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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Is it true that the secret to more comfortable rides on Magnum is pulling your seatbelt as tight as possible? I tried it, but don't have enough experience to know if it works. It's too bad those lap bars tend to auto-staple. My mind seems to process the airtime on Magnum as more charming and quirky as opposed to extreme and amazing.

I found the best way to ride Magnum was to use the "rodeo" method where one hand holds the lapbar up from crushing you and the other hand is high in the air. The airtime on Magnum is insane, that's one of the reasons I think it's better than Millennium.




It has been several years since I have been to CP, but I dont remember the lap bar being a problem at all on Magnum. Does it have anything to do with a person's size? I am a tiny scrawny guy, and was even more so then. I rode it in 2004.


The key is to sit in the back. The airtime near the back is enjoyable versus painful in the front. Try it

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I spent my entire life thinking airtime is better in the back. I know on some coasters like El Toro, that's true. And I know I prefer the feeling of getting dragged over a hill, rather than held back at the top and then pushed through at the bottom. Is the general consensus that the airtime on Magnum is actually stronger in the front?

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I spent my entire life thinking airtime is better in the back. I know on some coasters like El Toro, that's true. And I know I prefer the feeling of getting dragged over a hill, rather than held back at the top and then pushed through at the bottom. Is the general consensus that the airtime on Magnum is actually stronger in the front?


I also used to think the back was better. But now I find that airtime is stronger in the front of any coaster. Although in some cases you do get the 'whip" or 'pull' down the hills when sitting in the back (Behemoth is a perfect example of this). On Magnum in the front, I find that the airtime is so strong, combined with the restraint design, that it's borderline painful. For Magnum and Magnum alone, sitting closer to the back is much more pleasant. It's almost an art to find a sweet spot on a coaster, but when you do find it , it's amazing

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I spent my entire life thinking airtime is better in the back. I know on some coasters like El Toro, that's true. And I know I prefer the feeling of getting dragged over a hill, rather than held back at the top and then pushed through at the bottom. Is the general consensus that the airtime on Magnum is actually stronger in the front?


I also used to think the back was better. But now I find that airtime is stronger in the front of any coaster. Although in some cases you do get the 'whip" or 'pull' down the hills when sitting in the back (Behemoth is a perfect example of this). On Magnum in the front, I find that the airtime is so strong, combined with the restraint design, that it's borderline painful. For Magnum and Magnum alone, sitting closer to the back is much more pleasant. It's almost an art to find a sweet spot on a coaster, but when you do find it , it's amazing


I know for a fact that's not universally true though, like I already said El Toro is definitely not as intense in the front.

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The best airtime seat obviously depends on the coaster for several reasons. In theory, in a parabolic airtime hill the amount of air should be exactly the same both in the front and back (the train's extremities) the difference being that the front gets more of it initially while the back has more negatives on the way down. This is why during drops (like El toro's) the back has the most airtime. The front, on the other hand, will have more air than the back while climbing towards a brake run ,for example. When I rode shambhala I noticed that, closer to the front, I would get some floater air before entering the MCRB while in the back I got nothing. This is why magnum may be more painful in the front because, while the back progressively gets more intense air right until it's peak (before the hill ends) the front peaks right when the hill starts which causes that pop of air that throws you into the lap bars. So a coaster can be designed to deliver a lot more air in the back than in the front or the other way round. For example, kingda Ka (although not much) offers a bit more in the first cars because the airtime the back should get after cresting the top hat is neutralized by the trim.

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Definitely don't just stick to the most enthusiast-popular row on a coaster. A lot of rides are equally good, though different, in the front row and the back row. Sometimes, the back is more highly praised but the front is even better. Magnum does have plenty of back row fans (I do think that 1.3 is more fun than the first row of the last car, though).

