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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Ugh, the media will have a field day with this
I saw two news stories on the internat thus far and basically they just give the facts and report that the 4 people that asked for EMS are back in the park.
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The roller coaster nerd in me is super curious to know how something like this was even allowed to occur in the first place given the insane number of checks and sensors on block systems this day in age, but all I can say is I hope this gets sorted out quickly and the ride resumes safe operation soon. Glad to hear the injuries were minimal.

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Steel Vengeance is testing. I heard a few rumors about it and actually just caught a train myself on the webcam.


Obviously this doesn't mean that the ride will be opening any time soon, but it does imply that reports of any major track damage were likely exaggerated.

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Steel Vengeance is testing. I heard a few rumors about it and actually just caught a train myself on the webcam.


Obviously this doesn't mean that the ride will be opening any time soon, but it does imply that reports of any major track damage were likely exaggerated.

I was thinking that best case was going to be Friday. That gives you time to do a complete review of what happen and the required testing. The park is only open for a few more hours today and on Sunday. The park has 4 days of down time. You work on it over the next 5+ days and get it ready for next Friday.
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The roller coaster nerd in me is super curious to know how something like this was even allowed to occur in the first place given the insane number of checks and sensors on block systems this day in age, but all I can say is I hope this gets sorted out quickly and the ride resumes safe operation soon. Glad to hear the injuries were minimal.


Me too. It boggles my mind. I doubt we'll ever find out exactly how this happened, but I really want to know.


Steel Vengeance is testing. I heard a few rumors about it and actually just caught a train myself on the webcam.


Obviously this doesn't mean that the ride will be opening any time soon, but it does imply that reports of any major track damage were likely exaggerated.


That's good news.

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Steel Vengeance is testing. I heard a few rumors about it and actually just caught a train myself on the webcam.


And now the cam is pointed away from it. Hmmm

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It's been pointed there for awhile, you can see the first turn on the top left corner of the screen and if you're enough of a dork you can sit there and wait like I did.


I keep getting distracted by Magnum, and then wondering if I missed it.

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Our local news in Detroit said it was nothing more than a "bump", and that all people involved returned to the park to enjoy the rest of there day.

Good to see that the media is not turning this into something it's not.

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It's been pointed there for awhile, you can see the first turn on the top left corner of the screen and if you're enough of a dork you can sit there and wait like I did.


Oh OK then that's why I can't see it.

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Guest services has been closed.


Guess they dont want to deal with the thousands of people that will be complaining.

What could they say, except "You're welcome, for closing the coaster so you don't get hurt."


You know people will go complain because other rides are closed and they had to wait for food and other stupid stuff.

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Yeah, that "rattle noise" is probably just the sound of the chain dogs hitting back down after the ungodly amounts of airtime on this ride. Judging by the testing, this shouldn't have too much impact for very long, but who knows what the park will do in precaution. I'm heading out there September, so everything should be ironed out by IOE and RMC by then.

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I guess the lone bright spot in all of this is that by all accounts even when Steel Vengeance railroads a parked train in the station and gives everyone whiplash it still fulfills it's promise of being smoother than Mean Streak.




... unless you sat in the f... ah, nevermind. lol

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I guess the lone bright spot in all of this is that by all accounts even when Steel Vengeance railroads a parked train in the station and gives everyone whiplash it still fulfills it's promise of being smoother than Mean Streak.




... unless you sat in the f... ah, nevermind. lol



HAHAHAHA. . I was gonna say "still smoother than the ride I got on Blue Streak last year"



no one got major injury, so don't feel terrible about joking

(and will give Blue Streak another shot when at CP later this summer, since it apparently gives good or bad rides just depending on the day)

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