^Uber service is EXTREMELY spotty from the park. Getting there wasn't too long of a wait with Uber from BUR in August, but getting back.. I was unable to get one and had to walk almost two miles to my hotel in Valencia back on my August trip. Let alone trying to get back to Burbank. When I did the same DEN-BUR trip in November, I used Burbank Bus' Orange "Noho-Airport" route from BUR to the North Hollywood transit station, Santa Clarita Transit's 757 express bus route from there up to the McBean Regional Transit Center in Valencia, and Santa Clarita Transit's 3/7 local bus route between McBean and the park. Can use the 757 and Orange buses back down to Burbank & BUR too, which I did in both my August and November trips.
Those bus schedules (somewhat easily found with a google search) don't really work for a all-in-one day trip, and don't give a great amount of park time for a one night trip either. But, I spent ~15 hours at the park between two nights/three days (one full and two partial days at the park) back over Oct 31-Nov 2 for about ~$400-450 total trip cost, though I have a SF membership covering park admission & a cheap hotel in Castaic, and only spent ~$15 on transportation with the bus systems. It honestly worked best with the earlier park close time of 6pm, as the last bus (that connected to my other local bus to my hotel) going out from the park was 6:30-6:45ish, and the park was pretty empty during the Nov weekdays. Would not trust Uber to get you around almost at all outside of Burbank, but the bus systems were extremely useful and reliable, no more than 2-3min late max in either my August or November trips.