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About KICoasterkev

  • Birthday 07/14/1979

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  1. I just saw this too a little bit ago, so sorry to hear for the family. Prayers
  2. That’s terrible, I hope he makes it but it’s 100% on him, material things can wait till later when the park closes and they can look for it safely!
  3. I saw they just opened it about an hour ago, so have fun!
  4. The park announced last week a new Food & Wine Festival running through June 6th - 30th, Fridays and Saturdays with live entertainment as well, I might go and check it out. The new part of Camp Snoopy is set to open here very soon on the 24th, so can’t wait to check that out as well, it looks great from the pics and videos online.
  5. Everything is looking great for the new area; the new coaster is going to be a hit for sure!
  6. The last piece of track was installed Monday for the new coaster!
  7. Well this is interesting, looks like the Character Carousel in Planet Snoopy is removed, my guess is it’s being updated maybe with new characters and cleaning it up. KI’s really going all out to make 2024 the best PS’s ever been!
  8. Big Six Flags shareholder comes out against the deal! https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231102687497/en/Significant-Six-Flags-Shareholder-Land-Buildings-Issues-Statement-on-the-Company’s-Proposed-Merger-with-Cedar-Fair?fbclid=IwAR0JC09AOH2kxbq0SzwmFCiV51PN9hN44GNH1XBDlFsYCWRomXXqgXGk9us
  9. I can see CF buying a few of the better SF parks like FT or GA, but I don't know about merging the whole company together, some parks might get sold or worse close. I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow.
  10. Looks like the park is having an announcement tomorrow morning for 2024. Can’t wait! https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/1689405642522423296?s=46&t=Od9lnKFDojSiYl37cPMwlg
  11. Looks like Cargo Loco and Adventure Express is opening today. Can't wait to visit in July!
  12. Yeah, same here, I would have made it to 17, or at least 16. If this continues, I hope they go all the way up to 17.
  13. Good job KI! They added a lot more security, it still happens, guests started being more aware and letting the park know about unruly behavior, it still happens, the park was patient, looks like their patients has worn out. I just saw that Carowinds is doing the same thing.
  14. Crazy, here we go again, some people have no clue how to behave at all.
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