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Danrarbc last won the day on July 22

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  1. One by one the legacy Six Flags parks appear to be announcing today the Cedar Fair chaperone policy is being implemented. They haven't gotten to STL yet but it's likely a matter of time.
  2. Multiple parks are running their teaser campaigns for 2025 right now. I wouldn't expect anything here big enough to tease, I guess is my point.
  3. I’ve ridden it multiple times. As for merger effects the investor presentation stated that cost savings will be realized within 2 years and operations improvements should improve numbers within 3 years.
  4. I think there’s three levels. The off-season parking level that is lowest when there’s zero water in the ride and they’ve locked it out. The operating position that it seems to be in right now (but there’s no water). And then loading. I could be wrong though and it’s just 2 levels. Either way it’s not in an operable state right now. As for the carousel the horses and carriages install quickly. So what we’ll want to watch for is the completion of the overhaul of the rest of the ride that we can see right now.
  5. I think it’s pretty clear the ride hasn’t been repainted or rewrapped since it was installed.
  6. I might be crazy but I don’t believe the current platform position is the same as it was this spring. IMO it looks like they attempted to open it and a part might have broken that they now need to wait for. I could definitely be wrong though.
  7. Joker status update I found on the site formerly known as Twitter. Also a bonus. This doesn’t look like Jingle Mangle to me.
  8. Considering how Sky Striker was running with riders (but not yet open due to the entrance area not being done) 6 weeks after going vertical end of July is definitely possible. If the construction around ours takes longer I could see the funhouse opening a bit later. There’s a funhouse bypass lane in the plans posted earlier on in here.
  9. She’d have a point if there was some sort of evidence that the construction is being rushed and corners cut to get it done faster. Alas this is going up the same way the others have. The only question is if the same crew that did Sky Striker is also installing ours. If so they don’t often get to do two back to back so maybe they’re slightly more efficient on ours?
  10. Considering the work was being done I can't see them throwing it away by just stopping the process and abandoning the project. But yeah it's definitely not there.
  11. It's actually kind of cool the Joker parts are being driven through the park.
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