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coasterbill last won the day on December 23 2024

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About coasterbill

  • Birthday 04/16/1988

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    The bar
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  1. Yeah, I feel like the Nighthawk plot and Drop Tower plot could both just be left without a ride and look fine. Nighthawk is front and center but it's also well landscaped and has some trees ponds and fountains. I don't think they'll be in any rush to put anything there. The Enterprise plot might look weird but they could put literally anything there.
  2. Also yeah... I'm a hands-up guy but it's violent in the valleys. It's smooth but crazy-aggressive, We put our hands up through the loops (my-bad if there was a rule against it. I was not aware of this and it wasn't communicated). Any other time, I wouldn't dare anyway.
  3. We never rode it before the change but we rode it over the weekend. The ride is incredible. Is it safe? I don't know... but it's incredible and we've all got to go sometime so we rode it a ton even though we didn't expect to going in.
  4. You can let people enjoy things without going on a rant about why they’re wrong. I agree with them. I’ve had much more enjoyable rides on the Cyclone since GCI came in than I used to. It ran like crap for a long time. PS: That post is from 2021
  5. I'm confused by what's going on here... so you already have plane tickets to Florida? What on earth?
  6. You're right, this is a stand up routine. My apologies. I forgot that this hobby is very serious. You're right, I was kidding. Go to the American Dream Mall. It's great. I recommend pre-purchasing a dated "All Access Pass" ticket as it offers a full day of fun with unlimited ride access. I'd actually buy it now in case the park sells out for the day that you want. The website says that the ride will reopen on August 3rd so you should be all set. Again, my apologies. I hope you have a great time.
  7. "I don't know if I can justify going to Great Adventure because a ride may not be open" and "I'm prioritizing Nick Universe" are not two statements that usually coexist but okay. Great Adventure's thing will not be open, but neither will Shellraiser. Plus, Sandy's Blasting Bronco is actually open right now so it's 1000% going to break again by next weekend. That's way too much time.
  8. Every coaster in the park is open as I type this, but that is definitely a rarity this season.
  9. I would go earlier but either is fine. The tradeoff is crowds vs staffing. Late August is dead, but smaller rides may not open or may open late, Gemini probably won't race if it opens at all, food lines might be extremely long with many places closed, etc.
  10. I think you're giving Six Flags way too much credit, though I want to believe that someone somewhere in corporate has a complex excel formula that told them that 1 safari truck every 25 minutes at Safari Off Road Adventure is the absolute sweet spot for dispatch interval.
  11. It's technically possible to do that depending on the park, just highly unlikely. If Parc Asterix had one of these, I wouldn't bat an eye if you told me they were hitting that. Six Flags? Yeah... you're lucky to do 400 riders per hour, but Great Adventure is currently running one train on every single coaster in the park except for Skull Mountain, Nitro and Kingda Ka so they've already established that they aggressively don't care about that.
  12. Nobody is going to walk a literal mile round trip to save $2, and if they do... just let them do it. lol
  13. Highlights: - The new Power Surge is not a portable model. It's permanent. I didn't even know that they made permanent models. The program will be crazier. The ride will not open on opening day. - They repainted Impulse even though it barely needed it - The park is very well staffed this year already - Every car of the Bayern Kurve apparently had it's own PLC. They've changed that. The delays have been due to that but it should be open in 2024. They also just had to reallocate people to other projects last year, like reopening the Skyway (suck it Lake Compounce). The ride will be the fastest ride in the park. The max speed is 70 mph. They're not sure if they can safely run it at 70 mph but they're going to try and if not, run it as close to 70mph as possible. - Some changes have been made to some haunted mansion scenes. - The cub cars are going away for awhile but will probably be back. This is where the Rock O Plane will go (between Phoenix and Fandango). The ride will not open on opening day. - They replaced a lot of sections of the flume. It will open around Memorial Day. - Paratrooper and the Teacups are both undergoing restorations and will open later in the year. - Sky Slide is coming back after being closed since the start of the Pandemic. It may not reopen this year but it will finally reopen. Hopefully no lawyer actually looks at it. -They've done a bunch of track work on the three wood coasters but that's to be expected.
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