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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Food for Thought: If there was a CGI movie about the anthropomorphized coasters of Cedar Point (a la Cars or Toy Story), who would voice each coaster?

As examples, I could see Ed Asner as Blue Streak, Christopher Lloyd as Corkscrew, Dwayne Johnson as TTD, and Sigourney Weaver as Millennium Force. Maybe John Goodman with a cameo as Mean Streak

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Magnum - I didn't really get the hype. It was fun I guess, but it was terribly uneventful. The coathangered arrow transitions that start banking about 100 yard too soon didn't help either.


First off, cool video! It's clear that you put a lot of love into it, and it makes me want to head straight to my car and drive to CP.


Your description of Magnum's transitions made me laugh hard. It's very true, though I've still adored *some* rides on Magnum. It does have magic -- and not just nostalgia -- but I don't reliably know how or when it decides to show it. Even with row recommendations and seat belt tightening, I can never tell what kind of ride I'm going to get. Magnum can be boring, clunky, and sometimes painful, or unexpectedly smooth and one of my favorite coasters in the park.

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Magnum - I didn't really get the hype. It was fun I guess, but it was terribly uneventful. The coathangered arrow transitions that start banking about 100 yard too soon didn't help either.


First off, cool video! It's clear that you put a lot of love into it, and it makes me want to head straight to my car and drive to CP.


Your description of Magnum's transitions made me laugh hard. It's very true, though I've still adored *some* rides on Magnum. It does have magic -- and not just nostalgia -- but I don't reliably know how or when it decides to show it. Even with row recommendations and seat belt tightening, I can never tell what kind of ride I'm going to get. Magnum can be boring, clunky, and sometimes painful, or unexpectedly smooth and one of my favorite coasters in the park.


I haven't been to CP in many years, but I do remember Magnum fondly. It's such a wild, out of control and nearly unpredictable ride. It had a special charm that I feel that the Morgan hypers don't really have.

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Magnum - I didn't really get the hype. It was fun I guess, but it was terribly uneventful. The coathangered arrow transitions that start banking about 100 yard too soon didn't help either.


First off, cool video! It's clear that you put a lot of love into it, and it makes me want to head straight to my car and drive to CP.


Your description of Magnum's transitions made me laugh hard. It's very true, though I've still adored *some* rides on Magnum. It does have magic -- and not just nostalgia -- but I don't reliably know how or when it decides to show it. Even with row recommendations and seat belt tightening, I can never tell what kind of ride I'm going to get. Magnum can be boring, clunky, and sometimes painful, or unexpectedly smooth and one of my favorite coasters in the park.


I haven't been to CP in many years, but I do remember Magnum fondly. It's such a wild, out of control and nearly unpredictable ride. It had a special charm that I feel that the Morgan hypers don't really have.

I loved Magnum when I went this past spring. In fact, I would rank the top 3 there in the very unusual order of Millennium Force, Magnum, then Maverick. Mamba at Worlds of Fun was my first hyper, and the coaster that got me into coasters. When I rode Magnum, I thought that it had everything I loved about Mamba, just amplified. Magnum is an amazing coaster and doesn't get as much respect as it deserves.

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It's pretty sad that people have nothing better to do all day that we've gotten to the level of faking crane pictures for a roller coaster company.


It's a little sad that so many people assume they are faking these photos.


No. It's just sad that people care so much. Whatever will happen will happen, regardless of how much people analyze every little bullisH*t clue. It reminds me of a six-year-old trying to figure out what his parents are getting him for Christmas.

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What's wrong with speculation? Or excitement? I don't see the harm in a conversation.

Some people just like to take the fun out of everything




Can someone make a Cedar Fair ride name generator?


We can use it to figure out potential RMC names for Mean Streak.

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It's pretty sad that people have nothing better to do all day that we've gotten to the level of faking crane pictures for a roller coaster company.


It's a little sad that so many people assume they are faking these photos.


No. It's just sad that people care so much... It reminds me of a six-year-old trying to figure out what his parents are getting him for Christmas.


You think a 6 year old trying to figure out what his parents are getting him for Christmas is sad?


Seriously, it's a discussion forum and we are using it for the right reason. It's actually entertaining, unlike the boat talk we got last offseason. This is why I'm personally glad Cedar Point didn't announce the RMC already.

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All joking aside, I'm fairly confident neither "Hawk", nor a "Mythical Creature" will be in the name for this, as it's going to have a theme (again, using that word loosely) fitting for Frontier Town. They've already said that this expansion will be to enhance Frontier Town, so I'd be shocked if the name doesn't reflect that.

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Tossing in a name suggestion.

Haha! Thank God there was something worth seeing after sifting through the last ten pages of garbage.



I finally completed my Cedar Point Cinematic/Slow Motion video; it took about 15-20 hours total, but it's finally done, and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Well, OK... this too.


Great Z's think alike.

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All joking aside, I'm fairly confident neither "Hawk", nor a "Mythical Creature" will be in the name for this, as it's going to have a theme (again, using that word loosely) fitting for Frontier Town. They've already said that this expansion will be to enhance Frontier Town, so I'd be shocked if the name doesn't reflect that.


Outlaw Streak? LOL

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Without further ado, I present Cedar Point's Steel Giants (feat. wooden coasters)




I know I'm some number of pages too late because we're all so busy talking in ridiculous circles, but can we go back to this? This is the best video on the internet. (Ok maybe I'm exaggerating, but not a lot) Very well done.

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All joking aside, I'm fairly confident neither "Hawk", nor a "Mythical Creature" will be in the name for this, as it's going to have a theme (again, using that word loosely) fitting for Frontier Town. They've already said that this expansion will be to enhance Frontier Town, so I'd be shocked if the name doesn't reflect that.


Outlaw Streak? LOL


Ding! Ding! We have a winner!


I threw out a couple of names pages ago, but I think they got buried under talk about boats, cranes, or some other silliness... I like "Marauder" for a related, but outside the expected CF name. Also, another "M" name, so there's that!


But one I particularly liked, because it kept with the Western them, paid homage to Mean Streak, and is already owned by Cedar Fair (since we know they like re-using names), is Silver Streak. Give that baby silver RMC track, and it'll really look sharp!

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