when she encourages my husband to get even more stuffed animals!!!
  2. So we unexpectedly ended up at SFStL for 75min on Saturday night before close. It was my first Six Flags park in 15 months! - Electric vehicle parking was interesting and they had a lot of those spots, didn't realize it was new. Wonder if it will last? - Employees seemed very friendly, but I would hope so as we were on day two of operation! - Freeze still running amazing! - New kiddie coaster decent, like what Vekoma has become and what they're doing from the kiddie to the big rides. - Screamin Eagle ended our night with a double ride and a nice crew! - When did drinks become $7-$10!?!?!?! People complain about Disney pricing need to go to Six Flags!!!
  3. I'm not Robb, but we're certainly not sucking up to Dollywood. The ride really didn't seem any different to me. That being said, I think a lot of the newer RMC's and other coasters just out do it and it is an older ride now so it's not as crazy as it once was. People have this memory of riding it back in 2016 when it was legit amazing and new and something we hadn't really seen before. Since that time there have been a ton of new coasters that are bigger and faster and have equally crazy elements so I think it's more a memory issue. Oh, and the day we were there it ran two trains all day with a 5 minute wait so there you go. I'll take that thanks!
  4. Great ride but really pushed the limits of the human body. Gave me anxiety every time I rode with that launch. It was amazing, like getting hit by a truck in the best way possible!
  5. Super sad. This shouldn't have been as big of a deal as it ended up and now the ride is dead. =(
  6. Love it, but I have questions... 1. I thought this park was pretty small? Does it need a transportation ride like this? 2. There are only seven pods? How short is the ride or am I missing something?
  7. A fire is one thing, this is a full on explosion. Really insane footage. Hopefully they'll get it out soon and we can find out what happened to cause something this crazy.
  8. I'm going to move this to the main forum as we haven't done the Spain parks in over ten years! You also may get more responses posting this in our Facebook Theme Park Review group.
  9. Getting caught up on your report and it brings back so many great memories. Also I think I tried requesting my own boat on the tunnel of love GronaLund attraction and was told that's equal to divorce back in the US so I wasn't allowed.
  10. Oof, this is a big question... First off, I do really like American Dream. I know the reports are very hit and miss based on what's open but we have really enjoyed a few visits to the park and water park. The "mall" is not a real mall at all so keep that in mind. It's more an entertainment area indoors with a few random stores and food. For a second broadway show with kids that age I would probably suggest Aladdin or Lion King unless you think they're a little more advanced then Six could be a fun option too! Food wise, there's just soooo much. Bryant Park Winter Shops will still be going on and it's a ton of little food booths that are all AMAZING, that can be really fun for the kids. Ellen's Stardust Diner for the singing waiters. Any specific food they really like you'll be able to find a really cool restaurant in NYC I guarantee it! Feel free to reach out to me if you have more questions!
  11. Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, and SeaWorld are all open till 1am. Disney parks are all midnight at the latest. The FunSpot parks are also midnight. So it's really up to you what parks, rides you want to do, SeaWorld would probably give you the best deal for rides, fireworks, and fun for the price.
  12. I don't really see any immediate problems with this. In the past we've seen one company falter while the other flourishes and then it flips every few years. I am excited though to start guessing which parks close and where all their coasters will be dumped!
  13. I blame the old burial ground under Knotts! Seriously, Xcelerator is a bummer, but like others have said whatever the hell they did to destroy Monte is a crime!!!
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