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Although I try, I just never really enjoy Magnum. I like the first half, but as soon as it hits the pretzel turnaround things go downhill fast... The transitions, abrupt hills, etc... I just don't find it enjoyable. The trains are just TERRIBLE as well... Being 6'6", it is trickery to get into that train. I guess the ride is becoming a bit too dated for me I suppose... I would rather see a GCI along the beach

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I go for the back on Magnum every time and haven't ridden up front for years except for when I tried the 1-3 once (didn't really notice it to be much different) last year.


My partner thinks that the bunny hills are just a little bit too painful for him, but I still can't help loving that feeling of getting whipped over the first drop in the back seat with that spectacular view of the lake in front of you. It is definitely in my top three for first drops on any coaster despite the fact that the rest of the ride can be a bit of a challenge to the thighs.

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Although I try, I just never really enjoy Magnum. I like the first half, but as soon as it hits the pretzel turnaround things go downhill fast...


I will agree with you about that turnaround...a bit rough and bracing for it helps, but the rest of the ride and great airtime keeps me coming back. The only time I have had a bad ride on Magnum was when the ride op tightened the seatbelt so much and shoved it under the lapbar, that it got stuck between my legs and I could barely walk off the ride after...

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Mean Streak is definitely a beautiful structure, but it's pretty painful ride. Perhaps they can tear it down and put in either a new themed section or a couple of coasters in it's old spot. Maybe even a brand spanking new RMC woodie.


RMC could do wonders with this. Topper track is the way to go, at least that's my opinion. Goliath & Outlaw Run prove that wooden coasters can be like steel ones. It needs a new and imaginative layout like NTG, but with topper track. Give it a slightly taller hill and you've got the tallest, fastest, longest drop, and steepest woodie.


Even if this never happens. This ride NEEDS new life, when you demolish the Que you know the ride sucks. So why keep paying to keep it there? Something needs to be done, make it better or burn it!

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I think we've all agreed that at some point MS will get an RMC makeover. Given their options for the ride, it seems like the obvious choice. It just comes down to when. Will it be marketed as their next big coaster? Very possibly, I think. At this point the only thing it's worth is standing as a backdrop in pictures and adding to the coaster count.

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Mean Streak is definitely a beautiful structure, but it's pretty painful ride. Perhaps they can tear it down and put in either a new themed section or a couple of coasters in it's old spot. Maybe even a brand spanking new RMC woodie.


RMC could do wonders with this. Topper track is the way to go, at least that's my opinion. Goliath & Outlaw Run prove that wooden coasters can be like steel ones. It needs a new and imaginative layout like NTAG, but with topper track. Give it a slightly taller hill and you've got the tallest, fastest, longest drop, and steepest woodie.


Even if this never happens. This ride NEEDS new life, when you demolish the Que you know the ride sucks. So why keep paying to keep it there? Something needs to be done, make it better or burn it!



I agree with almost everything you said. If RMC does do a makeover I'd rather it be the I Box track.

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Mean Streak is definitely a beautiful structure, but it's pretty painful ride. Perhaps they can tear it down and put in either a new themed section or a couple of coasters in it's old spot. Maybe even a brand spanking new RMC woodie.


RMC could do wonders with this. Topper track is the way to go, at least that's my opinion. Goliath & Outlaw Run prove that wooden coasters can be like steel ones. It needs a new and imaginative layout like NTAG, but with topper track. Give it a slightly taller hill and you've got the tallest, fastest, longest drop, and steepest woodie.


Even if this never happens. This ride NEEDS new life, when you demolish the Que you know the ride sucks. So why keep paying to keep it there? Something needs to be done, make it better or burn it!



I agree with almost everything you said. If RMC does do a makeover I'd rather it be the I Box track.


I think it should be topper track. If I-Box, then it's not a real wooden coaster anymore.

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I think it should be topper track. If I-Box, then it's not a real wooden coaster anymore.


After the money they spent [apparently] retracking the thing recently, I wouldn't expect anything to happen to Mean Streak for at least several years.

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