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CedarFlags last won the day on June 10

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About CedarFlags

  • Birthday 05/20/1989

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  1. I still haven't had a free weekend to head up there and check out the DC Heroes and Villains event. Anyone have anything to share about it?
  2. Listen y'all. I'm ride or die for Knott's but I finally got to check out the new Camp Snoopy this week and... WOOF. For how much money was allegedly spent, the difference in the area is almost imperceptible. The new coaster is cute, but tiny. The waterfall and pontoon bridges are working again, but that is kind of just basic maintenance that the park stopped doing for years until this project. The most noticeable change is the loss of the theater and the extremely humble astroturf and bench area now occupying the space. The meet & greet space is still walled off, so you can't meet any Peanuts characters in Camp Snoopy. The Sally swing ride looks like it's not even close to finished. The Fiesta renovation was beautiful and made the entire zone feel fresh and vibrant. Camp Snoopy feels exactly the same as it was before, except now it's missing stuff (Air Mail and the theater).
  3. I'm curious how hiring a new head of maintenance is going to solve the problem of... not enough space in the cycle shop and not enough mechanics on staff to do the work. The park needs another cycle shop and 50% more employees.
  4. New event for the summer season: DC Heroes and Villains Fest Sat/Sun from June 14-Aug 4 (except July 6th?? weird) Character M&Gs, new show, Batman Anniversary feature Seems like a great idea, I'm stoked to check it out. https://www.sixflags.com/magicmountain/events/dc-heroes-and-villains-fest
  5. Update on the Camp Snoopy renovation from a few days ago. Official opening day is now June 27th Camp Snoopy Theater rebuild will not be happening anymore. Will now become a green space called Beagle Scout Acres. RIP to yet another piece of live entertainment. Woodstock's Airmail will not be returning (was supposedly getting moved but staying in Camp Snoopy Full press release: https://www.knotts.com/blog/media-center/2024/attention-aspiring-beagle-scouts Also, the Summer Nights tasting card menu has finally dropped. https://qr1.be/EPWT
  6. It's gonna sell a lot of tickets... I don't have faith that it's going to be good.
  7. Also... official Wicked movie trailer dropped today.
  8. I saw the out of town tryout for Death Becomes Her a few days back and it was HILARIOUS. It needs some refining still, but it's a lot of fun. Just announced today that it's officially going to Broadway and I hope everyone in NYC enjoys it.
  9. I think one thing that a lot of "should have gone with Intamin" takes are missing is... Cedar Fair owns another Intamin accelerator coaster that's been a huge pain in recent years. In March 2022, Xcelerator at Knott's went SNBO for the 2nd time in only 5 years. The first closure lasted 8 months, the second closure would last almost 2 years. So while CP was planning for a Dragster renovation during the 2022 season, it's sister coaster was facing even more long term downtime while waiting for the manufacturer service department. That, plus all the other issues with Dragster, had to have influenced the choice to find another supplier.
  10. Superman at SFMM is counted as a credit, and held two world records... and arguing that attraction counts as a coaster takes WAY more mental gymnastics and "well technically" justification.
  11. Maybe it's the 'tism speaking but... I think the people voting No are considering form more than function. The mechanics of being hoisted up a lift hill, then riding a rolling ride vehicle through a layout of track, converting potential energy into kinetic energy.... that's what a roller coaster is. That's what mountain coasters do, they just have different ride vehicles.
  12. I've been on several mountain coasters and, just like traditional coasters, they feature trim brakes to keep the ride vehicles traveling at the intended speed for the design in certain areas. Some sections of the layout are meant to be taken faster or slower. Also I have no clue where your "unlimited length" theory is coming from because brakes remove energy from the ride vehicle, they don't add energy. You can't have unlimited length on something that gets its energy from being pulled up a hill and coasting back down.
  13. Log ride is finally back open and Ghostrider is now closed for its pre-summer maintenance.
  14. "automatic speed regulation"... so, like, brakes? Every mountain coaster I've been on is powered entirely by the Potential Energy of pulling the ride vehicle up a lift, not by powering the ride vehicle.
  15. I've seen some pretty over the top locker takes in the last few days, but I will say one thing... if the only way for a guest to read a park map is on their phone, they shouldn't be charged for needing to store it. If the park is already operating under the assumption that every guest will have a smart phone on them, the ride policies need to reflect this as well. I don't understand what could have changed during ride testing that would affect having your phone and keys inside a zipper pocket. Like... the explanation that it was a late change due to testing and Zamperla recommendation doesn't make any sense. And they can't add zipper pouches to the trains like RMC has done?
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