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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't know what you guys are talking about...putting my "Gatekeeper 12th ever public rider" plaque as my Tinder profile picture has gotten me so many dates.


CP used to jump right into daily operations, but adding that "trial run" opening weekend a week before they normally opened was a great decision. The people who *have* to be there at opening have already gotten their fill, and a lot of the opening day bugs in the operations are worked out. Weekend 2 is honestly the way to go if you're not coming from far away and weekdays are not an option. I thoroughly enjoyed how many times I was walking right on Valravn at will with FL+ in it's opening year, when just a week before poor saps were waiting X amount of hours in line.

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I love going to parks on grand opening days/weekends of new attractions, while everyone is waiting for the new ride, the rest of the park is much more enjoyable!!! But I agree, no need for bragging rights to be "one of the first" to ride, I'm just happy the rides exist and I just want to have fun!

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Six Flags hasn't done much with their California, NJ, and IL parks over the past few years unless something is in the works this year.

Six Flags St. Louis says they haven't done Sh** to their park compared to the above mentioned parks.

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It's pretty much unheard of for any coaster by any manufacturer to go a full day without a breakdown on it's opening day. People need to set their expectations accordingly here.


Honestly I think it's reasonable to expect that you'll spend half of your day waiting for this thing on Opening Day this year. If it's less, great. If that sounds like too much of a time investment then buy Fastlane (but don't be the guy that shows up and complains when you pay for platinum and half of the regular and platinum Fastlane rides are closed most of the day... if you go to Cedar Point opening day you should expect this going in).

I honestly do not understand why people go to a park for the "opening day" of a ride and wait HOURS in line when you can basically go a couple of weeks later and ride with a significantly (in this case maybe several hours) less of a wait in line.


Is it really worth the bragging rights? Am I missing something?


Then again, I watched people wait two hours for a freaking donut at Universal on the opening day a few weeks back and I went about a week later and walked right up to the cash register...


I would kind of go with them having bragging rights. They can say that they rode SV (or any coaster) on opening day like they won the noble prize.


Those same people will 97% of the time, go online and complain about how busy the park was and how they waited so long to ride the ride.

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If you live near the park I can see the appeal of going to a park's opening day. We do it all the time, but we don't go in expecting the park to run like a well oiled machine on day one. If it also happens to be the opening day of a major ride we usually only go if it's a park we visit often enough that missing that ride that day wouldn't be a big deal (either because it's closed or because you'd spend half of your day in line if you chose to ride it).


Edit: Speaking of closed rides. Today is to Ohio State Day. This should go well...

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We tend to go to our home park on opening for entertainment due to all the mishaps and confusion as much as the rides. I remember the opening day that the power grid went out for just about the whole park and most of the rides stopped suddenly. They had to hand crank the people down from the ferris wheel....it was great. Maybe there is something wrong with us and I'm a bad mother

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It's pretty much unheard of for any coaster by any manufacturer to go a full day without a breakdown on it's opening day. People need to set their expectations accordingly here.


Honestly I think it's reasonable to expect that you'll spend half of your day waiting for this thing on Opening Day this year. If it's less, great. If that sounds like too much of a time investment then buy Fastlane (but don't be the guy that shows up and complains when you pay for platinum and half of the regular and platinum Fastlane rides are closed most of the day... if you go to Cedar Point opening day you should expect this going in).

I honestly do not understand why people go to a park for the "opening day" of a ride and wait HOURS in line when you can basically go a couple of weeks later and ride with a significantly (in this case maybe several hours) less of a wait in line.


Is it really worth the bragging rights? Am I missing something?


Then again, I watched people wait two hours for a freaking donut at Universal on the opening day a few weeks back and I went about a week later and walked right up to the cash register...


I mean I live close enough and have a plat pass where even a really bad trip doesn’t seem that bad, that’s why me and my friends are going, plus it’s right after exams for us and we need some stress relief (hopefully on one early ride of Steel Vengance, and many rides on everything else).

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It's pretty much unheard of for any coaster by any manufacturer to go a full day without a breakdown on it's opening day. People need to set their expectations accordingly here.


Honestly I think it's reasonable to expect that you'll spend half of your day waiting for this thing on Opening Day this year. If it's less, great. If that sounds like too much of a time investment then buy Fastlane (but don't be the guy that shows up and complains when you pay for platinum and half of the regular and platinum Fastlane rides are closed most of the day... if you go to Cedar Point opening day you should expect this going in).

