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About Halian

  • Birthday 05/29/1994

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    Central Florida
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  1. I miss theme parks. I haven't been to any of them in ages due to a combination of the pandemic, my weight, multiple leg injuries, and the skyrocketing costs of having fun. ;-;
  2. Typical private equity behavior from our friends at UP&E: squeeze everything to the bone and beyond to make line go up faster. Enshittification has come to the theme park industry. Unrelated to that, I think their practice of surge-pricing ECVs is completely and utterly disgusting. (Thankfully, I have a power wheelchair of my own now, after leg injuries severely hampered my mobility.)
  3. I still need to play the original PlanCo for more than five minutes. .w. ADHD too stronk.
  4. I hope they don't get rid of Dinosaur, but I'm not at all optimistic given recent Disney.
  5. Disneyland - Not yet Walt Disney World - 1996 Tokyo Disneyland Resort - Not yet ️ Disneyland Paris - Not yet Hong Kong Disneyland - Not yet ️ Shanghai Disneyland - Not yet
  6. Never. When was the last time you attended an American football game?
  7. I think they should have overhauled DisneyQuest instead, but I'm not sure how much of that opinion is owed to ① not being an NBA fan ② being underwhelmed by NBA City at Universal.
  8. Never. o_o When was the last time you rode a coaster that is currently (2019-03-25) demolished or SBNO?
  9. It's pretty great, but not my favorite vaporwave album; that's “One Hundred Mornings” by Windows彡96.
  10. SimCity (2013). What is the worst meal you've ever eaten?
  11. The upgrades coming to Epcot make me go . I just wish Japan were getting a ride, too.
  12. The Living Daylights. Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest?
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