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KBrylczyk last won the day on February 2

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About KBrylczyk

  • Birthday 10/17/1985


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    I would like to buy a vowel

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  1. Good news, but also I guess I can't count on getting on Dragon Mountain during my road trip to Canada's Wonderland this year.
  2. Glad to see that something is FINALLY coming out of that rumor for Courthouse Square. I recall years ago seeing murmurings of them making it a regular stop for the backlot tour, but at night they'd re-enact the DeLorean being sent back via lightning strike, with an actual DeLorean (recreation, I'm sure) speeding through the street and disappearing in a flash of light and fire. This was back when I still lived in Vegas and I eagerly waited for an announcement that never came. Everything else listed seems rather mediocre, more or less a port of the things they do as USJ where you can look at some props and recreations of sets but nothing really engaging. I'm hoping the Star Trek thing is more or less a rebuild of the Star Trek Experience from the Vegas Hilton. Both attractions offered there were top notch, even though they ended in a simple simulator or 4D movie. The overall experience of being beamed up and walking through the Enterprise as it came under attack was extremely immersive and well-done.
  3. I'm no expert for Great America, only saying what I've witnessed the past two years. 2023 I was able to bang out a good chunk of rides but still missed Maxx Force, Viper, American Eagle, Demon, Batman, Flash, Superman, Dark Knight, etc. I skipped most of those, though, because they were carrying a 45+ minute wait all day and they're rides I've done plenty of times at other Six Flags parks, so no big deal. 2024 was more or less the same, but I prioritized Maxx Force, Viper, and American Eagle as they're unique to the park and I hadn't ridden them. I'm 2.5-3 hours south of the park. Even with a season pass both years I only went once each year. For context, I went to Great Adventure multiple times both years (we visit family in Jersey 3-5 times annually) and was able to make those shorter, half-day or less visits and I was still able to bang out nearly the entire park each time, including MULTIPLE laps on star attractions like Toro, Jersey Devil, and Ka. Great America I've spent the entire day at the park and hardly made a dent both times. Great America has potential and has a great lineup of coasters and flats, but operations have soured me to the park. I'd much rather drive the 2-ish hours to Six Flags St Louis and go buckwild there all day like I did last year. Mr. Freeze and The Boss are more than worth the trip alone and, hot take, are better rides than 90% of what Great America offers. Yeah, I said it. Goliath and, to a lesser extent, Maxx Force, are the only truly standout attractions at Great America. The other rides are plenty fun but kinda boilerplate since they have so many clones.
  4. If the weather is nice? You're screwed unless you pay for Fast Lane. If the weather is gray or damp? You're all set. Operations are, frankly, bad. A station wait for American Eagle still took 15 minutes when I visited this past October. I straight-up skipped Goliath WITH a Fast Lane reservation because operations were so horrible. The Fast Lane line was down the stairs and didn't move at all for over ten minutes. Maxx Force? Prepare to wait for a long time while you keep watching them dispatch one train every five minutes with six empty seats as you slowly fill with rage. Raging Bull is, in my experience, the only ride in the park that pumps people through consistently. I stood in line through most of the switchbacks and it only took 20-30 minutes to get a backseat ride. Viper wasn't too bad, either, but the ride itself is still Viper, so do with that information what you will.
  5. All said and done, they're clearing out a truly incredible amount of land with these removals, most of which are around the Boardwalk section. Considering they've teased something huge for 2026 it makes me think they have something truly special coming that's going to be massive and sprawling. Or we'll just get the CGA scraps. That's probably it. Either way, I'm not crying over any of these removals. Green Lantern - Trash. Twister - Only ever runs on the trash program. The only time this ride was worth a look was when I ran it 22 years ago and changed the program to something that was, you know, thrilling. Instead it was just used as a weird ferris wheel with brakes. Dare Devil Dive - Upcharge trash. Cyborg - Trash squared. Kingda Ka - Always has been a one-trick pony, but recent years have seen it become an inhospitable one-trick pony that would love to give you Shaken Baby Syndrome as an adult. Bye, Felicia. Zumanjaro - Nice for a quiet stroll through the trees, the actual ride was shockingly ineffective as a drop tower, though. If you were lucky enough to be at height when Ka launched it got funky but honestly I'd take literally any other drop tower over this one. Any. Skyway - This has been unreliable for so long I actually forgot it existed between visits. No loss. Parachutes - The only removal I'm feeling a modicum of sadness about, and that's only because it's been there since before I was born and it was the first tall ride I ever had the chutzpah to go on. Now bring on whatever the future holds and hopefully we can dethrone Saudi Arabia.
  6. Surf coaster dive machine cars. Then they're gonna change the name to Dr. Diabolical's Cliffjumper. Continuing to follow in SFOG's footsteps, they're also going to repaint the ride and have it SBNO for a full year.
  7. Au contraire, I'm almost 40 and want this thing to beat me into submission every time. Makes me feel alive, baby! ...I may be realizing I have a slight BDSM fetish...
  8. Yep, and they've pulled back the evacuation warning zone a few miles, as well. Currently it's only going as far south as Tapia Canyon Road (well, just barely south of it). The evacuation warning boundary was originally the intersection of I-5 and SR-126. https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/2025/1/22/hughes-fire
  9. They're really trying hard to get people excited about this large wet blanket.
  10. Holy crapola, that's larger than I expected. Talocan is 43' 4" tall. Even adding the 16' structure as a base, that only gets you to 61' tall. Big beefy boy, it seems. Still no Tomb Raider: The Ride, though. It's a crime that we didn't see more of those get built. Kings Island never should have murdered it, or at the very least they could have, I dunno, DONE SOMETHING TO THE BUILDING! I digress. Let's get back to being bigger than Talocan. Like, damn, dude, this thing is gonna get wacky. Here's an exact quote from myself while riding Talocan - Yeah, I love that thing. Full steam ahead, Alton Towers!
  11. Glad to see they're getting serious about this park's future with all this investment. It's nice to know there's going to be other things to do when GeForce is broken in the afternoon...and morning...and evening...
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