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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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That is true, it's not difficult to find a company's DOT number online or from other truck pictures. However, while I wouldn't put it past some bored enthusiast, getting the correct DOT number also is going to some pretty great lengths just to play a practical joke. Just saying. Time will tell.

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If it was photoshopped, someone had too much time to get the shadows and shading just right on both pictures. The first one would be particullary difficult.


You misinterpret them, the number was photoshopped on the picture. The rest is real.

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It appears to be too dark for boat watching. If I recall correctly, boats are not bioluminescent, so we'll have our best chances in the morning.




EDIT: If anyone sees any minute change on the webcam feel free to post a screenshot, as that's the boat's claim to fame.

Edited by ImNotOneOfYou
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