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SoCalJasonland last won the day on July 1

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About SoCalJasonland

  • Birthday 08/24/1969

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    Riverside, CA
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  1. Meanwhile not AI, but do you want your Six Flags Magic Mountain Psyclone to go? Me too.... Perhaps we could go back in time and put something else here that equally sucked? Even the Colossus had to go through conversion therapy: After all it is Playtime at SFNO. Aft Do you mean everything was underwater? Yep, but we did mention that everything is half-off?
  2. I have been an insurance adjuster. I wish I could make AI walk up a ladder, pull a tarp off a roof, take a bunch of photos and measurements, and write an estimate for me while I enjoy a White Claw before my Tesla drives me home. Fantasy world, but great to think of nonetheless. I was an insurance adjuster through a third-party for SFMM for a couple of years before they went bankrupt. Guess which ride made the most people scream.? Crap, I guess I just gave that away in the question The first image is a floor plan I created with LIDAR and a laptop program, and the second floor plan was completed by AI with a 3D camera submitted to Matterport. I never could have drawn the rounded stair or hall walls without it. Xactware is trying to get rid of us on the easy claims by allowing insureds to submit photos and then AI writes the easier repair estimate. I also get my estimates graded by AI and it sucks. I know it is AI because I get my estimate rejected almost as soon as I click submit It always states you can't add extra labor without an explanation but the explanation is always there.
  3. Do I have to actually type things correctly any more The future is getting scarry. Could you create a matterhorn mountain candy that looks like the actual ride from Dsineyland?
  4. I always wondered why they wouldn't come up with new exciting food items but I don't get motion sickness so I don't know if the parks want techno-coloered puke all over the place. I am guessing the direction will be 3D printed cupcakes or candy that look like rides, IPs, or recreations of park visitors. I would love to eat a cherry licorice string that was modeled into a Twisted Colossus.
  5. They don't tell us employees but can I interest you in a $100 line cutting pass today sir?
  6. could you design a digital marketing campain with four simulated photos of your proposed ride? ChatGPT Sure! Let's design a digital marketing campaign for the new roller coaster, featuring four simulated photos of the ride. Digital Marketing Campaign Campaign Name: "ThrillMax Coaster Adventure" 1. Campaign Objectives: Awareness: Introduce the new roller coaster to the public. Engagement: Encourage potential visitors to share the excitement on social media. Conversion: Drive ticket sales and park visits. 2. Target Audience: Demographics: Ages 12-40, thrill-seekers, families, amusement park enthusiasts. Geographic: Regional focus on nearby cities and towns. Psychographic: Adventure-loving, social media active, looking for unique experiences. 3. Key Messages: "Experience the ultimate thrill with ThrillMax!" "Three heart-pounding inversions await you!" "Safe, exhilarating fun for the whole family!" "Book your tickets now for an unforgettable adventure!" 4. Campaign Channels: Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter Email Marketing: Newsletter blasts to existing subscribers Online Ads: Google Ads, Social Media Ads Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with popular amusement park vloggers 5. Content Plan: Teaser Post: Photo 1: A stunning aerial view of the entire coaster layout. Caption: "Get ready for the ride of your life! ThrillMax is coming soon. Are you brave enough to ride?" Inversion Spotlight: Photo 2: A close-up of the first inversion, the vertical loop, with riders screaming in excitement. Caption: "Can you handle the G-forces? Our first inversion will have you screaming for more!" Zero-G Experience: Photo 3: A dynamic shot of the zero-g roll, showing riders with their hands up, experiencing weightlessness. Caption: "Feel the weightlessness in our zero-g roll! Experience ThrillMax like never before." Family Fun: Photo 4: A family exiting the ride, smiling and exhilarated, with the coaster in the background. Caption: "Fun for the whole family! ThrillMax offers an adventure everyone will enjoy. Get your tickets now!" 6. Simulated Photos Description: Aerial View: Image: High-angle shot of the entire coaster layout, showing the lift hill, loops, zero-g roll, and other elements. Description: Wide view, vibrant colors, showcasing the full layout and excitement. Vertical Loop Close-Up: Image: Riders in the middle of the vertical loop, expressions of thrill and excitement visible. Description: Dynamic, close-up shot, emphasizing the height and intensity of the loop. Zero-G Roll Action: Image: Riders mid-roll, capturing the moment of weightlessness, with blue sky and coaster tracks in the background. Description: Action shot, highlighting the sensation of zero gravity. Family Exit: Image: Smiling family walking away from the ride, with the coaster visible behind them. Description: Happy, relaxed atmosphere, showcasing the coaster as a fun experience for all ages. Generating Simulated Photos I'll generate these four simulated photos for you. Let's start with the first one: 1. Aerial View of the Coaster Layout I'll generate this image first. I can’t create images right now. Can I help you with something else? If you need more details for the campaign or any other assistance, feel free to let me know! WTF!!!
