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prozach626 last won the day on July 25

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About prozach626

  • Birthday 06/26/1985

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    On a two person ride with Flume Dog
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  1. I vote Busch Gardens Williamsburg or Hershey Park. Both are two day parks. Lines are usually more manageable at BGW during the week, especially when it's hot. We just stayed at Kings Mill Resort close to BGW. It's a beautiful higher end resort, which is surprisingly way cheaper than Hershey Lodge for what you get. We got a waterfront king room. You can do some local history when you're in the area. BGW is a beautiful park, and is one of our favorites. It feels much more well put together to us than BGT. You could also do a day at Knoebels and a couple days at Hershey.
  2. ^ I'm sure the new restraints are a buzzkill for diehards, but for people like myself and the general public, it's probably overwhelmingly preferred.
  3. For the average person, they probably have no idea the ride laps the same track. I didn't know and never noticed. Good stuff about your son not knowing about the drop track. My wife didn't know about the backwards launch on Pantheon. When we started rolling back on the top hat, she said, "Is this supposed to happen?" It was a walk-on ride for us, so there was no time in the queue for her to look at the ride, not that she would have cared. Sorry you didn't have a better time.
  4. We went on Wednesday for the first time since 2018. I believe it was in the mid-upper 90's, so attendance was low. We were in the park about 15 minutes after opening. (10-8 close) We went straight to Pantheon and got walk-on front and back row rides. We rode it a third time later in the day, only since it was new to us and we didn't know when we would be back. This thing hauls and it was fun. But, some of the small ejector hills, especially one on the launch were a bit too much for us. I also don't care for outer banked hills in general, and these were uncomfortable and plentiful. Overall, we liked Pantheon, but going forward it's going to be a one and done per visit with us. The only ride we liked less was InvadR. All roller coasters are way more exciting to me again now, since we don't ride nearly as much anymore. Even despite that, InvadR still does nothing for me and has gotten uncomfortable in spots. It's my least favorite GCI by miles. We took our time and went to DarKoaster. The effects and riding positioning with the handle bars made this more fun than Panetheon to us. We rode back to back. Most of the rides were walk-on or station wait. Every roller coaster was running two trains. Le Scoot was 10 minutes. Verbolten was maybe 20. I'm very thankful we rolled the dice and didn't get Quick Que or it would have been a total waste of money. By about 4PM, we were done. We rode everything we wanted. I love the heat and I love to sweat, but the downside to that is it kills nearly all motivation to drink. So, as opposed to staying until park close and crushing beers, we left after getting our fifty cent 7 ounce beer. Ride Count: Pantheon x3 DarKoaster x2 Alpengeist x1 Verbolten x1 InvadRr x1 Apollo's Chariot x1 Chair Lift x1 Griffin x1 Le Scoot x1 Tempesto never did it for me before, and any added effects to Loch Ness Monster wouldn't be worth the discomfort, so we skipped those two major attractions. Other notes: Kings Mill Resort is amazing. The grounds are immaculate and the balcony king room was on the James River. The property is huge and has a lot to offer, including the best gym I have ever seen. I highly recommend spending the money for anyone going to the area for a few days. We did Jamestown and Williamsburg in one day, sticking to our schedule for BGW the first day, history the second, and Resort/Pool day on the third. As I anticipated, I regret not setting aside a whole day for Williamsburg, and I hated squeaking Jamestown into a couple hours. We were fascinated with the history. Had it not been for us not wanting to stay too many days away from out daughter, I would have done Jamestown and Yorktown in one day, and booked another full day for Williamsburg. There was no way I was sacrificing our pool day, which consisted of a strict routine of sunning, reading, falling asleep, getting in the pool for a few minutes, and repeating the cycle. Damn I needed that... Thanks for all of the suggestions. We went to Food For Thought on the first night. The pot-roast was really good. We went to a sushi restaurant one night, which was average. We went to Casa Pearl two nights for oysters, amazing cocktails, and fusion tacos. Holy shit, that place was amazing. We had a nearly perfect 4-night/3-day trip and thankfully we missed the mass flight cancellations from the Microsoft SNAFU by a day, with the chaos unfolding on Friday and us leaving on Saturday. Cheers.
  5. Originally, I was offended by this song. I didn't listen to it for years. I believed it was yet another trending shot at Christianity. As I listened further my perception changed. I believe the song is more anti-establishmentarianism by addressing endless profitable war, control, and deception. Although, other interpretations are the song is about drug addiction, and indeed possibly a song about Christianity. Maybe all three? I prefer my interpretation as relevant to modern times. The genius is the possibility for all interpretations and the choice of interpretation.
  6. We might even just switch the plan to go Wednesday or Thursday. I personally wouldn't mind just getting QQ and not caring if some rides are station wait. But, my wife is always irritated when I do that. I'm betting Wednesdays or Thursdays will even be less busy than Fridays? We only go to 1-2 parks by ourselves per year, anymore. It's just as rewarding to take our four-year-old daughter on all of the children and family rides. But, seeing as these opportunities are rarities, I want to make it count.
  7. Casting of stones by the 21-year-old who talks to theme park characters. ??? Woah... The satire "wtf" was half in response to your random insertion of a story and half of a statement I'd never heard before: Chill on the coffee.
  8. I'm guessing the norm even on slow days this year includes consistent lines for Pantheon, DarkKoaster, and Le Scoot? Will QQ be a waste next Friday, or will we save a little time?
  9. (delayed) The debate. I don't want either one of them... one less than the other... but the debate. lol
  10. I'll play: Reasons I'm drunk. 1) It's Thursday. (appreciate your last point though)
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