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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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By the looks of things, there are 3 guys currently working on the lift hill. And that top guy seems to be shooting us some pretty dirty looks. I'm thinking one dude in the crane, and a few more for ground support. Maybe one or two computer guys behind the scenes, and a supervisor. With the lead car positioned where it is, and the current Capricorn moon rising in the house of Mercury. The angle of the dangle is based on the ratio of caloric intake vs cal burned. The sun is West, Southwest which would put the hematoma angiona in a recipricol orbit. Calculating the dohickys response to the thingamajigs bite force, we can obviously deduce based on no pertinent or available information that this thing will never open, and they're just planting explosives and pyro to set the whole thing off in a blaze of glory! Perhaps they'll simulate some sort of lightning strike at the top to keep with the whole lightning theme.


Now, that is only one man's highly educated guess.


I could be wrong.




I'm with you on this one. I think you are 100% correct!!! #ByeByeLightningRod

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Just saw this at savetherod.org


"Great news!


After posting one inquiry at DW's Facebook page and not getting an answer, I was contacted by the ride's secret owner, and after several minutes of negotiation, I can now announce:


Harold and I are the new owners of Lightning Rod!!!


I can't release all the secret details (and I'm re-taking the Calculus class I flunked 5 tines before so I won't have time to answer any questions) but I can share the e-mail I received from the former owner confirming Harold and I are now in charge of the project.


"Ya you, all bank numbers have in my possession now. My rod is yours too day. . . .Prince Desmond"



Harold now lives in the Sahara Desert, but things are moving fast. I've never been to Dollywood or Arkansas, but this coaster has a special place in my heart. As soon as I can get some donations and pay the rent on my trailer, I'm heading that way and will get that coaster going!!


I have the 'donate' button up; will try and get the website up later.


Luv. . Kat"



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I think what he is trying to say is that they could have built some smaller scale prototype to see the results.



How do you know they didn't?



I would hope if they did they had better data that what they seemed to have had going into the final testing phase. Again - stuff happens, but it just seems like there was a lot of faith put in something that ultimately could perform how they needed it to in the end and it seems like they waited till "the end" to discover that. ALSO Velocity may have been the contractor for the launch magnetics but wouldn't the ultimate final decision and specs rest with RMC since they were the ride designer and most likely the ones that spec'd VM to execute their specs?


Stuff happens, but it still seems like some poor advance testing and planning on their part.

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I'm just curious as to what testing people expected they should have done prior to the ride being finished? Exactly how do you launch a coaster up a lift hill without having 1)the lift hill and 2) the track following it completed?


You can calculate and simulate all you want but in the end you don't know for sure until you are full scale real world. One could say "build a prototype to test" but news flash, this is the prototype!

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I love what's happening in this thread! At least you're all having fun with this.


One thought did cross my mind though. Is RMC getting a free pass from the enthusiast community? I feel like if this was say an Intamin ride, everyone would be up in arms fuming, going crazy, claiming that Intamin would go out of business and no one would ever work with them again. Full disclosure - I support both companies, just interested in what you all think.

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I love what's happening in this thread! At least you're all having fun with this.


One thought did cross my mind though. Is RMC getting a free pass from the enthusiast community? I feel like if this was say an Intamin ride, everyone would be up in arms fuming, going crazy, claiming that Intamin would go out of business and no one would ever work with them again. Full disclosure - I support both companies, just interested in what you all think.

It's something that's being noted, but not something that will cause me to boycott the company and throw hissy fits about at this point... "Once is random, two is a trend, three is a pattern..." kind of deal here... This is also the 1st time they're dealing with a problem this public, so you have to look at the whole picture to get a sense of how to perceive things...

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Eh for me I don't really care who is making it when it comes to delays. I would rather them have delays and set backs to push new types of rides and technologies to give us the best and most innovative they can over just doing what works even though it may not be as exciting. I know this is hard on the parks, but from my viewpoint i am perfectly fine with the delay and other delays that happen. Not everything is going to be perfect.

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I love what's happening in this thread! At least you're all having fun with this.


One thought did cross my mind though. Is RMC getting a free pass from the enthusiast community? I feel like if this was say an Intamin ride, everyone would be up in arms fuming, going crazy, claiming that Intamin would go out of business and no one would ever work with them again. Full disclosure - I support both companies, just interested in what you all think.


Yeah, they are. If indeed they had decided to go with an untested supplier for the launch and not someone who had a track record, then they probably deserve to get their feet set to their fire a bit. To RMC's credit though, they did get the structure and trains ready for opening. That's no small feat.

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If an entire off-season isn't enough for multiple Six Flags parks to build and open rides that a carnival would have up and running in days, I think a pass is in order for the park building a giant launched wooden coaster on a mountain should things not go entirely according to plan.

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Although not for this park, it is related to late opening times for rides. Thorpe Park aren't opening DBGT until May, but nobody is complaining.

But DBGT isn't delayed, it was always advertised as opening in May. If it was delayed until say June after originally being advertised as opening in May, then people just might complain.

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If an entire off-season isn't enough for multiple Six Flags parks to build and open rides that a carnival would have up and running in days, I think a pass is in order for the park building a giant launched wooden coaster on a mountain should things not go entirely according to plan.

This right here

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One thought did cross my mind though. Is RMC getting a free pass from the enthusiast community? I feel like if this was say an Intamin ride, everyone would be up in arms fuming, going crazy, claiming that Intamin would go out of business and no one would ever work with them again.



I'd rather have a smooth, late opening day than a glitchy, on-time opening day, regardless of who builds or owns the ride. Having to delay a ride is much less reason to distrust a manufacturer's ride system compared to, I don't know, boats tipping over upside-down.

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I love what's happening in this thread! At least you're all having fun with this.


One thought did cross my mind though. Is RMC getting a free pass from the enthusiast community? I feel like if this was say an Intamin ride, everyone would be up in arms fuming, going crazy, claiming that Intamin would go out of business and no one would ever work with them again. Full disclosure - I support both companies, just interested in what you all think.


History plays a huge part in that. 7-8 deaths in the last 17 years, several other non-fatal incidences, post-construction reprofilings, and heavy downtime for some of their highest profile rides (whether it is their fault or park's requesting current technology to push the limit and do things they can't adequetely handle) are good reason to be quicker to place the blame on Intamin. RMC has a few blemishes on their record, but nothing compared to the quantity or severity of Intamin's.

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Update for today gives some optimism that they're getting closer. The crane at the top of the hill is gone, and the lead car has been moved (I assume back to the station or maintenance bay). Some guys are working down at the base of the non-inverting half loop, as well as a few more on the lift and near the station.



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