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thepoint4life23 last won the day on December 21 2023

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About thepoint4life23

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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    Westerville, OH
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  1. I feel like at this point Rattle is more like a door panel sound in your car. Its not doing anything you just hear it.
  2. You stop at guest services when you get to the park. Two or 3 people wait in line when you exit the ride you give a ride hose the book they mark it and you hand that too the non riders and they go up the exit show the booklet and they let them ride. I would figure that's how they do it since they do it at cedar point and Kings island. They can most likely meet you at the exit.
  3. I look at this as Forbidden Journey meets Alien Encounter but you know made with modern day Tech. We all Know how Alien Encounter ended granted this was ahead of its time and not sure why Disney do this in the first place lol.
  4. People on the ride said they hit a deer or some kind of animal. I get it you want to get home but waiting 2 more hours would of been fine.
  5. Budgeting for the land is less my concern as people not understand what the ride is and little kids getting scared and cry and they yell at universal and they tame it down.
  6. It's like they built the Kong Animatronic as a test to see what they can do.
  7. Still two weeks for it to get blocked. I am just interested to see what happens with my stock prices if this happens.
  8. That is what i am trying to figure out if i should drive to Louisville stay the night drive to Holiday world. Then next morning do KK and head back home the 3 hours after half a day at KK. Good to know about signal ridder for the big slides.
  9. I stopped at the bridge last year its pretty awesome to see. I didn't know about the tour that sounds amazing. Good trip report thanks for sharing Do you find a good lunch spot in Sandusky?
  10. Finally time for me to visit Holiday world and I have a few questions. I am going to go sometime in July but how long do the line for the roller coaster get on a weekend vs say a Friday? I will be knocking out Kentucky kingdoms and Holiday world in the same weekend so trying to figure out what order to do the parks. Looks like they have no Liner skipper system so just trying to wait as little as I can. I will do some of the water park but most likely will not be doing any of the well known water slides due to have kids and not having a way to leave them alone. Besides the coasters and The Turkey dark ride any hidden gems I need to hit. With that does Holiday world have a Parent swap system. Robb and Elissa what's the name of the German restaurant you stopped at on your way to the park from Ohio?
  11. That was Tony Clark and testing was seen one night also. Been pretty silent since and also saw that the testing might of just been on one car to see how the new parts hold up. might hear more this week.
  12. I wonder if it's all the trains or if its just one train so they can test make sure it will work before they manufacture the rest.
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