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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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I stopped in the gift shop for lightning rod to ask about it. The woman working there said the original issue was sometimes the ride would launch too quickly so instead of top speed being 72-73 it was closer to 82 miles per hour.


Umm, speaking from experience working with maintenance and ride programmers, you don't just add some brakes to cap off speed when a ride is randomly cycling ten mph faster than it should be. If an empty train is being launched using the same ride program, with the same amount of weight in the train, under the same weather conditions, it should not be deviating by 10 mph. A trim is typically meant to make a small speed adjustment, not compensate for a ride operating erratically. My educated and experienced guess would be that the first solution is to look into the ride program in terms of software and maybe hardware. I have no problem believing there is an issue with inconsistent launch speed, but to just throw some trims up there to fix what shows signs of a programming issue is not fixing the real problem. I'm sure the brakes and other hardware added to the ride are all part of a very intricate system for achieving consistent operation.

Edited by ajfelice
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Of course this is the dumbed down annalysis of the issue. I do not claim to work for RMC or build roller coasters and anything said by ANYONE park employee or not is to be taken with a grain of salt unless it comes directly from RKC or Dollywood. This is the reasoning I was given. Either way, the ride is testing again, expect to ride it soon!

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Can't wait to get there this summer. Going in July. Sorry for this random question, but: Haven't been to the park since 05' & don't remember if they have single rider lines or not? I'll be going in the middle of the week while my wife is at a convention so won't care where I sit & I'll be by myself. If not I'm considering getting their Q2Q Time Saver.

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