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About Nrthwnd

  • Birthday 03/30/1953


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    Vancouver, Can'eh'da
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  1. Rant #2 - Mr. T (never a Prez to me) disses Canada left, right and centre? .... May I remind him that on 9/11/2001, the town of Gander, Newfoundland, CANADA, took several thousand people in, from diverted passenger planes from everywhere, including A LOT of American Passengers, and helped them be as comfortable as they could, thru this immediate crisis. With housing, food, a lot of necessary bathroom items... and love and support. For shame, Mr. Trump.
  2. Canadian customers are starting to abstain (cancel) from buying any product (food, booze, clothing, planned Trips to Orlando!) that have come from the USA.... It's a National Rant! Hmmm. Wonder what caused/started all that?
  3. ^ Well, you never know. What is bothering me, that Seasons 2 & 3 of the U.S. version are still not available in Blue-Ray DVD style. Grrr. That said, I know you just posted about it all streamlining, etc. But I still get a bit of a kick to actually have a "tangible" (is that the right word?) form, i.e. able to hold the casing w/ what's enclosed. We have enjoyed figuring out who is who in regards to both series. We felt that the Burned Not-Witch (w/not much in her head), and Flower. And other than "pants off" it would be nice to see more of that...um... headless stuff, lol. By the way, wasn't there a headless character in U.S. version? In the beginning season? Rode a motorcycle, heh. These are both fun series to us. Worth Emmy Noms, wouldn't you agree? Talk about Ensemble Casting! (Haven't mentioned, but including alllll of those basement ghosts, too LOL.)
  4. We just started watching DVDs of the original "GHOSTS", from the UK. And seeing the first two episodes of their first season (they did 5, with Christmas specials!), were really fun. Easily laughable jokes here and there. And obviously interesting to compare this original series to the U.S. version, now in it's fourth (?) season. Worth buying if available, I would say.
  5. Just thought about it - but Playland's "season" is only a few months in the year, if that, and then the PNE is on the last two weeks of August. So... Since in May (starting on the 17th), it's open only weekends. Then in June it starts adding more open days to the schedule. But still .... I think I remember once, Playland advertised it's season as 88+ days. Not counting the PNE itself, which sells ride passes at a higher price, and the season passes aren't eligible during the Fair. And after all of this is said, I am wondering if any other park in North America, has this short a season? 2-2/12 months? Just curious.
  6. We just saw the touring production of Beetlejuice last night. Pretty good show, although I really didn't hear any standout song, etc. in it's score. Everybody was great in their parts, but sometimes, the dialogue was going so fast, that key jokes and plot stuff were missed by us. Probably an age thing, heh. Anyway, the actual Best Part of the evening for me, was this patron who passed by me, looked back, and saw my t-shirt from a touring production of Come From Away, which has been here a couple of times. His eyes lit up, and his first remark to me was "have you seen the show?" I told him I had actually seen all the tours (2-3?) that had come thru town. And the t-shirt was from the second tour, here. He then gushed and went on to tell me he was a real Super Fan of the show, had seen it in New York several times during it's fun, actually went to Gander Nfld. where the story actually took place, for the company`s special showing to the residents of Gander, with thanks for their kindness, back on 9/11. That must have been awesome to see and feel. The topper to all this, was he has seen the show 36 times! Total shock for me. My big numbers were: 16 times to the first touring production of A Chorus Line. It ran for a full month here, which is very unusual for any touring show during the late `70s, (TRIVIA: In the cast was future "Frasier"'s x-wife Lillith, Bebe Neuwirth! She sang the "I could never really sing" number. And local performing Canadian legend Jeff Hyslop, singing "I can do that,") and 19 times seeing the film of CHICAGO. And...... that's it for myself. It was a really nice way to remember the evening and the show. And the next touring show for us is TINA: The Tina Turner Musical. Near the end of March. Very much looking forward to it!
  7. ^ It's also a great view, of where everything is! (roughly)
  8. Drayton Manor was an interesting park. From the skyride, that took you "there and back", to the well hidden Haunted Swing attraction (UFO theming, back then). But there was that (then) stand up coaster. Ugh. Very hurtful to tender parts of the male body. Great TR of what you experienced there, Bert. Not bad for only five hours' visit. And .... Yeah, I liked him. too! TPR 2006 UK Tour.
  9. Just heard a nice Bob Dylan lyric ... But immediately .... I forgot it. EDIT: I remembered! "Like a corkscrew in my heart..."
  10. Acclaimed director, David Lynch passed away this morning Nominated for several Directing Oscars. Known for Blue Velvet, The Elephant Man, Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive... and of course, the original DUNE. A very unique U.S. Director. He will be missed.
  11. After now seeing WICKED, and eventually, awaiting WICKED: For Good, it occurred to me that maybe Part 1 should have it's own 'tag line'. For that, I referred to the lyrics that Madame Morrible sings to Elphaba, before Elphaba launches into "The Wizard and I." Morrible's last lyric is "You'll be making good." So why not list the#1 film as WICKED: Making Good.... ? Kind of ironic, that we all know where trying to "make good" at Zhiz, got Elphaba, hmmm? Works for me.
  12. That cheese and pasta is definitely something to fall in with. And that dug out wheel of cheese! Amazing. And I think I've been on a few of those Skyloops. Once in China, another in Finland.... lots of fun, for myself I remember. Your ongoing tour's looking great! Looking forward to more.
  13. Four musicals have/had announced their intent to produce a Cast Album/CD. One of them, Swept Away, has unfortunately already closed, but I'm still hoping that they do release a cast album for posterity's sake. The second one, Once Upon A Mattress, has just recently closed their limited run, but they just announced a Cast Album will be produced and available at the end of March! #3..... Death Becomes Her ..... (since opening in late Nov.) finally announced a cast album to be produced. And the fourth, is one of the most-talked-about musicals this season, Maybe Happy Ending, with Darren Criss starring as a helper-bot.... Most excellent!
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