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Everything posted by teacherkim

  1. OMG, Legoland Deutschland, lol! When we were waiting in line for Maximus one of the ride ops almost got in a fist fight with a rider. It was kind of hilarious watching them get right in each other's faces and yell a furious barrage of German. Unfortunately, it slowed an already long line due to poor ops down even more and amazing to us no supervisor of any sort showed up to calm the argument or discipline the employee or remove the rider or whatever. I would have totally done the log flume but we had a pretty short window that day and were going right to the Munich airport for an evening flight to Poland so really didn't want to be wet under those circumstances.
  2. I can tell you that I once listened to a co-worker (like a lot of GP he only knew his local park, in this case SFSTL, and Disney/Universal) go on and on about how amazing and scary and spectacular the vertical lift was and that there just isn't anything like that anywhere else............. When I started showing him pics of all the coasters with vertical lifts he was astounded. He just couldn't fathom anything outside his small little bubble of experience. So yes, I think the GP found it visually impressive and just don't have a well rounded enough park experience to realize it's kind of a gimmick, a fun gimmick with a cool lighting package, but just not that great of a ride.
  3. To be honest I haven't ridden it in about 8 years and I'm not motivated to ever do so again. While I can handle roughness, because of how short I am the restraints hit literally right on my ears, which is just particularly painful. Every time I've walked by it's almost always just a walk on or station wait. I have no idea what maintenance is like for it but with the rate that the new corp is cutting older, unpopular coasters I wonder if this will be on the chopping block soon. I for one would be fine with that if it got us something new.
  4. I get all that. I understood you. I wasn't blaming you so much as trying to figure out the point of listing credentials. I'm just not sure why you went there when this all started with me responding specifically to Zach about the carousel issue. My point was exactly what you just said, it doesn't matter who's been on here for how long or whatever; differing opinions are allowed and valid but pointless complaining about one issue is exhausting. I 100% get that there have been management issues, I witnessed them somewhat through my son's employment but unless you are able and willing to specifically address them or give examples for us all to discuss civilly then why just throw blanket statements about being lied to or promised things that didn't come true? Explain what you are referring to or don't bring it up. For example, the park has given more than one date for the carousel to open. Those dates were not achieved. I agreed that the park should explain why. Did they lie? Did something out of their control happen? No one on here knows for sure, or if they do they aren't saying, so we speculate and argue about it. My opinion was that it's annoying but I would rather it take as long as necessary to really do the job properly and in the end a long refurb for a carousel is not that big a deal or worth getting upset over. Zach's main opinion is that it is a ridiculous amount of time and there is no excuse and that it is detrimental to the enjoyment of the park. We disagree but both are valid opinions, by the very nature of being opinions. In the end I feel like you read too much into our ongoing argument about the carousel, perhaps an online forum is just not the place to have this type of disagreement. In the end I'm guessing the vast majority of people on here are tired of us rehashing it, so we should probably move on. I will, if you will.
  5. One other weird question. Do they just do a generic Christmas soundtrack throughout the park during Christmas Town or do they do Christmas music themed to the various countries like the normal music.
  6. Thanks for the post on Christmas Town as I now think my family will be in the area next year during Christmas week. We will have non riding family members with us that will just come for the Holiday stuff and I was thrilled to see that they were open on Christmas Eve and day. I assume that is a regular thing? My son and I will be at the park in May for the ACE spring con (and have been before) and with a trip to Fl in the fall in the works will probably get the pass that gets us entry into all the SEAS parks, so not too fussed if there are rides down in Dec and parking will be covered. Did they have the closed rides listed on the app before you arrived or was it a last minute thing? I mean, to be fair it's always a risk when you try cold weather theme parking. Also, are the lorikeets out in the winter? I always thought of them as a more tropical type of bird. Asking for my husband who would literally spend all day playing with the lorikeets rather than ride stuff and get "jostled around" to quote him, lol.
  7. I agree with the exception that I think it was more corporate looked upon us as an afterthought than necessarily took a negative view. I think because the park was lower attendance than the big parks but still made a profit just didn't make us a priority a lot of the time. Also, not having our own park President to advocate isn't helpful. It will be interesting to see if the new corporation shuffles priorities and/or changes the methodology for choosing where new rides go. They seem to be on a minor rampage with getting rid of older, problematic, lower popularity rides at the moment.
