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teacherkim last won the day on November 17 2024

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  • Birthday 03/03/1968

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  1. I'm still very very curious to see if the memberships survive past this season. Now that we are into the first full year of the merger I keep thinking they will come up with one pass to rule them all but I may be fruitlessly speculating; and I'm not necessarily wishing them to go away because the price we are locked in at for what we get is really a very good value, just a bit surprised they have lasted this long.
  2. Despite what some on here might think or be sarcastic about; the updates on FB are very well received by the populace and as I've said before are only a win/win situation. If you think they are boring and/or not important, that's totally fine and I would recommend you not waste your time viewing or commenting on them. Spending a lot of time publicly and vociferously denouncing things really just says that it is actually important to you, or that you sadly crave attention in weird ways, or both, or whatever. For those that enjoy the updates, which seems to be the vast majority, they are good PR which only boosts the popularity of the park thus making it likely to increase interest/attendance which is beneficial for everyone in the end. Providing as much information as possible is usually not a bad thing.
  3. I personally wouldn't have any problem with that, although I'm not sure how big a logistical pain in the ass it would be for the park. Price increases are definitely a way to cull the herd a bit and the park can legit say it is due to demand and no one would be able to argue with that. I do agree that privileges have been abused or perhaps in my view very very unappreciated. I have seen entitled behavior amongst some coaster enthusiasts increase (of course I guess you could say the same in general across all walks of life) but not necessarily more people feeling entitled but rather those that veer that way getting louder and more insistent. As we were leaving an event very late one night I was thanking all the employees on the way out for staying so late for us to have fun, which I could tell they appreciated, and another attendee kind of mocked me and said "you know they get paid right?".........ummmm, ok, doesn't mean you can't exhibit some gratitude. Geeez.
  4. Man I hope some of these changes extend to the other legacy SF parks! I've been waiting for the paper cup option for a long time, the refillable cups are such a pain to carry around. And as far as most SF food, for the most part it can only get better, and while burgers/pizza/fingers are a rather dull "improvement" and I would like to see some different stuff......at this point I'll take it if they are truly better. Although I would sure love a grilled cheese stand like at KI; Tom & Chee is the greatest grilled cheese that ever was or will be and I won't hear anything bad about it!
  5. Thank you Bert for the invite!! This will be the first time I have gone to a theme park since my son was born without him, lol. However, he's an adult now and will have to deal with it. We were with Bert the only other time he was at the park and not only did we get rained out, we also went on a day open to school groups and had to deal with about a million middle and high schoolers that vastly outnumbered the adults in the park. Nobody wants that. Good reminder why I retired from my middle school teaching job as soon as I was eligible and now just work a couple days a week with elementary kids.
  6. Oooooh, yes! The return of the running lights would be awesome.
  7. Glad to see they are continuing with the Friday winter updates. I've stated before and still believe that is only a win/win situation and the comments seem to be mostly positive. As far as the Boss goes, I've always thought they neutered it by taking out the helix. For me it was the best part of the ride and the removal kind of messed up the pacing and forced a more extreme mcbr. On the roughness factor, yes it is rougher than it used to be, obviously, but I am 56, not in terrible shape but past my best shape days and while I notice it more than I used to when riding, it doesn't bother me afterwards or anything. I find the best thing to do with rough coasters is ride like a drunk person, trying to brace or hang on tight makes it worse. I would love an RMC conversion, but that's because I am an RMC fan and I realize that appears to be a quickly fading pipe dream; therefore, I would be happy with a Gravity group retracking if it prolongs the life expectancy and improves the ride experience. If I had to choose though, and hopefully they will give attention to both, I want the resources put into maintenance for Eagle. This is THE classic woody in the park and since she will be turning 50 in 2026 I would really love to see her looking her best. I mean at least give her a fresh red, white, and blue paint job. Please.
