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J man

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About J man

  • Birthday 03/29/1988

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  1. Thank you. TPR has always been one of our strongest allies in the fight to save the animatronic hippos. All of your support over the years has been greatly appreciated.
  2. Today is a sad day in the fight to save the Animatronic hippos. AAHCS Prepares for Dissolution
  3. Sorry it's been so long since the last update. But this is worth the wait. Redneck Batman is now a physical comic book!!! The book contains the first 4 issues of the story and is available on my Etsy Store
  4. The glowing footprints effect is pretty neat. I can't wait to see more. It's looking like it'll be pretty fantastic.
  5. My girlfriend's cousin and his wife are trying to start up a coffee shop in Newbury Park, California. They are just as passionate about making coffee as we are about riding roller coasters. They only have a few more days to go on their kickstarter campaign. Please check 'em out and consider donating to help get their small business going!
  6. The next 2 years are gonna be rough. I don't think the world can handle 15 more Jaws sequels before October 2015.
  7. That new CNN article made me laugh. It is written in the exact same tone that I try to use when I write new articles for the AAHCS blog. Sensational over the top dramatics that make your issue seem more important than it actually is. I wish I had the money to show my support to Sea World by going there.
  8. ^We could make that a sister organization to the AAHCS. Saving Hippos and Mermaids under the same non-profit umbrella!
  9. I'm working on the last 2 pages now. Issue#3 will be released by either the end of this week or the beginning of next depending on how long the final details take. To help tide you guys over until then, I'm releasing the first page of Issue#3! I haven't posted this anywhere else so TPR is the first to see this. I can't wait to show you guys the rest! (EDIT) Issue #3 is now out and available to read on The Redneck Batman Facebook Page or on deviantART.com I'd love to hear everyone's feedback! Thanks. Page 1 of Issue#3!!!
  10. Bravo! Great costumes and a quite entertaining TR. Sorry about the loss of your candy. I'm also equally sorry that Freddy lost fingers.
  11. 36 pages of discussion later, and the question still stands. What would rides be like on the moon???
  12. I'm really sorry for the lack of updates lately. Issue #3 has been in the works for way too long. But the time is coming, and it is almost done! I only have 3 or 4 more pages left to color on the issue before it will be complete. I'm hoping to have it done around mid-late December. So keep your eyes open for that! Preview of the cover for Issue #3
  13. A dark ride themed to Doctor Who would be ideal if they were going to go all out. I could see it being similar to the Indiana Jones Adventure. Indy only appears physically in the ride 3 times. Something similar could be done with The Doctor. Or have The Doctor only appear in the ride via some sort of audio only communication guiding riders through the ride and helping them avoid monsters. That would make it much easier if they need to change the ride depending on the actor currently playing The Doctor. Maybe even make it a shooter dark ride where riders have sonic screwdriver themed guns. Although I think a roller coaster themed to the TARDIS would be a more realistic option.
  14. Awesome Trip Report! I can't wait to see the rest of the adventure.
  15. Attention Hippo Heroes!!! Please read our latest article where we outline the horrors hidden behind the scenes in the new Jingle Cruise overlay. SaveTheAnimatronicHippos.org - Glockin' Around The Christmas Tree at the Jingle Cruise
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