  8. Sure...............except me responding to you is a reaction to something you said, while you are responding to no one, just airing your grievance over and over and over again for no discernible purpose. Hence the common saying that I used. Do we need to have a lesson on metaphors and hyperbole? Or are you just trying to get me riled up by calling me old, lol?
  9. Well I have been on here for going on 9 years so I'm not sure what your criteria for a newbie is but that isn't the only way to have knowledge about the park. Yes, you have been on online forums longer than me, but, I have lived within 15 miles of the park for almost 50 years, been to somewhere around 70 parks around the world at this point and as stated my son worked there for 5 seasons; does any of that count? See, this is a silly game. I do take some offense at your implication that I, whom I believe you are alluding to, falls for park BS. What utter nonsense. I already stated that I thought the park was making a mistake in not being transparent about what is going on, a while back I posted about how a rides manager at the park was really not properly doing their job which affected my son's job status, and I really don't take everything that is said for gospel. However, I am optimistic and hopeful, sorry that's just my nature and I will continue to point out that as important as this might be to all of us, nothing that happens at the park is of major real world importance. I care about the park, want to see it successful, have a lot of nostalgia for it for various reasons, feel it's important economically to the region, etc, etc,.........but that is not the same thing as falling for BS. Beside who says things haven't gotten better? Which is a very subjective term by the way. New rides have been put in, just perhaps not the ones you want. I mean the vomitron means nothing to me but you cannot deny its popularity. The park highlighted structural improvements over the winter, boring sure, doesn't mean it isn't an improvement. EV chargers mean nothing to some people but the ones that do use them consider it an improvement. Some people could care less if they have entertainment, but still an improvement if the amount and quality goes up. My point being things getting better is an extremely vague statement. What specific lack of maintenance are you talking about. Rides? Infrastructure? Landscaping? Food? Entertainment? I'm happy to have a discussion with you but at this point you and Zach just sound like old men yelling at clouds.
  10. Good to know. There are so many local sources they could mine for talent. Everything from all the high school drama clubs, to Stages (they have acting classes for kids and adults), to the Muny (not just Muny kids but they use local actors as well in lots of the productions. Of course they have to market it all correctly too. Yeah. That's been a disappointment for sure. I wish they would re-open it because it was the one place you could get light, somewhat healthier fare, like salads and wraps. The quality wasn't bad at all and it was welcome on hot summer days. BUT if it really isn't viable as a restaurant then they need to repurpose or tear down, I agree it is rather sad looking.
  11. Appreciate any and all park news that you are willing and able to give us!
  12. I already said you were entitled to your position as well as voicing it. What I am questioning is why you are so hyper focused on it and continue to voice it over and over and over again. Again, what is the purpose? So..........it actually does sound like you are trying to make it a battle of whose been here longer, otherwise why mention it, although I will accept that wasn't your intent. My son worked at the park as well. So? That has nothing to do with a valid opinion. And guess what? Opposing opinions can both be valid, that's why they are opinions and not facts and criticism is fine. I have no issues with that! I do genuinely care for the park and I appreciate you noting that. I have no reason to think most people on here feel otherwise, we perhaps just disagree on what is best for the park or how important certain things are. However, Zach has routinely stated that he doesn't really care for the park, doesn't really want to go anymore, and that other parks are more enjoyable for him, fine; yet he posts about the carousel quite a lot on this and other threads. I was inquiring more about his motive for doing so versus the validity of his position. You say you know the truth. Ok, what is it and how do you know? I have stated that I 100% believe the park should be way more transparent on what exactly the holdup is, then we wouldn't all be speculating on the issue. We might not like the answer but at least we would know. I don't really feel that non information from the park is the same as lying though. Guys! In the end this is just NOT the end of the world in the scheme of things and while I love a good debate (social studies teacher here!) I just don't think complaining about a carousel restoration is worth the vast amount of time we've put into it at this point. Our park may not be the best but it is far from the worst. If you're on here and have money and time to devote on ANY level to theme parks then life is probably pretty good! Let's try to focus on the positive. Despite anyone's perception, historically speaking we live at the most peaceful, safest, and prosperous time in history. Truly. Eat, drink, and be merry everyone and enjoy your holiday season!
  13. Not asking you to advocate for the restoration, you've made your views clear and you are entitled to them. However, you didn't answer the question. Again, what are you hoping to accomplish by constantly complaining about it on multiple threads that don't even involve this park? Particularly, when you have stated more than once that you really don't have a lot of interest in SFSTL AND that the park is a business that is free to make it's own decisions and customers can voice their displeasure by not spending their money at the park AND that you are just not into this hobby that much anymore. Just trolling? Like stirring the pot? Too much time on your hands? Care more than you will admit for some reason? Think you will start a movement to make something happen? I'm genuinely curious.
