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Sportsdude360 last won the day on February 11

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  1. Just a reminder guys! As track starts to arrive the excitement will undoubtedly build! I will be covering the construction of this incredible new coaster from start to finish! From the arrival of the track pieces to the first footers going in all the way to Media Day coverage, passholder preview and Grand Opening! I will be bringing you all the excitement! Stay tuned!
  2. Latest deconstruction pics. Construction on the new Giga Dive to begin next month according to the permit.
  3. Given the height of the first drop the layout should be interesting to say the least. I have a feeling this giga will surpass all other dives in terms ride experience and enjoyment.
  4. Yeah, SFSTL is in desperate need of a new coaster. Even if it's not a Giga, just some kind of major new attraction ride to bring in the guests.
  5. It's confirmed as a dive and the coordinates given correspond to the location of La Vibora and El Diablo. So it's going in that location.
  6. Here's the link. https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/searchAction.jsp?action=displayOECase&oeCaseID=645776568&row=9
  7. Proposed coaster coming to Six Flags Over Texas! 309ft coaster to be constructed between 03/01/2025 - 03/30/2026! Called "Project Rubi"! This information is credited to Austin James and Six Flags Over Texas Junkies.
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