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thepoint4life23 last won the day on October 10 2024

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About thepoint4life23

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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    Westerville, OH
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  1. This is a very Cedar fairs name change. Chupacabra is a more known name they do love random myologically creatures that known has heard of till they name a coaster after it. Goliath was just to simple
  2. Maybe they are trying to get stuff figured out before Spring break season.
  3. I saw someone posted that on a Youtube video where is the picture coming ?
  4. As long as they make it look less like a random coaster in a field.
  5. I have to agree with you on Rise. Maybe its that I waited to long or really wanted more out of it, but I got off it expecting more out of it. I know a few things didn't work but over all liked Flight of Passage better. I will say the door opening and walking out into the stair destroyer is a pretty epic movement and the AT/At in the ride but i still felt Flight of passage was better
  6. For as many rides as kings island has and how busy it gets this time of year no way they should be less then $150. Funny you said something about a third Tier. I am by no means rich but I am getting to the point where i start looking at the price of VIP tours and think it much just be worth spending the money. I think Holliday words was like $300 bucks and when I left said I will come back but I will only do it with a VIP tour. Its what is my time worth. Its also a way i can do everything i want and not be away from the kids and wife as much. Might be something that more parks do or find a new benefit. That's what Disney is doing and everyone is mad about the price but the people staying at the top hotels can most likely afford it. The point is to limit it and to price large % of people out.
  7. My Daughter keeps asking me to ride the big coasters with her when she is bigger. i feel like its going to take 2-3 years for her to go from 40 to 48". Till then i wont do much riding or new parks. How much was fast lane? I know this time of year at cedar point its around $200 but it still sells out They could really charge more as at both parks its the busy they get all year.
  8. Seems like They are in no hurry to get this built. I figured they would of start ground work or something but nothing yet. This is the most six flags thing yet. Hopefully They don't wait till the end of October to start.
  9. I heard this was the one going to Six flags Mexico. Interested to hear me details on this. Ride should be fun. worried about how long the line will be for this. Happy to see them finally doing something with this dirt. Does this ride have a theme of pissed off mermaids?
  10. Feel it might be a slide for the water park like what Kings island got. Or finally the Aqua track we have been talking about since 2002
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