I honestly do not understand why people go to a park for the "opening day" of a ride and wait HOURS in line when you can basically go a couple of weeks later and ride with a significantly (in this case maybe several hours) less of a wait in line.


Is it really worth the bragging rights? Am I missing something?


Then again, I watched people wait two hours for a freaking donut at Universal on the opening day a few weeks back and I went about a week later and walked right up to the cash register...

If I was coming from far away or planning a "one time this year" trip, I absolutely would not go on opening weekend of a new coaster. For a local, I'd rather wait through horrendous opening weekend crowds to get that "unspoiled" first ride (i.e. early enough in the ride's operating life that a lot of other people's reviews/opinions of it haven't come through to taint my opinion) than bum around this sorry town watching Netflix/getting drunk/browsing other people riding it and thinking about how I wish I could be riding the new ride.


Then still go several weeks - months later hyped from my opening day ride(s) and appreciating 30 minute - 1 hour waits so much more.


It's a paradigm. Too impatient to wait for a later date, but patient enough to wait through long lines. It's illogical, but I am often an illogical person.

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It's pretty much unheard of for any coaster by any manufacturer to go a full day without a breakdown on it's opening day. People need to set their expectations accordingly here.


Honestly I think it's reasonable to expect that you'll spend half of your day waiting for this thing on Opening Day this year. If it's less, great. If that sounds like too much of a time investment then buy Fastlane (but don't be the guy that shows up and complains when you pay for platinum and half of the regular and platinum Fastlane rides are closed most of the day... if you go to Cedar Point opening day you should expect this going in).

I honestly do not understand why people go to a park for the "opening day" of a ride and wait HOURS in line when you can basically go a couple of weeks later and ride with a significantly (in this case maybe several hours) less of a wait in line.


Is it really worth the bragging rights? Am I missing something?


Then again, I watched people wait two hours for a freaking donut at Universal on the opening day a few weeks back and I went about a week later and walked right up to the cash register...


I totally agree with you Robb. I'd much rather visit a park for a new attraction several weeks after its opening than invest time and money to visit opening day/weekend. I remember when I visited Cedar Point the first weekend Gatekeeper opened and the wait for the ride was around three hours! It was a cloudy, damp, and very cool day, in fact. If I'm not mistaken, high winds arrived the following day and shut-down all the major coasters. It's far more advantageous to resist the impulse and wait a bit, which will likely mean shorter lines and better weather (this is Sandusky, after all).


Of course, similar to your donut story, a new Krispy Kreme opened in the Chicago area about a year and a half ago (seven years after all the area locations closed) and the store had a 60+ minute wait.

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... aaaaaaaaaand Steel Vengeance is closed due to high winds.


I feel like this is an important right of passage for all Cedar Point coasters.


How high do the winds have to be to warrant a closure of coasters?


And it's not all coasters that close in high winds?

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To be fair, they are experiencing wind gusts near 40 mph today... That's pretty nuts even for CP.


Tomorrow on the other hand, 75 and sunny. Don't even have to worry about clouds much less rain. It's not supposed to be windy either.

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... aaaaaaaaaand Steel Vengeance is closed due to high winds.


I feel like this is an important right of passage for all Cedar Point coasters.


How high do the winds have to be to warrant a closure of coasters?


And it's not all coasters that close in high winds?


The wind speed closure depends on each coaster. But generally once you hit 25 mph, some start closing. I think a few are 35+. It’s very windy here today. I live in Sandusky and all of the trash cans on my street were blown over by the wind today. Now there’s trash everywhere I can only imagine the wind on the peninsula right now.

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Oh god, when was the last time they filled the Rougarou queue (Rouga-queue?).


Probably... Halloweekend Saturdays. Those days are just stupid nuts. I constantly saw this ride have a 1.5-2 hour wait during the day on Halloweekend Saturdays. Once the haunts opened up it would generally drop back to a >15 minute wait.


These OSU days should almost be their own 2-3 day event. It's insane how many people show up to this one day event.

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so is MF down for wind too?


Gatekeeper, Valravn, Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, Raptor, Steel Vengeance, Wicked Twister and probably others are down for wind. I believe Magnum is somehow open, probably since the wind is off the bay.

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