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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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2018 all the way...and it will still open quicker than any coaster ever built at SFMM.

I'm not too sure about that...https://rcdb.com/615.htm


IIRC, Goliath was under construction most of the 1999 season.

Even if you discount Goliath, Batman opened in March...RIddler, Viper, and Scream all opened in April. Point is, not all SFMMs coasters open in July like some like to allude to

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Whatever it is, it will beat out Twisted Colossus in overall experience (do people still compare SFMM and CP? If not, sorry, late to the game here...)


I could see a double loading station (remember, CP cares about capacity), and a launch section after the lift portion gets low to the ground. No rumors here, just wishes! If they're going with RMC, they're gonna do it right.


I've been thinking/wishing for the same! Couldn't help but think a mini "Lightning Rod" section might come in to play (especially for the 2nd half of the ride). Maybe even a vertical loop (Son of Beast)? Initially conceived as a bigger, faster, longer answer to Texas Giant, I feel it's re-birth will do exactly the same re: current hybrid record holders. Like Texas Giant, there's so much (layout) to work with. I'm really looking forward to the renderings. From the looks of the pic below, it looks like they're wasting no time with deconstruction.



This summer I made my first trip ever to Cedar Point. I rode Mean Streak and I actually enjoyed 1 out of my 2 total rides. It's just such an imposing epic structure with a very traditional wooden coaster feel (including PTC's). It was no Ghostrider by any means (re: spleen damage & spine shanking, but also not a marathon candidate especially in the rear of the train. Looking forward to the updates, can't wait for next spring!



Mean Streak RMC - Predictions (No Limits)











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I can't help but think economically and logically in this case. Being SFOT is my home park and it took them over a year to do the Texas Giant renovation. I can only speculate that the timing of closing Mean Streak wasn't an accident. It might snow for 2 days here compared to how harsh winter is in Sandusky It's a delicate process as I watched them here in Texas, it'll probably take them all winter just to prepare and do the "minor" work that doesn't even involve installing track. We watched here back home as they built it all during a season for opening the following season. It makes sense from a business perspective that this will be in 2018, then it'll tidy all of us over until 2020 for their anniversary and for whatever they may have planned then. Let's be of sound reasoning and quit expecting so much so fast.

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I can't help but think economically and logically in this case. Being SFOT is my home park and it took them over a year to do the Texas Giant renovation. I can only speculate that the timing of closing Mean Streak wasn't an accident. It might snow for 2 days here compared to how harsh winter is in Sandusky It's a delicate process as I watched them here in Texas, it'll probably take them all winter just to prepare and do the "minor" work that doesn't even involve installing track. We watched here back home as they built it all during a season for opening the following season. It makes sense from a business perspective that this will be in 2018, then it'll tidy all of us over until 2020 for their anniversary and for whatever they may have planned then. Let's be of sound reasoning and quit expecting so much so fast.

I think it should be pointed out that NTG was a prototype design, and one with an intentionally slow build process. They were inexperienced with the new technology at the time, so they took baby steps. Twisted Colossus easily trumps NTG in terms of sheer size, scale, and intricacy, and was completed relatively (or at least comparatively) quickly. My prediction is that RMC Mean Streak opens in 2017, but not with the rest of the park at the beginning of the season. Unless they start hauling ass with construction, that is.

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I can't help but think economically and logically in this case. Being SFOT is my home park and it took them over a year to do the Texas Giant renovation. I can only speculate that the timing of closing Mean Streak wasn't an accident. It might snow for 2 days here compared to how harsh winter is in Sandusky It's a delicate process as I watched them here in Texas, it'll probably take them all winter just to prepare and do the "minor" work that doesn't even involve installing track. We watched here back home as they built it all during a season for opening the following season. It makes sense from a business perspective that this will be in 2018, then it'll tidy all of us over until 2020 for their anniversary and for whatever they may have planned then. Let's be of sound reasoning and quit expecting so much so fast.

