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prozach626 last won the day on January 15

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About prozach626

  • Birthday 06/26/1985

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    On a two person ride with Flume Dog
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  1. Hopefully you'll get your answer quicker than the last poster.
  2. I kind of like the suspense the MCBR adds. It's like another first drop.
  3. LMFAO wrong thread. May they rest in peace tho am i rite?....
  4. Toronto had a really straight forward public transportation system between the street cars and subway. The city was very easy to navigate. We enjoyed our stay. Make sure you have international phone service. We found out we didn't when we crossed the border, so we had to buy a cheap burner at a Walmart.
  5. Should be good to go on a summer weekday with a Fastlane though.
  6. Unpopular opinion: Outer banked airtime hills feel awkward and uncomfortable. Not a fan.
  7. Maybe the wildfire will help clear the land. Six Flags must have influenced the 17 million dollar budget cut to the fire department.
  8. I think a Gravity Group retrack would make The Boss the premier coaster in the park. That's the kind of top-down improvement I can appreciate. Instead, I suspect we'll see more updates about new trash cans and painted shitter stalls.
  9. Rest assured, they're going to do the same thing with it that they have been doing.
  10. Maybe they'll go full blown Cedar Flags and just remove both of them to be replaced by a new attraction in 2028.
  11. I'd plan a visit specifically to experience it again. That said, it probably won't appeal to the masses enough to make a significant impact on attendance, so it may not be worth it.
  12. Sounds like a good time to reconfigure a Mr. Freeze train to launch facing forward.
  13. Maybe they were were crap for enthusiasts. Sky rides are nice relaxing rides for families. A lot of people praised Zumanjaro. I'm sure there will be a lot to be gained, but there was also some lost.
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