  14. I wouldn't be against it if they outsourced it to someone qualified like PTC but you're implying to just send it to the quickest source which isn't necessarily the best. Yes, carpenters are very talented and craftsmen/women in their own right but this project also needs actual artists for the final step and those are a lot harder to find and employ. Again I don't know if that is the problem just doing some speculating of my own which the park could end by simply being clear and honest on what the issue is. I wasn't specifically talking about the zoo, mentioned somewhere else entirely but it's not bullshit; YOU have previously stated that the park does not owe anyone anything, it's a business and if you don't like what it offers don't go there and I was pointing out there are other places to ride a carousel. I really don't think the extended closure is hurting the bottom line and claiming it is embarrassing and carrying on like it's the end of the world is the epitome of first world entitlement, entirely different from criticism. That's what I meant and you know it. I know kids that cannot go to the park, through no fault of their own, and would be thrilled to go whether the carousel was operational or not. And there will be thousands more in the long run by restoring it properly and having it last longer. You are speculating as well, I don't think your crystal ball is a guarantee of the future. What I cannot understand is why if you claim that our park sucks, and you just aren't into this hobby that much anymore, and there are other carousels closer to where you live available for your family, you continue to spend so much time posting on this and other threads about this particular carousel. What the hell are you hoping to accomplish?
  15. Glad you had fun at the fair! We had an opportunity to go to the summer fair in Dusseldorf when we were there in July (no Olympia Looping but Alpina Bahn was there) and had every intention of going ........BUT after a soaking wet cold day at Movie Park Germany, a late arrival back to the hotel due to a detour for someone who got ill on the bus and urgently needed us to stop at a gas station, and the fact that the next day was an early start and a jam packed day at Phantasialand; we never made it. Knew we would regret it later but knew just as strongly at the time that all we wanted were hot showers and a warm bed, but that was our only real hiccup on the trip so won't dwell on it.
  16. Nah.......I absolutely cannot agree with that. It isn't just about being a ride. Historic carousels are art history. I would rather it take a decade and receive the proper craftmanship than be quick fixed or sell it to some park that can provide the proper craftmanship IF SFSTL cannot do it. If the complaint is strictly "we don't have a carousel to ride" there are plenty of others around town. The St. Louis Carousel in Faust Park is just as historic as the PTC at SF and it underwent a years long refurb, I believe longer than the current one we are discussing, and is alive and well.......and appreciated. Now I do think the park needs to be way more transparent about what the delay is, I mean just be honest about it whatever the problem (I suspect keeping qualified artists on the job MAY be a factor but of course I am speculating) The point is when they don't explain people do speculate and are often wrong, when the true explanation is given the populace is usually pretty accepting of the whole thing. Why is necessary to constantly pinpoint a year that is "our year"? And I am not saying you specifically, clearly lots of people do it. These are first world problems; really we could all just be accepting of whatever happens when it happens, particularly since none of us have ANY control over it whatsoever.
  17. And be prepared for the dynamic to continue to change but not necessarily in a bad way, enjoy all the different iterations! Being a teacher my son and I had so many awesome summer days while he was growing up of going to parks and having a blast, particularly once he was old enough to move out of the kiddie rides. He even went through a very short phase around age 10 - 12 where he refused to ride kiddie coasters because he didn't want people to think he was scared to ride big rides. Then he came into his own and with maturity simply rides what makes him happy and doesn't worry about what others think. Even now that he is an adult we still can enjoy theme park days together, no it's not quite the same as when he was a kid and sometimes we do our own thing or hang out with different groups but it's still kind of "OUR" thing. My husband goes once in a while but just isn't as into it but doesn't begrudge us our enjoyment.
  18. And on one of the very few points we can probably agree on , same for me. The park gave us the one time skip the line on 8 rides thingy and we never even used the one for Outlaw Run. I just don't think a lot of the gp ever make it all the way back there and a lot of SDC visitors probably have no idea what an RMC is or why they should care. It is a park that gets a lot of people that just come for shows, shops, food and "just walking around". I recently talked to a young student on a sub job that goes several times a year with her family to meet up with Grandparents that live in northern AR and she literally had no idea what I was talking about when I described Outlaw Run, I mean to be fair she is in 5th grade, but she knew what some of the other coasters were. Btw, her Grandma will ride only one ride at SDC, thought for sure it would be the train but nope........Flooded Mine, lol. I am curious, IF they put in a new entrance for resort guests on that side of the park whether or not it will affect traffic back there or not.
