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    • Spring is probably the best time. The park gets really stupidly busy in the summer. Toronto weather is usually nice then. Summer can  get hot and humid. Check the schedule for splashworks waterpark. It may be open weekends from the may 24 long weekend. They have a fish and chips place in the waterpark area that is pretty decent.  You may be able to get a hotel deal in the shoulder season. Check out the harbourfront area.    There is lots to do in toronto. Take the ferryboat to the island if you get the chance. You can rent a bike or rollerblades there. It also has a frisbee golf course. There are also walking and bike paths along the waterfront that are really nice.    if you want a tour of the city get on a streetcar on either king or queen streets.you can see a lot and it is a nice way of getting around.  Toronto is a city of many neighbourhoods and each has their own unique feel.    you could do the while trip without a car if you wanted to. You can take a train downtown from the airport and take the subway to wonderland. There is a short bus ride from the last station.    Feel free to reach out directly if you want more suggestions. 
    • Should be good to go on a summer weekday with a Fastlane though.
    • As a regular to the park, I would suggest visiting in May or June as school is still in around here, making the park not too busy. If you cannot visit in May or June, then I would suggest visiting the middle of the week (Tuesday or Wednesday) in July or August as they tend to be the least busiest days of the week during the summer months. 🙂
    • Question for the locals. When is the best time to visit this park? Canada's Wonderland is one of the last major parks in North America I have yet to visit, and with AlpenFury coming this year it is very high on my priority list to get to Toronto. I know this park gets VERY crowded too. Of course a weekday is likely better than the weekend, I imagine, but what about month? And considering weather too? We would likely plan at least 2 full days at the park with FastLane and probably another day in the city to explore Toronto. Any tips would be appreciated! This new coaster looks awesome.
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