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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Blue Streak is my avatar, so I clearly enjoy that ride . It's very underrated because everyone is so tuned to assume that at CP, the taller the ride the better at is (at least amongst my GP friends), so many blow it off as a "kiddie" ride. Which is a shame, considering how great it is!


Going back to MS being torn down for a second, I agree that CP needs a good large wooden coaster, but I don't know if building one in the same spot as Mean Streak would be the best idea. Aren't there some GP folks who still think that Psyclone and Apocalypse are the same coaster? That doesn't have to be the case, but the park would need to make the new woodie pretty different.

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The way enthusiasts talk about the GP you would think these people couldn't even wipe themselves. I highly doubt that people think Psyclone and Apocalypse are the same coaster. If they did... how come the line for Apocalypse is always so long when the line for Psyclone was always non existant? Unless the line consists of only enthusiasts I think people must have figured it out.


That being said, if there was ever any mass confusion about something like this then it would really be on the park for not marketing themselves properly. If Cedar Point demolishes Mean Streak and replaces it with a new coaster and they don't get the word out, then shame on them.


As far as Blue Streak goes, I agree that the coaster is underrated. It's always a walk on (probably due in part to it's location) and it's a lot of fun. We always ride it a lot when we go to Cedar Point.

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Great Adventure is my home park and I go about 5-10 times a year and El Toro has always been open. It had a lift motor issue that caused it to go down for a few months this year but to my knowledge it's never had an issue like that before, and that could really happen to any coaster.


I've seen the coaster go down for half hour periods here and there but I wouldn't call it unreliable by any stretch. I would even say it's more reliable than Batman which is amazing since it's a B&M coaster but for some reason that thing breaks down all the time (never for the whole day, but for prolonged periods throughout the day).


There is absolutely no reason why Cedar Point shouldn't get an Intamin wood coaster. Every park that can afford one should go and buy one right now. They're amazing.

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The way enthusiasts talk about the GP...


Having never actually experienced either Apocalypse or Psyclone firsthand, I made the mistake of parroting back what some members had brought up in the past about those two particular rides. Cedar Point of all places would probably figure out a proper way to market it, and I haven't heard of many cases of people confusing Texas Giant and NTAG, or Rattler and iRat. That being said, when I worked at Cedar Point, I had plenty of guests point up at Mantis and ask if it was part of Millennium Force, so mixing up two wooden coasters wouldn't be too far out of the question. I kid, I kid. Most folks don't go to parks to nerd out, and as long as everyone is having fun and not doing anything idiotic or dangerous, I have fun too.

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^ Nooo, if they tear it down (I'm hoping), they need to add an Intamin or RMC Woodie. I love the Blue Streak , but they need a good big Woodie!





Lol. Have the Intamin woodies had any significant downtime issues? Not trying to be funny, asking a serious question.



When I went in 2011, It was down for about 10-15 minutes.

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^ Nooo, if they tear it down (I'm hoping), they need to add an Intamin or RMC Woodie. I love the Blue Streak , but they need a good big Woodie!





Lol. Have the Intamin woodies had any significant downtime issues? Not trying to be funny, asking a serious question.



When I went in 2011, It was down for about 10-15 minutes.

Even though it's a wooden coaster, it's still made by Intamin, and Intamin rides have had a long history of a lot of UPTIME.

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I'm always surprised there aren't more pre-fabs out there. I know they're a decent bit more than your average wooden coaster, but the overwhelming response from the GP after El Toro hits the brakes is something that no non-Intamin (or, I imagine, non-RMC) woodie is going to get you.

Definitely agree. I was even going to say the same.

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I'm always surprised there aren't more pre-fabs out there. I know they're a decent bit more than your average wooden coaster, but the overwhelming response from the GP after El Toro hits the brakes is something that no non-Intamin (or, I imagine, non-RMC) woodie is going to get you.

I see that reaction on almost every ride on Gold Striker. I don't think it's better than El Toro or Outlaw Run, but it definitely gets that "Wow that was so much better than it looks!" reaction. My point is just that it's possible to have a GCI or "classic" coaster that still wows people. Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk's Giant Dipper was built in 1924 and still gets that reaction from folks who haven't ridden it.


The best recorded example of that reaction is from Robb's video from Starry Sky Scraper/Scrapper in China.. you can hear when the train hits the breaks the people behind him sound so surprised it was so awesome its like disbelief!

Edited by singemfrc
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I hope they do something special for it's 50th birthday in 2014!

It's probably not going to be much. A banner and maybe a mention of it on the park maps. 50 is a big year, though...


I'd doubt they'd even do that much. There was one year that a lot of rides had anniversaries (2011, I believe), and they barely mentioned anything about it. I think they just gave them all special ERT during CoasterMania and nothing else.

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I had a dream a few weeks back.


They tore down Mean Streak and replaced it with a record breaking GCI. It was the tallest, longest wooden roller coaster in the world. It was an out and back that went basically started near the current MS station, and wrapped around to the go-kart track the turn around was a 180° overbank.


Thought it was pretty neat.


I was doing some messing around in an app for another thread and thought I would show what I dreamt.


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I hope they do something special for it's 50th birthday in 2014!

It's probably not going to be much. A banner and maybe a mention of it on the park maps. 50 is a big year, though...


I'd doubt they'd even do that much. There was one year that a lot of rides had anniversaries (2011, I believe), and they barely mentioned anything about it. I think they just gave them all special ERT during CoasterMania and nothing else.


There were plaques/logos for the anniversaries in the flowers near the carousel for all of them when I went that year, probably that will be all blue streak gets for it on top of things others have mentioned.

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Renovations have begun on the historic Hotel Breakers at Cedar Point, which is part of a $60 million, three-year reinvestment in the three hotel properties located at or near the Sandusky amusement park.


The refurbishment of the Breakers, which was built in 1905, is a two-year, two-phase project. The first phase, which began last month, consists of exterior work that includes a new roof and a fresh coat of paint.


In the 2014 off season, construction crews will begin interior improvements on the 500-room hotel. Details of the upgrade to the Breakers have not been disclosed but officials of Cedar Fair LP, the park’s parent company, have said that their plans call for a refreshening in some areas of the hotel, but that there could be a repositioning or refurbishment of other sections.


Cedar Point also is expected to enhance portions of the beach in front of the Hotel Breakers. The park’s Sandcastle Suites and nearby Breakers Express Hotel also are slated for renovations between now and 2015. To pay for all the upgrades, in 2012 Cedar Fair sold its Knott’s Soak City water park near San Diego to SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment.


A purchase price was never disclosed but Cedar Fair said proceeds from the sale of the water park mostly would cover the costs of its hotel improvements.



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^I believe Ouimet said this will be a goal for the coming seasons. Stay tuned!


What a lot of employees do is chip in together to get an apartment in Sandusky. If you're interested in applying, definitely be in contact with some other employees and look for someone who's interested in a roommate!

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