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Pedrinho last won the day on August 17 2023

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About Pedrinho

  • Birthday 10/16/1985

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    Betzenberg, Kaiserslautern, Germany
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  1. These are so bad news. We already planned our return to Gothenburg for this summer. Our prayers for the family of the deceased worker. And all the best for Liseberg. This hurts in so many levels.
  2. Photo dump from Tripsdrill (with metting with the TPR Europe Trip) in June 2022! As promised, here are some random photos of our Tripsdrill trip. We slept in their Cottage Cars, had one (rainy) day in the animal park and two days in the park where we also met with the TPR Europe Trip. Cottage: Animal Park: Amusement Park:
  3. Thanks everyone for every reaction and every word. We appreciate it very much! 13 hours until Gothenburg - we'll hear from each other!
  4. Dear followers, we had a rough patch in our lives since our last post. At first, we bought a house which was pretty cool, but cost us a lot of time that was missing for going to parks and also a lot of money to do the same. We only had one really cool trip to Tripsdrill in June 2022 where we were able to meet a lot of you folks during your TPR tour. We weren't able to post a report yet, but I will post some photos in the next post. Secondly we've lost my father early in 2023. Due to these circumstances, going to parks wasn't our top priority in the last year. As a result, we also weren't in the mood to be participating a lot over here on the forums. I'm sorry for that. Espacially for not keeping in touch with the awesome girls and guys we learned to know last June. But it was very sad feeling for us to talk about the things we do not have a serious possibility to participate in. But right now today, that changed. After reading the news over the parks annoucing their 2024 hotnesses, our interest in theme parks came back! Today, we made the decision that the grieving period is over and we need to focus on our mental health - and a very important point for us is travelling. So we just booked a ten day trip to Gothenburg where we will sleep in Lisebergs all new Grand Curiosa Hotel! And this time, a trip report is coming for sure!
  5. I know by reading here that is breaks down quite often. But I also have to second John: All four days we spent at CP, the downtime was close to nonexistent. If it had oopsies, they maybe lasted some minutes. On our third day, it was down for about half an hour close to park close. But they repaired it and let the about 50 people in line ride it way after park closure. So yes, it was down, but it didn't affect the total riders of that day much.
  6. The park reopened today without the Alpenexpress/log flume attractions.
  7. Just wanted to post a quick thank you for ayur updates! Such a great trip you had!
  8. Yesterday ran a very popular German tv show called "Wetten, dass ..." (I bet, I will ...) where the participants bet curios things and the best bet wins the show. One woman balanced with her bagger on one chaine and tipped a hole in five eggs using the bucket. Two guys betted, that one can throw a mobile phone and another guys catches it. What sounds less than interesting was spiced up by the fact, that the sat on the first and last row of Silver Star which was running in the night. They hat six phones to throw and attempted it at the airtime hills during two laps. While it's something, that is completely forbidden during normal park operations, I think ist funny enough to post here. But I need to say it again: It was a stunt by professionals in a save environment! Do not attempt to do that yourself! Here is a video (you might need German VPN to watch it. It's not on Youtube yet): https://www.zdf.de/show/wetten-dass/videos/wette-achterbahn-102.html
  9. So, apparently Silver Star had an Oopsie today: https://bnn.de/mittelbaden/ortenau/rust/silverstar-im-europa-park-bleibt-stecken-fahrgaeste-zu-fuss-evakuiert (German) Got stuck on the lift hill. Evacuation lasted almost two hours. Didn't went up again. It was an chain clutch failure. (Not my informations, that's what the news said).
  10. Well, you were in Rhineland-Palatine (our home state).. It's famous for wine and beer. And you were in the wine region. I'm actually surprised this was a big one. Could have been bigger! The glass is also not called a tumbler, ist a "Dubbeschobbe". So the dimples are called "dubbe". They help to keep grip on the glass when it's wet.
  11. Thanks, Bert! It really was an amazing day for us, meeting you guys and having some ride with you! I think, you may be the winner with Paul not riding with you, since he didn't want to go high in his car But I'm sure, next time he will not be missing out on the opportunity to share a ride with you!
  12. Yes, that sounds better then the operations last year. And joining the extended front row queue on Taron is fair. You skip about an hours wait on a normal day. The front row queue should be around ten minutes. Seems reasonable. I'm glad that you had an awesome experience, Bert. Reminds me to finish my Tripsdrill report!
  13. Last time I checked, their Fast Lane option didn't let you go on the front ride. Therefore sadly a no-go for me. I hope it changed "after COVID".
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