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About coreyb

  • Birthday 01/01/1979

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    SE Wisconsin
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  1. SFGAm is so far north, it's actually slightly closer to the Brewers stadium than to Wrigley
  2. I don't really know. My point is really just to say that "competition is good for consumers" isn't universally true; the truth is more subtle.
  3. Competition makes better results up to a point; definitely in new industries. However, there gets to be a point where all the innovations have happened, and then competition becomes solely about cutting costs. (Removing features that they think won't get noticed -paying employee less than competitors...) The Autopiam had an article about the feature removing bit: https://www.theautopian.com/why-you-maybe-shouldnt-buy-a-first-model-year-car-or-a-final-model-year-car/
  4. Android 13 (galaxy s22) with chrome 119.0.6045.163 Thumbnails are visible.
  5. It looks like it'll be in Fireman's Landing, across the park from the original. So more of a reboot than a re-build. Some of that $30 million could be for whatever they put in the old location. Which if I remember right, is right next to the area that's been fenced off the last couple years, so it could be pretty big.
  6. The Gröna Lund accident can't have helped things either.
  7. Mt. Olympus. I went once and didn't die - why push my luck?
  8. I want to say the current carousel location (not building) was one end of the skyride.
  9. When they first moved, the carousel was in the entrance building where the carousel-themed gift shop is now.
  10. Well, everyone that wondered how dangerous the slidewheel would be Mt. Olympus is building one for 2022.
  11. I hope they rehab the displays along with the shade - many of the bricks are discolored and cracked from being in the Florida weather for 10 years.
  12. I'd think the seniors under 48" is for grandparents to ride the kiddie rides with grandkids, but not any of the big rides on their own. (Sort of like how Little Amerricka has the different colored wristbands.)
  13. ^^ I was there in June, and at that time, that's what all the seating was like. It was at least 3 of the same 4 food stations as in these photos, so I guess they've had a long soft-open - nothing indicated it was new or still in previews. The tables are bolted to the floor, and with the high exposed ceilings and hard floors, the noise really reverberates. The food was better than we'd been expecting.
  14. A few updates A Avatar Airbender (NU) B Batman (SFGAm) C Cyclops (Mt. O - in the back row when it was dangerous) D Demon (ridden both) E Expedition Everest F Flight Deck (CGA) G Goliath (SFGAm) H Hellcat I Invertigo (CGA) J Joker (SFGAm) by default. K L Lightning Rod (Dollywood) M Mystery Mine (Dollywood) N Ninja by default (SFMM) New Revolution was just Revolution when I rode it O Orient Express by default P Python (SFA back when it was Wild World - this is on my “rode in debut season outside home park” list too) Q R Raging Bull S Seven Dwarfs Mine Train T Twister (OGEG) I don’t remember Mr. as part of the name. (Tennessee Tornado otherwise) U V Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) W Wild Eagle (Dollywood) beating out a couple other Wilds X X-Flight by default Y Z Zippin Pippin
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