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tndank last won the day on October 1 2024

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About tndank

  • Birthday 12/04/1975

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  1. No. The product page where you bought it shows the parks included.
  2. They went on sale at 10am central. If you refreshed and submitted in the first 10-20 seconds, you got a code. Otherwise, you were informed it was sold out. Not sure there's any real solution to the demand. They already have it priced at $150. If they did a second weekend, I really don't think it would be any better. They've done waiting rooms and a lottery previously. Now it's just quickest and luckiest to get in, autocomplete the form, and submit. Plus, you didn't even have to buy them at this time, this year. You got a month or two (?) to actually log in and buy them. So anyone even thinking about it could have participated without risking any $$.
  3. Mid to late April is great. Early April is filled with school/spring break trips. Go when they start taking Tues and Thursdays off.
  4. SFoG gave us the exact same spiel last summer. New chef, new hand breaded chicken fingers, new pizza and burgers. Can't wait for the new pizza at the old SF parks! /s
  5. I'm not a big fan of the pics. Sort of looks retro. Sort of looks already worn out. The windows in the rooms are goofy looking. Cheaper looking overall than I would have expected. I bet it's just fine and I wouldn't hesitate to stay here for the right price, but not a big fan of what I've seen.
  6. RIP Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit https://orlandoparkstop.com/news/theme-park-news/hollywood-rip-ride-rockit-to-be-replaced-at-universal-studios-florida-according-to-new-permit/
  7. RIP Nighthawk, Drop Tower, and Scream Weaver. https://x.com/Carowinds/status/1869390136921776133
  8. Park management has discussed their plans a bit with regulars at the park and events. Nothing is official until it happens, but the plans included moving the burrito place to a new building (nearly done), redo P305 theme, possibly an animal theme, to fit the area, and an International street refurb. Pizza place will move to the current burrito stand front of park. New ride and section on the right near Dinos. Dominator is being repainted with same colors this fall. Intimidator painting has started. Racer repaint next year. Sure this is always the case, but current management would like to go year round in the coming years. Rapterra looks cool. They have a nice display with the POV running all day at the front and near the ride showing it off to visitors. Looks really good in that area.
  9. Yesterday, Sunday, was great. They had everything open and most running 2 trains. Never really saw any lines. Haunt was fun. They do a good job on the houses. Much better than BGW. The scare actors were also more personable and interactive, inside houses and in the zones. Light sprinkles off and on all night probably kept many away. The park kept everything running. Small crowd but they stayed open til 11. We rode a lot more than we normally do now days because everything was a walk on and the ride ops were doing great. Very leisurely pace with a few meals and we still rode 25-30 rides on the coasters and drop tower. I'm told Haunt gets fairly crowded as October progresses. That's good. It's a solid event. If their current park development plans pan out, this place is going to be one of the best in the chain. The new wing coaster looks great. The park has said the plan is a 200+ coaster in the next couple years on the other side of the park and will not be a B&M.
  10. The Friends Frenzy 5K this morning at BGW was fun. Ran around and through the park. Scare actors along the route were fun. Now off to KD for the day. Hopefully we can get back to East TN tomorrow. East TN and Western NC were hit really.
  11. BGW closed at 9 tonight. Lots of coasters closed. 2 or 3 of their houses were closed as well since they were outside. Last night (Thursday) was dead at BGW. Didn't see a full coaster train all night. Never saw a line for the haunts. Alpengeist has been closed both nights.
  12. My 3 was Sirens, Circuit Breaker at Cota, and Gringotts. Obviously Gringotts is slightly different but it's the same concept. Looking forward to getting back to CP next year. This new coaster looks fun.
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