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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Here are some photos from the Frontier Town Hoedown today! I did take these all on my phone so I apologize if the quality is not great. I hope that you all enjoy! I hope to hear from others that go tomorrow and Wednesday!



(please someone get this reference)


Awesome photos! It seems like there's so many TRs with Steel Vengeance right now, so jealous I'm not at any one of them.

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Good call riding Maverick several times. I probably would have done the same.


For our return trip this year, I'm glad I got to see a picture of the coaster I've been looking forward to riding at CP the most!! And it still looks great after 18 years...

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trying not to be judgemental, but really, this just blows my mind.


new ride, special ride opportunity. . so not really open as part of the regular line up yet. . .


and people SITTING and just leaving strollers in front of the sign for a new coaster, that I'd think lots of folks would be wanting to take pictures of (in fact, IN this picture, there's someone trying to get a picture. . not that the person sitting gives a crap that they are sitting in front of the sign).


shaking my damn head at how some folks just don't give a crap about how they might impact other's experience.. sheesh.


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Attention fellow TPR members....


A last minute change in my surgery date has cause me to have to cancel going to the hoedown this Wednesday. I have a single ticket to the event up for grabs(free). Remember...you must be a season pass holder to use it.


If your interested, PM me.

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trying not to be judgemental, but really, this just blows my mind.


new ride, special ride opportunity. . so not really open as part of the regular line up yet. . .


and people SITTING and just leaving strollers in front of the sign for a new coaster, that I'd think lots of folks would be wanting to take pictures of (in fact, IN this picture, there's someone trying to get a picture. . not that the person sitting gives a crap that they are sitting in front of the sign).


shaking my damn head at how some folks just don't give a crap about how they might impact other's experience.. sheesh.



This is a really enthusiast-y post for you Bert (LOL!) but I have to admit I thought the same. You wouldn't have been able to to say anything to her though, she has the "I'd like to speak to a manager" haircut.

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trying not to be judgemental, but really, this just blows my mind.


new ride, special ride opportunity. . so not really open as part of the regular line up yet. . .


and people SITTING and just leaving strollers in front of the sign for a new coaster, that I'd think lots of folks would be wanting to take pictures of (in fact, IN this picture, there's someone trying to get a picture. . not that the person sitting gives a crap that they are sitting in front of the sign).


shaking my damn head at how some folks just don't give a crap about how they might impact other's experience.. sheesh.



It would be nice if they could rope off a sign or two a few hours at a time for photo opportunities. Like how the have the Kings Island sign at the entrance way roped off. Getting a good shot at the mystic timbers sign was like capturing a clear photo of Bigfoot.

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It's only when you buy on-site, which you should be doing anyway.


When you say “on site” you mean buy at the park? I’ve heard that there’s only a limited amount of fast lanes available each day, is this true?


Yep I meant "at the park." It is true that it's limited, but if you buy as soon as you get there it won't be an issue. Basically the reason you're holding off is weather - if you buy in advance and then you go and it's cloudy and 50* and there are now crowds, you've thrown the money away. But if you go and it's clear, just swing right by the counter and pick it up.

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You wouldn't have been able to to say anything to her though, she has the "I'd like to speak to a manager" haircut.


This is the most truthful, on-point commentary I've seen in a long time.

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trying not to be judgemental, but really, this just blows my mind.


new ride, special ride opportunity. . so not really open as part of the regular line up yet. . .


and people SITTING and just leaving strollers in front of the sign for a new coaster, that I'd think lots of folks would be wanting to take pictures of (in fact, IN this picture, there's someone trying to get a picture. . not that the person sitting gives a crap that they are sitting in front of the sign).


shaking my damn head at how some folks just don't give a crap about how they might impact other's experience.. sheesh.



This is a really enthusiast-y post for you Bert (LOL!) but I have to admit I thought the same. You wouldn't have been able to to say anything to her though, she has the "I'd like to speak to a manager" haircut.


I know.. very unlike me


but was my initial reaction!

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You wouldn't have been able to to say anything to her though, she has the "I'd like to speak to a manager" haircut.


