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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm not sure if this was brought up yet, but do you think Cedar Point will ever consider getting a PolerCoaster?


With all the wind from the lake and CP's sensitivity to wind, along with the PolerCoaster being a new concept (albiet using a tested type of coaster), I don't think that it would fit CP. It would be cool, but likely closed a lot.

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I'm sure one could be designed to have minimal spots that are possible to valley in (no crests where the train travels too slowly, kicker wheels, and so on). Plus, they manage to run a 400-foot coaster without too much trouble from high winds, and if it needs to be shut down for a bit then so be it - no reason that same operating procedure couldn't be applied to something taller.

Edited by coasterfreak101
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To be fair, I'm sure one could be designed to have minimal spots that are possible to valley in (no crests where the train travels too slowly, kicker wheels, etc.), not to mention they do operate a 420-foot coaster already and have few issues running it every day of the season.


^ Now they have few issues with it. I never saw it operate at all on my visits during its debut season. I wasn't able to get on the damn thing until 2007!

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To be fair, hydraulic launches at the time weren't very reliable, so Dragster likely had the downtime to boot.


An observation coaster would be perfect for CP. It fits the quota of a family ride (observation tower) and keeps the coaster count up. Build it high enough to break the tallest coaster record. Plus they seem like pretty compact rides. I'm hoping the park gets one in the future.

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^ I agree! That would be the best addition they could have! And with RMC that is completely feasible!




I would not be surprised to see them do their own version of Zumanjaro attached to TTD.

Seriously? That would probably be the most pointless thing ever, especially considering that they already have a super-tall drop ride in Power Tower. Both Magic Mountain and Great Adventure didn't have drop rides before Lex Luthor and Zucchini unless you count the two S&S Sky Slings that were installed in those parks.



I did not say that they should do it, or even that I want them to do it. I just said I would not be surprised if they did.

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I don't think CP would get a PoleR Coaster, at least not in the near future. Despite from the wind issue, Cedar Fair took around 10 years to step into GCI business and they still haven't started their RMC business yet. It would take a pretty long time until Cedar Fair think what they are buying are truely great things. They do things pretty carefully so a new concept is unlikely to show up in a Cedar Fair park, especially their superstar Cedar Point very soon.


P.S. I know Knott's had the first Intamin accelerator and CP got the first hyper though...

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I don't think CP would get a PoleR Coaster, at least not in the near future. Despite from the wind issue, Cedar Fair took around 10 years to step into GCI business and they still haven't started their RMC business yet. It would take a pretty long time until Cedar Fair think what they are buying are truely great things. They do things pretty carefully so a new concept is unlikely to show up in a Cedar Fair park, especially their superstar Cedar Point very soon.


P.S. I know Knott's had the first Intamin accelerator and CP got the first hyper though...



3 Words: Mondial Wind Seekers.

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How about we Scrap Mean Streak and Build a 200ft RMC Topper Track Wooden Coaster with 5 Inversions.



Yeah I'm crazy but that would be awesome.


How about the world's first giga woody? (by RMC) CP really likes to break a few records now and then.

I know that's not going to happen, though.

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^There aren't even any hyper-woodies anymore now that Son of Beast is gone, are there? I'd think they could revamp Mean Streak with that additional 30 feet it would need to break the 200-foot barrier, throw in more than Outlaw Run's three inversions for good measure, and they'd have themselves a smash-hit record-breaker for little more than the what, $10 million that the Texas Giant revamp cost?

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^But are you talking about adding topper track or iron horse? Because the second one would officially make it a steel coaster and, therefore, they wouldn't break any record (apart from tallest hybrid). But I suppose that, if asked, RMC could do what they have been doing with six flags only with topper track instead of the steel one which wouldn't be a bad idea either.

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Mean Streak isn't even that bad anymore. The retracking they've done on it is wonderful. It's nowhere near the smoothest woodie out there, but it's nowhere near as rough as it used to be. Sorry, but I've always been a fan of Mean Streak.
When I rode in September in the back row it was by far the roughest ride I have ever had in my life, I honestly was amazed that I was not injured. I was being beat up so bad I thought it was going to give me a hernia or break some ribs because my back was being repeatedly smashed into the seat so hard. Others in the train didn't have the same experience so I don't know if I just made a huge mistake sitting in the back row...but it was so painful (not just uncomfortable, painful!) I'm not going to risk finding out.
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^ That could be said for a lot of older wooden coasters. I always go for the front of the train when riding an older wooden coaster that I have never ridden before.


I rode Mean Streak in the front seat at night a couple of years ago and it wasn't bad at all. Boring, yes, but not really rough at all.

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I figured later that was the case since there was no one within 3 rows of me. I'm used to the back row being more fun on woodies and have never had anything close to being that painful..wish I had known better! That kind of ruined the rest of my day and gave me an unfair opinion of Magnum and Gemini since I was already sore when I got on them. I know those rides would have been a lot more fun had I done them earlier or just skipped Mean Streak. Perhaps next visit I will try to ride again but in the front row.

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