  8. OMG, Legoland Deutschland, lol! When we were waiting in line for Maximus one of the ride ops almost got in a fist fight with a rider. It was kind of hilarious watching them get right in each other's faces and yell a furious barrage of German. Unfortunately, it slowed an already long line due to poor ops down even more and amazing to us no supervisor of any sort showed up to calm the argument or discipline the employee or remove the rider or whatever. I would have totally done the log flume but we had a pretty short window that day and were going right to the Munich airport for an evening flight to Poland so really didn't want to be wet under those circumstances.
  9. I can tell you that I once listened to a co-worker (like a lot of GP he only knew his local park, in this case SFSTL, and Disney/Universal) go on and on about how amazing and scary and spectacular the vertical lift was and that there just isn't anything like that anywhere else............. When I started showing him pics of all the coasters with vertical lifts he was astounded. He just couldn't fathom anything outside his small little bubble of experience. So yes, I think the GP found it visually impressive and just don't have a well rounded enough park experience to realize it's kind of a gimmick, a fun gimmick with a cool lighting package, but just not that great of a ride.
  10. To be honest I haven't ridden it in about 8 years and I'm not motivated to ever do so again. While I can handle roughness, because of how short I am the restraints hit literally right on my ears, which is just particularly painful. Every time I've walked by it's almost always just a walk on or station wait. I have no idea what maintenance is like for it but with the rate that the new corp is cutting older, unpopular coasters I wonder if this will be on the chopping block soon. I for one would be fine with that if it got us something new.
  11. I get all that. I understood you. I wasn't blaming you so much as trying to figure out the point of listing credentials. I'm just not sure why you went there when this all started with me responding specifically to Zach about the carousel issue. My point was exactly what you just said, it doesn't matter who's been on here for how long or whatever; differing opinions are allowed and valid but pointless complaining about one issue is exhausting. I 100% get that there have been management issues, I witnessed them somewhat through my son's employment but unless you are able and willing to specifically address them or give examples for us all to discuss civilly then why just throw blanket statements about being lied to or promised things that didn't come true? Explain what you are referring to or don't bring it up. For example, the park has given more than one date for the carousel to open. Those dates were not achieved. I agreed that the park should explain why. Did they lie? Did something out of their control happen? No one on here knows for sure, or if they do they aren't saying, so we speculate and argue about it. My opinion was that it's annoying but I would rather it take as long as necessary to really do the job properly and in the end a long refurb for a carousel is not that big a deal or worth getting upset over. Zach's main opinion is that it is a ridiculous amount of time and there is no excuse and that it is detrimental to the enjoyment of the park. We disagree but both are valid opinions, by the very nature of being opinions. In the end I feel like you read too much into our ongoing argument about the carousel, perhaps an online forum is just not the place to have this type of disagreement. In the end I'm guessing the vast majority of people on here are tired of us rehashing it, so we should probably move on. I will, if you will.
  12. One other weird question. Do they just do a generic Christmas soundtrack throughout the park during Christmas Town or do they do Christmas music themed to the various countries like the normal music.
  13. Thanks for the post on Christmas Town as I now think my family will be in the area next year during Christmas week. We will have non riding family members with us that will just come for the Holiday stuff and I was thrilled to see that they were open on Christmas Eve and day. I assume that is a regular thing? My son and I will be at the park in May for the ACE spring con (and have been before) and with a trip to Fl in the fall in the works will probably get the pass that gets us entry into all the SEAS parks, so not too fussed if there are rides down in Dec and parking will be covered. Did they have the closed rides listed on the app before you arrived or was it a last minute thing? I mean, to be fair it's always a risk when you try cold weather theme parking. Also, are the lorikeets out in the winter? I always thought of them as a more tropical type of bird. Asking for my husband who would literally spend all day playing with the lorikeets rather than ride stuff and get "jostled around" to quote him, lol.
  14. I agree with the exception that I think it was more corporate looked upon us as an afterthought than necessarily took a negative view. I think because the park was lower attendance than the big parks but still made a profit just didn't make us a priority a lot of the time. Also, not having our own park President to advocate isn't helpful. It will be interesting to see if the new corporation shuffles priorities and/or changes the methodology for choosing where new rides go. They seem to be on a minor rampage with getting rid of older, problematic, lower popularity rides at the moment.
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