Instant classic comment. I appreciate someone as honest and jaded as I am about people.

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trying not to be judgemental, but really, this just blows my mind.


new ride, special ride opportunity. . so not really open as part of the regular line up yet. . .


and people SITTING and just leaving strollers in front of the sign for a new coaster, that I'd think lots of folks would be wanting to take pictures of (in fact, IN this picture, there's someone trying to get a picture. . not that the person sitting gives a crap that they are sitting in front of the sign).


shaking my damn head at how some folks just don't give a crap about how they might impact other's experience.. sheesh.



This is a really enthusiast-y post for you Bert (LOL!) but I have to admit I thought the same. You wouldn't have been able to to say anything to her though, she has the "I'd like to speak to a manager" haircut.


How about a simple "hey guys, I wanna get a quick shot of this sign right here..." People can be quite nice when approached in a kind way. Of course, there are always a few nastys but it's rare.


Is it me or are people loosing basic communication skills? A quick example: I hear so many nervous "sorry"s instead of a simple "pardon me" or "excuse me." Perhaps I missed the context, and it's not directed at you guys. Just doing a reality check for myself.

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the context is all in the last line.


one should not HAVE to ask folks to move (oh, you bet your behind, *I* would ask them to move for me to take a photo), but my point was this:


shaking my damn head at how some folks just don't give a crap about how they might impact other's experience.. sheesh
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Has a list been posted that explains where the merge points are for Fast Lane at CP?


I know that MF merges at the last queue leg (and you have to wait up the ramp) and Steel Vengeance merges at the station entrance. Can someone share with the others merge (major rides)?


Definitely will be buying a FL+ when we visit in June - but want to make sure I have realistic expectations.

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How about a simple "hey guys, I wanna get a quick shot of this sign right here..." People can be quite nice when approached in a kind way.


Or how about you pull

up on your phone and play it for her?


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Has a list been posted that explains where the merge points are for Fast Lane at CP?


I know that MF merges at the last queue leg (and you have to wait up the ramp) and Steel Vengeance merges at the station entrance. Can someone share with the others merge (major rides)?


Definitely will be buying a FL+ when we visit in June - but want to make sure I have realistic expectations.


Gatekeeper merge: bottom of stairs up to station

ValRven merge: station

Wicked Twister: last switchback before going around the front of coaster (tho never saw a line back that far)

Gemini: I believe was at the Station

Maverick: station (tho even FL+ line often stretched down the stairs. . so there's a wait, even tho it is a separate line).

TTD: station (but the FL+ line was often down the ramp leading to the station)"

Magnum: last switchback before going up stairs to station


those are the ones I recall. . didn't ride Raptor more than once, so didn't notice the merge point.

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TTD: station (but the FL+ line was often down the ramp leading to the station)"


Are they moving this to the station this year? The last few years it has merged at the bottom of the ramp, which can add a bit if you get to the merge point when the ramp is full.

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I rode Maverick a couple times during the Lebron James Family Foundation Benefit last Friday and I must say that the reintroduction of effects inside the tunnel are a nice added touch, especially as you prepare for the second launch. I really like how Cedar Point is looking for ways to spruce up older attractions.


That's awesome to hear! What were the effects in the tunnel?


Not sure if anybody else responded (so pardon any redundancy), but basically, the train enters the tunnel and there are these illuminated rail signs on either side ahead of you along with corresponding train/crossing gate bell sound effects.

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TTD: station (but the FL+ line was often down the ramp leading to the station)"


Are they moving this to the station this year? The last few years it has merged at the bottom of the ramp, which can add a bit if you get to the merge point when the ramp is full.


hmm. . I am going by Memory, and I recall the FL+ line was still divided up the ramp (FL+ on left, and general line on right), and basically the "merge" was when they put you in the rows for the train.


I don't recall the Ramp being merged -- even tho, as noted, the line often went down the ramp. But I seem to recall we still were in the separate FL+ line.


someone who has been to CP more than once (last year for CoasterMania!) will have to clarify

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