I’m no business expert, but my wife works in tax and said that the surcharge might not be considered “income”, so they don’t have to pay taxes on it… which is why they decided to not just raise the price and make it all-inclusive. I’d say she could be wrong, but that never seems to go over very well!
Regardless, the fact that everyone has to pay it is a pretty crappy move, especially when other parks in the area aren’t doing it (yet).
I have had my DE membership since 2019. When Covid occurred, I was given a free upgrade to VIP at that time with no increase in monthly payment. Since then, I have had two small increases. Not a big deal though. As it stands, I can use my membership at all legacy SF parks and waterparks, but not legacy CF parks. It will be interesting to see how long we will be allowed to keep these memberships. The 50% off merchandise is a great deal.
Wow, that basically erases the annual pass discount for the lower tiers. Now with them being strict about combining SeaWorld Bucks as well, it makes it a lot more frustrating.
I tightened my lug nuts today preparing for the 2025 season. What are you guys doing to prepare?
No pictures. Sorry.
Do you think we'll get a new chef with the kitchen equipment?
The thing about the memberships is they used to be the same price or even lower than the passes in total cost annually.
Now you HAVE to pay the $20 initiation fee which makes the first year of Gold $22 higher than the pass, and every year after is still $2 higher. And you still have to pay the All Park Passport all at once. I don’t think the membership is what it once was.
The Prestige membership is $6 lower annually than the pass, outside of that $20 initiation fee.
I'm still very very curious to see if the memberships survive past this season. Now that we are into the first full year of the merger I keep thinking they will come up with one pass to rule them all but I may be fruitlessly speculating; and I'm not necessarily wishing them to go away because the price we are locked in at for what we get is really a very good value, just a bit surprised they have lasted this long.
Despite what some on here might think or be sarcastic about; the updates on FB are very well received by the populace and as I've said before are only a win/win situation. If you think they are boring and/or not important, that's totally fine and I would recommend you not waste your time viewing or commenting on them. Spending a lot of time publicly and vociferously denouncing things really just says that it is actually important to you, or that you sadly crave attention in weird ways, or both, or whatever. For those that enjoy the updates, which seems to be the vast majority, they are good PR which only boosts the popularity of the park thus making it likely to increase interest/attendance which is beneficial for everyone in the end. Providing as much information as possible is usually not a bad thing.
The park got rid of the updates for closed rides, with what is closed and scheduled to be closed:
I guess they didn't want people to see that 40% of the non kids ride in the park are closed.
I'll raise you the carousel at SFStl. Give it four more years and you can be entertained by all the fanboys fiercely defending and justifying the delay, while you embrace your inner troll.