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Everything posted by Nrthwnd

  1. ^ To myself, IMhO, it looks like Option #2 could be your best bet, for fulfilling your son's Disney needs, etc. You don't have to reserve a lot of stuff, so it's a bit easier for yourself. And helps you enjoy this visit, even more.
  2. Tagadas Forever!!! And I still want one of those mini-Tagadas! Too cute to pass up.
  3. Just saw the touring production of FROZEN on Wednesday night. And we were blown away by how much 'production' they put into this! Since it was a touring show, things like trap doors, revolving stuff, etc. can't happen, unless you pay A LOT to have it done. Anyway... All the leads were awesome, the chorus was amazing, and once again, I was exhausted watching allllll the choreography. Really excellent dancing. And after Elsa did her "9 o'clock number" <grin> of "Let It Go", ending Act 1, complete with the onstage dress change .... including myself, several people around us were commenting... "Now THAT's the way to end Act 1!" It was stunning to watch, even though I knew it was coming. And .... apparently this was one of Caroline (Elsa) Bowman's last performances with this tour, with a new Elsa taking over in a few weeks. So glad we got to see and hear her. I've known about her being Elsa for several months now, due to postings by Broadway.com . She is/was a powerhouse singer! This was also one of the very few touring shows (and there have been quite a few these past couple of seasons) who sold an actual Souvenir Program, along with the usual t-shirts, and related souvenirs. Cost $30 (cdn) but it was so nice to finally have one. Front of the program w/o the tag line.
  4. This just in .... "ThunderVolt – Opening Saturday" And .... there it is!
  5. And now, after that great video on Dark Universe ...... IMhO, Universal has beaten Disney, for the All-Villains Park/Land/etc. concept. So will Disney (finally) ante up and put their own Villains Land together (question mark HERE; Im having one of those days, here)
  6. ^ ...Yeah, and still there will be idiot parents ignoring all the warnings about the ride, and take Junior on it. And remember: one complaint is worth a thousand compliments, right? One complaint always seems to negate positive comments, I've seen. I hope Universal sticks to their (pardon) guns, and take no shit from such parents.
  7. Whew! That was quite The Show, last night! A good number of first time nominees getting their TONY on the first try, lol. Good for them! And "Everything TONY" can be had at the official site, itself .... https://www.tonyawards.com/ The winner of the 2024 Best Musical. Congrats!
  8. Wow. Amazing that it held together more than 35 years of operation! And for my two visits there with TPR. (2009, 2014)
  9. Tonight's the night! And I really have no idea who might win. Stay tuned till then.
  10. Happy June! Summer is (hopefully) just around the corner!
  11. Hmmmmph. Another very VERY RAINY weekend, here. I wouldn't be surprised if Playland closed early today, because of the torrent of rain (almost like a monsoon, truth!) falling now. So I skipped this visit. Hopefully we get back to the sunshine kind of day we all love, next weekend, lol. EDIT to add: Haven't gone back to Playland since that first day visit. Rainy weather these past few weekends. I did it in the rain for TPR tours, but not this time, heh. Will probably wait until the schedule expands to five days a week, starting in July. Additional EDIT: "And then he fell down..." On the 9th I "kissed the pavement" with my whole body, and have been recovering ever since. Very painful, and NOT for coaster riding at this point in time. Hopefully, maybe, this coming weekend (29-30th) I'll be better to visit the park. Maybe.
  12. Good for you! Sadly, I won't be able to make any travel plans for myself, until ..... 2026. We're hoping to do a last visit to Amsterdam and Paris .... and Disney of course. And then, The Big Trip, to Tokyo Disney Resort, when the rebuild of Space Mountain is complete and open. Probably 2028 0r '29. We hope.
  13. Great TR of a park I've never heard of! Thanks for sharing your trip there.
  14. This one is just called "Friends."
  15. Here's another, for the month of .....
  16. At the same time as buying and getting ^ the above here, I also purchased one of those "Mystery Box Sets" where individual boxes are sold 'blind,' as they say. But a lot of sellers on eBay are selling the entire set of boxes, which sometimes feature a "mystery figure" in black profile. This set of TDL restaurant, is a fave of mine, when I've been to TDLR. The Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall in Fantasyland, is a great buffet-style restaurant. Andplenty of help to help you find a good table, etc. The box it all comes in. What you get. SPOILER ALERT! ............................ The mystery piece is a food tray with food on it. First time in the place - TPR 2007 Japan Tour. w/Mike and Peter enjoying our food trays.... What David and I shared, at the Banquet Hall in 2013 (TPR Tour). There was enough of everything to share!
