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CedarFlags last won the day on June 10 2024

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About CedarFlags

  • Birthday 05/20/1989

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    So Cal
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  1. Love the switch to Chupacabra. Goliath never made sense as a name for that ride, and Chupacabra fits the theme of the area inside the park and the culture of the area of the park itself.
  2. Random thing I've noticed on my handful of trips to Disneyland this year. It seems like some attractions have too many vehicles on the track and I don't understand what the point of it is. The ones I really noticed were: Runaway Railway - Each time I rode it, we double-stacked in the picnic room behind a train that was also waiting to get into the unload platform. Pirates - Boats are constantly clogging up both before and after the lift hill. Lats visit it was so bad that we got stopped before the jail cell scene. Indy - We got stopped inside the boulder room, and then again at the final animatronic. Totally killed the finale. So... what's the deal? I understand not wanting to lose capacity, but when you are double/triple stacking vehicles (or more), there's obviously no benefit to rider throughput. It just screws with the on ride experience.
  3. Not to be too pedantic about it, but Jinma has four tilt coasters operating in China right now and Vekoma already finished building Iron Rattler in Qiddiya. Plus Winja's at Phantasialand and Gringott's at Universal Orlando both have tilt sections.
  4. I'm sure it'll be a great time overall, but i-Rat is one of the big RMCs that people become obsessed with, so I really don't wanna miss it. And I care about Goliath because it's a historical credit (former SF New Orleans), and I've never been on one of the right-turning mirror image B:TR clones.
  5. Man I really hope that Goliath AND I-Rat aren't down in 3 weeks when I go for my first time...
  6. Website still shows IRat as down for "enhancements in progress". What do we think the odds are that it's back in action by next month?
  7. Anyone checked on the progress for Fright Fest yet? What do we think the odds are that all the advertised attractions are actually going to open on time this year? Or, more realistically... just how late do we think they'll be?
  8. Closing the GR line early has happened before, but it's VERY rare. It runs long into the night most weekends. Rope dropping the boardwalk area will get you some good time on Xcel + Hangtime, which are both pretty low capacity. Hangtime is fun in the morning because the hangtime in the inversions is the strongest. Ghostrider's position at the main entrance means the line is long all day, and it gets another rush of people just before closing as everyone hops in line for one last ride on their way out.
  9. It's not you, it's a really bad design The train forces your feet apart, but the restraint forces your thighs together... which is such an unnatural position to be in. If the restraint allowed you to open up your thighs/knees more, it wouldn't be a problem for most people.
  10. I still haven't had a free weekend to head up there and check out the DC Heroes and Villains event. Anyone have anything to share about it?
  11. Listen y'all. I'm ride or die for Knott's but I finally got to check out the new Camp Snoopy this week and... WOOF. For how much money was allegedly spent, the difference in the area is almost imperceptible. The new coaster is cute, but tiny. The waterfall and pontoon bridges are working again, but that is kind of just basic maintenance that the park stopped doing for years until this project. The most noticeable change is the loss of the theater and the extremely humble astroturf and bench area now occupying the space. The meet & greet space is still walled off, so you can't meet any Peanuts characters in Camp Snoopy. The Sally swing ride looks like it's not even close to finished. The Fiesta renovation was beautiful and made the entire zone feel fresh and vibrant. Camp Snoopy feels exactly the same as it was before, except now it's missing stuff (Air Mail and the theater).
  12. I'm curious how hiring a new head of maintenance is going to solve the problem of... not enough space in the cycle shop and not enough mechanics on staff to do the work. The park needs another cycle shop and 50% more employees.
  13. New event for the summer season: DC Heroes and Villains Fest Sat/Sun from June 14-Aug 4 (except July 6th?? weird) Character M&Gs, new show, Batman Anniversary feature Seems like a great idea, I'm stoked to check it out. https://www.sixflags.com/magicmountain/events/dc-heroes-and-villains-fest
  14. Update on the Camp Snoopy renovation from a few days ago. Official opening day is now June 27th Camp Snoopy Theater rebuild will not be happening anymore. Will now become a green space called Beagle Scout Acres. RIP to yet another piece of live entertainment. Woodstock's Airmail will not be returning (was supposedly getting moved but staying in Camp Snoopy Full press release: https://www.knotts.com/blog/media-center/2024/attention-aspiring-beagle-scouts Also, the Summer Nights tasting card menu has finally dropped. https://qr1.be/EPWT
  15. It's gonna sell a lot of tickets... I don't have faith that it's going to be good.
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