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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Guys guys guys, none of these suggestions are realistic. You know they're gonna continue this streak of giving coasters completely ridiculous, barely pronounceable names. My predictions:






Or maybe I'm wrong and they'll just keep it simple:

Really Mean Coaster


You know Tony is lurking and loving every second of this.

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All joking aside, I'm fairly confident neither "Hawk", nor a "Mythical Creature" will be in the name for this, as it's going to have a theme (again, using that word loosely) fitting for Frontier Town. They've already said that this expansion will be to enhance Frontier Town, so I'd be shocked if the name doesn't reflect that.

Tell that to Skyhawk

But in all seriousness, of course it's not going to be a "Hawk" name, but I still wouldn't throw out a mythical creature.

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Guys guys guys, none of these suggestions are realistic. You know they're gonna continue this streak of giving coasters completely ridiculous, barely pronounceable names. My predictions:






Or maybe I'm wrong and they'll just keep it simple:

Really Mean Coaster


You know Tony is lurking and loving every second of this.

I actually LOVE Abyzou

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Without further ado, I present Cedar Point's Steel Giants (feat. wooden coasters)




I know I'm some number of pages too late because we're all so busy talking in ridiculous circles, but can we go back to this? This is the best video on the internet. (Ok maybe I'm exaggerating, but not a lot) Very well done.

Thank you!!

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Without further ado, I present Cedar Point's Steel Giants (feat. wooden coasters)




I know I'm some number of pages too late because we're all so busy talking in ridiculous circles, but can we go back to this? This is the best video on the internet. (Ok maybe I'm exaggerating, but not a lot) Very well done.


Also late to the party but that video was life changing. Very well done!

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They could change the name Mean Streak entirely, or just follow SFOT's lead and call it "The New Mean Streak".


I've heard Iron Horse back in August.


Wasn't that just that beer they had available?

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All joking aside, I'm fairly confident neither "Hawk", nor a "Mythical Creature" will be in the name for this, as it's going to have a theme (again, using that word loosely) fitting for Frontier Town. They've already said that this expansion will be to enhance Frontier Town, so I'd be shocked if the name doesn't reflect that.


Dallas Cowboys, Cedar Point's newest roller coaster.

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