  7. I only typed the bolded parts: ChatGPT could you design a steel roller coaster layout that fits in a 90 by 90 meter property and has three inversions but does not exceed 1.5 g-force in laterial g forces and no more than neagative 1 g in g foces and not more than positive 4 g forces? ChatGPT Certainly! Designing a roller coaster involves several key components: the track layout, height, speed, and elements such as inversions and turns. Here is a basic layout for a steel roller coaster that fits within a 90 by 90 meter area and adheres to the specified g-force constraints. Layout Description 1. Station and Lift Hill The coaster begins at the station located in one corner of the property. A lift hill starts immediately after the station and rises to a height of 30 meters. 2. First Drop and Loop After the lift hill, the coaster drops steeply, reaching its maximum speed. The first inversion is a vertical loop, carefully designed to ensure g-forces stay within limits (positive g-force up to 4g at the base of the loop). 3. Camelback and Zero-G Roll Following the loop, the track goes into a camelback hill, providing a moment of airtime (negative g-forces up to -1g). A zero-g roll comes next, offering a moment of weightlessness. 4. Banked Turn and Corkscrew The track then transitions into a large, sweeping banked turn to the right, maintaining lateral g-forces under 1.5g. This is followed by a corkscrew inversion, carefully designed to keep the lateral and positive g-forces within safe limits. 5. Helix and Brake Run After the corkscrew, the track goes into a downward helix, gradually reducing speed and keeping lateral g-forces low. The final section is a series of gentle turns and dips leading into the brake run and back to the station. Key Dimensions and Forces Total Track Length: Approximately 600 meters Max Height: 30 meters Max Speed: 80 km/h Max Positive G-Force: 4g Max Negative G-Force: -1g Max Lateral G-Force: 1.5g Visualization The layout can be visualized as follows: Station (Bottom-left corner) Lift Hill (Diagonal towards top-right) First Drop and Loop (Centered, Loop around the middle) Camelback and Zero-G Roll (Straight, parallel to the lift hill) Banked Turn and Corkscrew (Top-left corner) Helix and Brake Run (Bottom-right corner, returning to the station) Would you like a more detailed diagram or any adjustments to the design? 4o yes ChatGPT Let's break down the detailed diagram step by step. 1. Station and Lift Hill Location: Bottom-left corner. Direction: Lift hill diagonally towards the top-right corner. Height: 30 meters. 2. First Drop and Loop Drop: Steep drop right after the lift hill. Loop: Located centrally, with the base at the center of the property. Height: Loop height around 20 meters to ensure g-forces are within limits. 3. Camelback and Zero-G Roll Camelback Hill: Follows the loop, running parallel to the lift hill. Zero-G Roll: Directly after the camelback hill. 4. Banked Turn and Corkscrew Banked Turn: Large turn to the right, situated in the top-left corner. Corkscrew: Positioned immediately after the banked turn. 5. Helix and Brake Run Helix: Downward spiral situated in the bottom-right corner. Brake Run: Series of gentle turns leading back to the station. Diagram Representation Top View plaintext Copy code +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Banked Turn Corkscrew | | | | | | | | | | Loop | | Camelback -> Zero-G Roll | | / | | Lift Hill | | | | | | | | Helix Brake Run | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ Station Key Points: Station: Bottom-left corner, starting point. Lift Hill: Diagonal towards the top-right. First Drop: Steep drop leading into a centrally located loop. Camelback Hill and Zero-G Roll: Parallel to the lift hill. Banked Turn: Located in the top-left corner. Corkscrew: Following the banked turn. Helix: Positioned in the bottom-right corner. Brake Run: Gentle turns leading back to the station. This layout ensures the roller coaster fits within the 90 by 90 meter property and adheres to the specified g-force constraints. If you have any further modifications or need more detailed specifications, let me know! WTF
  8. I would think you could edit out most of the straight sections. Stop it from operating in a block mode for a day and let the luggage run into each othe, etc.. for filming. It is definately too long of video but I couldn't find a shorter version, so I would skip to hlaf way through the video if you get bored. I just assumed the conveyor belt traveled in a circle to the other side of the wall and baggage was then thrown on a cart and driven to the plane. I had no idea that there were miles of merging converyor belts with automated sorting gates under the airport.
  9. I had Chat GPT analyze the income statements for Cedar Fair and Six Flags for their reporting periods from their annual reports. 2023 was one of the worst years for profit margins for each chain since COVID-19 closures. They both have too much debt and their corporate bonds keep resetting at higher interest rates. You can also see the decline in book value or equity for each company. Budget cuts are coming since post-pandemic revenue's return hasn't rresulted in equal income increases. These numbers are in millions so for example 2016 Ceadr Fair would be $1,289,000,000 in revenue with $178,000,000 in net income or 13.81% net profit margin. It would be their third highest year of profit margin with 2022 being first with 2017 being second. For some reason it left of number 10 on the Six Flags rankings but pretty good otherwise. My oringal post has been moved from SFMM to this more appropriate forrum. These are the links to the PDFs of the stock reports where I obtained screen prints of the imcome statments. Both were from BofA Merril Lynch. fun stock report.pdf six stock report.pdf
  10. Someone pulled a Robb and put a camera on top of a piece of luggage at the airport to film an interesting POV video of a wild ride through conveyor belts and sorting gates through the airport. You even get to ride through the X-ray machine. Now for this to be a ride, they would need extra stunt luggage for near misses and activate more of the sorting gates but it is not boring on its base. Plus the motion simulator would need to tile, vibrate, and have sudden jolts, with a good sound system it might be fun. POV: You're a bag that was just checked at the airport
  11. On the bright side of AI there is DALL·E that helped me with Monet inspired Disney / Paris / Olympics wallpapers for my phone and laptop. Thanks for public domain I don't understand if AI knows the differnce in table top designs in a cafe? Round vs square??? A couch in a restaurant? Still better than I could draw.
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