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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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If this morning is any indication I can't wait for Valravn and Gatekeeper early entry rides this year. You probably won't even have to get off of the train. That stampede to Steel Vengeance was some "Lion King" level sh*t.
Millenium Force may fall into the category as well. A coaster that won the golden ticket 15 straight years is now a compete after thought...


The Fun TVs are showing all the wait times around the park and everything is 0 besides Maverick lol.

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We bought a couple of T-shirts for my wife and daughter to commemorate the occasion. Yesterday my daughter pointed out something odd with her T-shirt. Is there something CP is not telling us? Should we start the the rumours now


No. It looks like the Valravyn photo had software issues and the computer substituted "Adventure" instead. Or someone forgot to upload it. A bunch of shirts must have got printed before the mistake was realized!

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We bought a couple of T-shirts for my wife and daughter to commemorate the occasion. Yesterday my daughter pointed out something odd with her T-shirt. Is there something CP is not telling us? Should we start the the rumours now


No. It looks like the Valravyn photo had software issues and the computer substituted "Adventure" instead. Or someone forgot to upload it. A bunch of shirts must have got printed before the mistake was realized!


likely means absolutely nothing, and this particular shirt just reflects some of the great coasters at CP.


note: also missing are Corkscrew, Gemini, Iron Dragon, and Wicked Twister (among the "big" coasters) - and if they had any plans to yank WT, they really would have done it prior to doing the Boardwalk around it I'd think

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Like half of the rides have been closed today. The rides that are open have a pretty long wait. Does anybody know what’s going on?
Steel Vengeance. Cedar Point figured that everyone was coming for that ride, why open up everything else. Save $$$$ and everyone is happy with their 2 rides on SV....
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Where are you spotting those wait time postings? I see that info bar on the park app, but only with the Fast Lane details & the "Thrill Level" -- not the wait times.


**Answered my own question; I have to be in the park!

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**Answered my own question; I have to be in the park!

There are ways to see it without being in the park.

Any chance you could explain how to do so? I love that Dollywood’s app shows wait times without needing to be in the park so would love to see CP’s wait times as well!

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^ Yep, I'm curious, too. "Wait times will show when you're in the park" is all I'm getting, and I haven't found anything about current wait times on the main website or any other so far.

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SV is closed for the rest of the day. Some have been waiting for over 5 hours. Things at guest services are going to get ugly. Quick. One person went out on an ambulance according to Twitter

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Holy mother of God... I've been watching all of the live v-logs and video clips from coaster groups on facebook. It's like a different version of The People of Walmart. Coaster Campout is my first enthusiast event and I'm going to really have to get a handle on my douchebaggery.



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Jesus... RMC is having a rough go at opening these record breakers. GCI & B&M called and said "Told you so..." (joking)


Id be surprised if everyone wasn't OK. I see people take bamblance all the time, because they aren't used to being jostled like that or they're thinking about long term compensation which is extremely common.


The human body is durable. My fellow ice hockey players know this.


Either way, they have two weeks to fix this or I'll have to settle on terrible rides like MF and Maverick.

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