I think it should be pointed out that New Texas Giant was a prototype design, and one with an intentionally slow build process. They were inexperienced with the new technology at the time, so they took baby steps. Twisted Colossus easily trumps New Texas Giant in terms of sheer size, scale, and intricacy, and was completed relatively (or at least comparatively) quickly. My prediction is that RMC Mean Streak opens in 2017, but not with the rest of the park at the beginning of the season. Unless they start hauling ass with construction, that is. Sorry for the double post, but it was censoring by acronym for New Texas Giant for some reason.

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Tossing in a name suggestion.


When I saw the subtitle of the thread "RMC all but confirmed" I honestly thought we were mocking the fanboys/trolls. Kinda surprised this is happening. I can tell you I will book another 3 day CP trip next year.


Edited by PKI Jizzman
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At the risk of being completely overshadowed by all of the Mean Streak & RMC talk, I'd like to share something with you guys.


I finally completed my Cedar Point Cinematic/Slow Motion video; it took about 15-20 hours total, but it's finally done, and I hope you guys enjoy it! I have always wanted to visit CP and create a video like this for the park, and am really proud of the result. I'd really appreciate any feedback via a post below, comment on YouTube, or PM here on TPR. Let me know what you think!


Without further ado, I present Cedar Point's Steel Giants (feat. wooden coasters)





Also, here's a quick run down of some of the coasters we rode during our late-August visit:

Maverick - It's my new favorite coaster. It packs so many different elements in one complete, intense package. It's themed decently, provides great ejector airtime, fast launches, tight transitions, and a really smooth ride. It's everything I could ask for in a coaster.

Millennium Force - This coaster doesn't deserve the hate it gets. It's fast, smooth, has airtime that dwarfs that of the standard B&M hyper, and does all of this while providing a long ride through and over the treetops.

Gatekeeper - Is it forceless? Basically. Is it an awesome ride? Definitely. I loved Gatekeeper, it was such a fantastic experience in the front row on the last train of the night during a spectacular summer sunset. Very smooth and graceful.

Top Thrill Dragster - Loved everything about it except the length. I didn't feel it was fair to compare it to other coasters simply because there isn't enough substance to TTD.

Valravn - It was a good, fun dive coaster, but the vests kill a lot of the potential floating that happens on Griffon. I'd still rank it above Griffon because the layout isn't as repetitive and its a longer ride, but the actual diving wasn't as pronounced. The view, however, was terrific.

Raptor - A really fast paced B&M invert with snappy transitions and great forces. While I didn't appreciate the headbang the corkscrews provided, the rest of the coaster was a ton of fun.

Rougarou - I actually liked this a lot more than I expected to. It wasn't rough in my experience, it shuffled at the bottom of the dive loop and through the corkscrew, but it was pretty smooth otherwise. I would rank it above Dominator; I really liked the twisting transitions.

Magnum - I didn't really get the hype. It was fun I guess, but it was terribly uneventful. The coathangered arrow transitions that start banking about 100 yard too soon didn't help either.

Wicked Twister - Rode it in the back row; every launch made it progressively more rattley. I'm sure its fine in the front, but I wasn't sticking around to test that theory.

Skyhawk - Best. Flat. Ever.

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Great report and video. This thread is reaching into Kings Dominion thread territory so I'm thrilled to see someone trying to change the subject. I'm also glad someone else thinks Gatekeeper in the front row is awesome. It's forceless as hell but I don't care.

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Mean Streak bears so much resemblance to New Texas Giant in terms of scale, size, similarities in layout and length, etc. It's very exciting to me to think that RMC now has had 10 additional goes at coaster design and however many years of experience to rectify whatever might be lacking in New Texas Giant in terms of ride experience. It's like they almost get a second shot at their prototype model, taking what they've learned from their most recent (and arguably more thrilling) products (ie Lightning Rod, Wildfire, Medusa Steel, etc). Given the amount of height and length they have to work with, and their recent successes, I have no doubt this is going to undeniably be cream of the crop after they've had their way with it, and it will be so cool to see how far they've been able to come. Whichever year they open it. Count me as giddy-school-girl level excited, regardless of whether they open it tomorrow or in 2025.

