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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Actually I really liked Mean Streak this summer and rode it five times(Three of them were in the wheel seat of the last car) and I had no problem at all. Probably because I rode Hades360 two days before...


...and this proves that two people can have different experiences in the same seat on the same ride -- because you and I shared that last wheel seat and I thought it was pretty awful! My two rides in the front the night before were much better.

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It sucks that after being so massive and beautiful, Mean Streak fails to deliver.

Sums it up. I really like the structure, setting and layout. So far it's been a once per trip ride for me, and I don't "like" it, but I'm not vitriolic in my disdain. It's never been painful for me, just slow and meandering.

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It sucks that after being so massive and beautiful, Mean Streak fails to deliver.

It really is one of the most beautiful and photogenic woodies I've ever seen, I'll definitely give it that, it looks fantastic.

I figured I might as well share this photo I took of Mean Streak in October, it really is a beautiful ride!


It really is a great looking coaster!

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^If only! That would be amazing, I doubt we'll see it for awhile though.

Who knows what Cedar Fair has in store for the parks? Maybe once a few more years have gone by and the I-Box coasters have had a few seasons to age, maybe Cedar Fair will invest in some RMC into some of their parks.

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Mean Streak is definitely a beautiful structure, but it's pretty painful ride. Perhaps they can tear it down and put in either a new themed section or a couple of coasters in it's old spot. Maybe even a brand spanking new RMC woodie.


You could probably fit an entire themed area with a new RMC woodie inside Mean Streak without even touching it!

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Mean Streak is definitely a beautiful structure, but it's pretty painful ride. Perhaps they can tear it down and put in either a new themed section or a couple of coasters in it's old spot. Maybe even a brand spanking new RMC woodie.


You could probably fit an entire themed area with a new RMC woodie inside Mean Streak without even touching it!


Do that, and Cedar Point jumps up a few notches in my book.


The next big addition should be back there, if for no other reason than to get rid of Mean Streak... and also disperse the crowd away from Maverick a little bit.

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I had a dream a few weeks back.


They tore down Mean Streak and replaced it with a record breaking GCI. It was the tallest, longest wooden roller coaster in the world. It was an out and back that went basically started near the current MS station, and wrapped around to the go-kart track the turn around was a 180° overbank.


Thought it was pretty neat.

Edited by DanTheBooker
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Mean Streak is definitely a beautiful structure, but it's pretty painful ride. Perhaps they can tear it down and put in either a new themed section or a couple of coasters in it's old spot. Maybe even a brand spanking new RMC woodie.


You could probably fit an entire themed area with a new RMC woodie inside Mean Streak without even touching it!


Do that, and Cedar Point jumps up a few notches in my book.


The next big addition should be back there, if for no other reason than to get rid of Mean Streak... and also disperse the crowd away from Maverick a little bit.


Well, I thought that the construction of Eden Musee (which cut the queue capacity to a fraction of what it used to be) was a sign that it would not be renovated, but I still hope for RMC. Mean Streak is not that huge that you can fit a new coaster in its infield. Maybe they could build Space Spiral II there when they retire Eden Musee's building. Of course, MS is kinda unpopular, so I see it as one of the next coasters on CP's chopping block - either a complete renovation or a new coaster. I imagine a newwoodie will go up soon after that, as the RMC treatment or demolition of MS would reduce CP's woodie count to a puny 1.

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It sucks that after being so massive and beautiful, Mean Streak fails to deliver.

It really is one of the most beautiful and photogenic woodies I've ever seen, I'll definitely give it that, it looks fantastic.

I figured I might as well share this photo I took of Mean Streak in October, it really is a beautiful ride!


I personally think Mean Streak isn't that horrible of a ride...when its trimless. I've had a few trimless rides on it and it can really be an awesome ride!

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I would be very very happy if CP had RMC do a renovation of MS with I-Box, because the layout could make for the best RMC coversion to date. Then, a couple of seasons later add a record breaking GCI. I think many others would like that as well lol!

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I was surprised, after talking with a few enthusiast friends we all unanimously agreed that a GCI would be preferred over RMC on Mean Streak. I did not expect that to be honest.


I just think Cedar Point needs *legit* wood... They have enough steel coasters and its time to build up the wood... While RMC would be simply awesome, a standard GCI would be ideal IMO. With a 48" height requirement as well would add another family type ride in the lineup as well, if not 46" (are any GCI's 46"?)


Plus, just to think.... The RMC treatment of Texas Giant cost $10mil... A brand new mid to large-size GCI would be around the same cost at around $8-10 million.


They could do BOTH for less than most modern steel coasters in the $18-20 million range. So why not go for it?

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^ I know that would never happen, but.....if it were to, OMFG! I think that would be the happiest I could get as an enthusiast and I would do everything possible to make it to CP for that season! Lets all start a petition and send it to CF lol! Do you think they would listen lol?

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