  19. I mean look at the face on this thing. High as a kite! Kills me every time
  20. The missing element seems to be alerting the public to events like this. Hopefully, they will do a better job of advertising this kind of stuff on various platforms.
  21. Went to Coaster Christmas on 11/9 after skipping last year in a fit of annoyance over the snowstorm the year before. We got very lucky with the weather, 50's and 60's, the rain mostly stayed away other than some very light drizzle and moderate fog. The fog actually enhanced the whole experience as it was almost as good as a night ride and since it made the Christmas lights more visible during the day which gave the whole thing a cozy atmosphere. During the traditional cinnamon roll and coffee/hot chocolate with a presentation Brad Thomas went back over all the details of the hotel. Nothing more that what we already knew other than to state that prices would probably be in the same neighborhood as the DreamMore and that they basically levelled off the top of a mountain to create the space for the hotel. For those that know the area the park now owns land that goes all the way from the present park to the Dana's BBQ in Branson West. In other words they have a lot of room to work with. Of course people were trying to trip him up into revealing more information on future projects and of course that did not work, although it got entertaining and he was good natured about it. He did emphasize that the hotel was simply phase 1 of a planned decade of growth and investment and that both the park and undeveloped land would benefit from the investment. Later I talked to a local business leader that said it was basically an open secret that a new water park will be happening. This makes total sense since they do not even own the land that the current water park is on and that would allow them to entice people to stay at the new hotel and spend the bulk of their time in a SDC bubble. We then had ert on FITH and I was grateful to get some more rides on it as there really is a whole lot to take in. As for other rides during the day TT had a lot of down time on Sat, I really don't think it likes the misty dripping weather. We did get a ride in on it during one of the small up times but it was running great on Sunday. Wildfire ran like a champ both days and with two trains and it's high capacity we never waited more than 10-15 min and that was because we did front row. Diving into the fog on the first hill was amazing. Powder Keg had the longest line so we hit that first thing after open on Sunday and caught it with only about a 20 min wait. OR only had one train but it was either a walk on or station wait most of both days. I just don't think a lot of people make it all the way back there, lol. It was also a lot of fun in the fog and even better after dark in the fog. They opened up the culinary school building across from Heritage Gold Hall for the event attendees for about 3 hours in the afternoon with apple dumplings, cinnamon ice cream, hot chocolate, cider, wassail and a deck that overlooked TT. Nice touch. Short but colorful Christmas Parade, but I still say that the face of the candy cane makes it look like the most stoned thing I have ever scene!
  22. When we were at Dutch Wonderland in PA it was July 2021 and they have an employee that legit looks like Santa, real beard and all; and he was taking tickets at the front gate with red shorts and red knee socks joking about it being his second job in the summer because Mrs. Claus didn't want him hanging around getting in her way, lol. Everyone loved it, there was a line a mile long. Of course it didn't involve the whole park just him, but it was great.
  23. I dunno Christmas by the pool seems ok to me The point though is to experiment with new ideas to draw people in and see what is popular and what isn't. They need things that can be enjoyed by all ages to tempt more families to come in together, even if the kids go off to ride stuff that Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa don't want to do. If there are events that include special food, drink, shows, etc. etc. that entices the people with the money in the family (which are not the kids) to stay and spend. There are a whole host of ideas they could try out; back to school foam or beach party the last week of 7 day operation, craft beer festival (and I don't even like beer but it is popular), shark week in June, specialty food festivals like Epcot but on a much smaller more local scale. Or intertwine things like craft beer and whiskey tastings with the festivals. Just some examples, there are numerous possibilities. Some will be better than others but then they can get feedback. If they are putting a focus on entertainment maybe they are already thinking this way. Also, maybe offer some VIP tours with behind the scenes and/or lift hill climbs and/or first ride of the day on something. I think the one at Holiday World has been pretty popular and most gp don't get to do those things. We are just used to it because of thoosie events. Got a behind the scenes inside the volcano once, it was cool, people will pay for it. BUT whatever they do they have to get better at messaging it to the whole area. Talked to a neighbor one day who didn't have any idea that HITP had gone away, which is the exact problem. People weren't attending in droves and as a person that doesn't seek that info out she had no idea. Advertising pays off.
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