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I can't help but think economically and logically in this case. Being SFOT is my home park and it took them over a year to do the Texas Giant renovation. I can only speculate that the timing of closing Mean Streak wasn't an accident. It might snow for 2 days here compared to how harsh winter is in Sandusky It's a delicate process as I watched them here in Texas, it'll probably take them all winter just to prepare and do the "minor" work that doesn't even involve installing track. We watched here back home as they built it all during a season for opening the following season. It makes sense from a business perspective that this will be in 2018, then it'll tidy all of us over until 2020 for their anniversary and for whatever they may have planned then. Let's be of sound reasoning and quit expecting so much so fast.

I think it should be pointed out that New Texas Giant was a prototype design, and one with an intentionally slow build process. They were inexperienced with the new technology at the time, so they took baby steps. Twisted Colossus easily trumps New Texas Giant in terms of sheer size, scale, and intricacy, and was completed relatively (or at least comparatively) quickly. My prediction is that RMC Mean Streak opens in 2017, but not with the rest of the park at the beginning of the season. Unless they start hauling A$$ with construction, that is. Sorry for the double post, but it was censoring by acronym for New Texas Giant for some reason.

I agree Twisted Colossus was a huge project, the original Colossus had over 8000ft of track to rip out, plus the massive structure. That being said, RMC had California's mild weather on their side. Not to mention we're in a drought here so rain was scarce during construction.


I'm not saying ya or nay for 2017, but there are more intangilbles pointing towards 2018. I'm sure all of us want 2017 though, we're in the instant gratification era

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Not to mention we're in a drought here so rain was scarce during construction.


I see what you wrote, but all I read was "business as usual"


Also, we did see a fairly rough winter (as far as regionally) in Pigeon Forge for Lightning Rod as far as I recall, and they still cranked through the construction fairly well. The crews in Sandusky amaze me with their resolve in the elements when building big stuff. As I said earlier, I'm not swayed one way or the other, but I agree it's "strange" for RMC to show up this early.

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Could someone tell me what the boat thing is, and explain why it's so annoying?



Fixed that for you.


But back in early December 2015, while the world record breaker, Valravn, was being constructed, many people were complaining shocker about people posting photos of the littlest things happen, I.e. track piece coming onto site, a bolt being tighten, the usually. So someone posted a photo from the webcam and said a long the lines of "as you can see, a boat is leaving the marina" and then that started the whole boat thing.


It went on all off-season. ["gif of Robin Williams saying 'good times']


Let me stop you right there.


It was horrible.

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If you remember, Texas Giant was closed in 2009 before opening in 2011 as NTAG. Same with Wildfire, announced in March 2014, opened summer 2016. Both of these have much longer & high-profile layouts compared to most of the other conversions/new coasters from RMC that were done in less than a year.


Here's a post from Screamscape explaining why SFStL hasn't given the RMC treatment to the Boss yet:


Looking at how Colossus was handled at Six Flags Magic Mountain, the track length was shorted considerably in that transformation, and according to all sources, the idea was floated to RMC for some initial ideas along with a budget range to stay within, and the result was similar... to stay within budget, the length of The Boss would have to be shortened considerably. Shortened to the point that the feeling is that it wouldn't be worth the effort, as the final result wouldn't even be anything like The Boss any longer.


So assuming CP wants to keep most of the original structure and basic layout pattern of Mean Streak intact (like SFOT did with NTAG), I would definitely put my money on this being a 2018 project. It would explain a lot...like why they've closed Mean Streak as early as they did and still haven't announced the layout yet, instead choosing to focus on promoting the water park expansion for 2017 while all the extensive prep work is going on.

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