  17. Forgot to add to the TR. They give you a Digital Copy # of the onride photo, taken. So here's a better look at myself - and check out that caption. The t-shirts came out when AtmosFEAR first opened. The gift shop, sadly, is no more. But with ThunderVOLT opening soon, who knows? Maybe they'll actually open a new gift shop, with the revamp of the Games Arcade .... along with the Ride Side Bar 2.0
  18. Opening Day at Playland ~ May 18/24 Rain had been falling on and off through the morning. No big deal. But my intentions were to just tour around the park, maybe get something to eat and drink, and just see what's changed (if anything) since last year. The first surprise was that all the games arcade was blocked off, and to be eventually rebuilt (the facades), assuming they're going to get it done by the time the actual PNE Fair happens, mid-August. The other surprise was that the entire row of buildings on the north side of the park, including my go-to drinking spot, the Ride Side Bar, was demolished, leaving space for the upcoming new concert amphitheatre being built. <grrr> Got a couple of rides done, food at the White Spot place, an onride pic from the Kettle Creek Mine coaster... and that was it. Both Coaster and the new ThunderVOLT weren't open. And the new coaster wasn't going to be open until July. <sighs> Until then, here's my pix... Waiting to go in. Testing, testing. The new flyer and park map. The usual plug for the upcoming August Fair. The map. A better showing of the map, on the wall of Customer Service. Not a huge crowd today. "I spy, with my little eye, something that is ....yellow." What's this? What's this? The young woman at the Snack Shack told me about the renovation they're doing with all the facades of the Games Arcade. Still testing. All blocked off. Yay. And nothing's been done with this building since .... several years ago? The Haunted Mansion wasn't going to open, until the afternoon. I was there between 11am and noon. \ This was the closest I could get to ThunderVOLT. And more green fences here. And the entire north end of the buildings .... all gone. Including my bar <sniff> I'm hoping they put it into the new arcade being rebuilt on the east side of Playland. Does anyone use the word "fly" anymore? Sky Bender was open. West Coast Wheel wasn't open - and missing a few ride buckets, too. The best landscaping of the park was here. Where the Honey Bee Express train travels around. I think the Kettle Creek Coaster sign needs a bit of a touch up, yes? No? All things considered, it's a pretty good coaster for anyone, kids and adults alike. They re-opened the Scrambler in it's original spot. Was down all last season. The White Spot eating spot. Really not that busy all the time I was there. In Canadian $$$. Pretty reasonable in American $$$, I thought. What I got: a bacon-cheese burger, fries, and a nice thick blueberry milkshake. Lots of bacon and cheese.... yum! After eating, a bit more strolling. This is the free Mini-Golf attraction. Not too busy right now. And Coaster. "Closed until further notice." Okay.... time to leave. The onride photo... ...on the Kettle Creek Coaster. And that's it, till next weekend's visit.....
  19. Cast CD Release Note! Not trying to take anything away from the chat on "Wicked", but I'm reminding everyone with the "slightest interest" in musicals by an "up and comer"...... Stephen Sondheim .... that his last written score that was produced this past fall... HERE WE ARE is being released this Saturday thru Amazon. (I put my order in for it, a few weeks ago.) And here's the quote from Amazon about it.... This quote is found only at the Amazon.com site HWA page. ...and check out the Cast and Production Team of this thing! Stellar, IMhO And Amazon.co.uk is only selling an MP3 of one song, for now. BUT it includes on that page, a wonderful all-inclusive BIO of Steve, all of his work noted, right there! Breathtaking!
  20. Well, judging by the trailer, they certainly put a ton of $$$$ into it. Looking forward to seeing Part 1 this fall/winter.
  21. This is "a bit late" here, but these are the photos I took, when KOOZA returned to town last November. And again, we had the VIP tickets, which in my mind is still a great deal for what you get. Free food, drinks, private entry into the grand chapiteau, outdoor terrace, separate bathrooms from the gp's, and free souvenirs, including the programme, etc. Almost there. Yep, we're at the right place. The photo op to show we were there. BC Place Stadium behind the main tent. Swag to buy. I got the KOOZA t-shirt, in a much larger size, lol. And the food kept coming and coming and..... Open bar, too. A couple of cast members are always available for photo ops, before the show begins. The gp in their own entryway. Busy, busy. Just before it all starts. Start of The Bows. The whole show was wonderful! Acknowledging the band up there. . It's fuzzy, but the band is there! Final bows and goodbyes. "Until we (VIP) meet again....Dec. (Friday The)13th.....ECHO."
  22. A couple of years later.... Just bought this thru eBay. It's a wonderful mini of Tokyo Disneyland's Space Mountain, in recognition of it's "Final Ignition." Which will be at the end of July, when it closes for good, and is re-imagined and rebuilt (and moved back several hundred feet), for a 2027(?) opening. When you remove the Mountain itself off the base, the light show can be projected on the ceiling. A very cool souvenir. The box. What it can do. Mine, lit up. Pretty.
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