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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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Did I miss the part where blk_mamba became a highly trained engineer with in-depth behind the scenes knowledge of Dollywood and RMC?



I think you did miss that part. . . It was right up there with the part where he has decided this will be the worlds


first ,only and last launched wooden roller coaster.


Because... Well you know, launches are boring, and basically just a glorified lift hill.

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Calling it a PR nightmare is probably a bit of an overstatement. I also don't think you can make assumptions about the launch until you experience it.


I think a media day for an attraction that is not open is probably one of the worst case scenarios for your public relations department who is planning a media event just for the ride in question that is closed. I can't think of many other scenarios that would give a PR team a nightmare. I think it also speaks volumes that RMC put out their own independent press release.


It's not the first time and it won't be the last time this has happened. I would say an accident or something endangering public safety is much more of a "PR Nightmare." However, I understand some people like being overly dramatic, so call it whatever you want. This PR tragedy will be detrimental to the park. Oh what a world!

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This may be the first ,only and last launched wooden roller coaster. It really is not even worth the trouble IMO. Yes a launch is always pretty cool but the launch is essentially just a high tech lift hill.

The delay has nothing to do with the fact that it's a wooden coaster. It has everything to do with the fact they used a prototype launch system from a manufacturer with minimal LSM development experience.


Two things.


1. I think the fact that it is a wooden coaster may have everything to do with because I can imagine the technology needs to be retrofitted to accommodate a wooden structure.


For example: A steel LSM coster runs on a steel straight track where the manufacture has to make sure that every part lines up perfectly. With a wooden roller coaster where wood settle, shifts, sways etc that may be something that needs to be accounted for when adding a LSM system.


Also remember this is not a straight horizontal launch like many launched rides. This is is essentially a launched lift hill which may also pose some problem on a wood structure.


2. The fact that it is a wooden coaster might explain why RMC had to resort to using a company whos experienced with LSM launches is limited. No one has experience with an LSM launch on a wooden coaster, and few manufactures have any roller coaster LSM experience; and of those that do some may have decided their tech could not work with this type of ride.

Dal Freeman, Lagoon, ZIERER, Actemium Controlmatic GmbH, and InTraSys GmbH didn't have a problem with the First, Only, and Prototype Vertical LSM Launch on Wicked, still the Only ZIERER Launched Tower Coaster, and the Launch has never been a problem.

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Calling it a PR nightmare is probably a bit of an overstatement. I also don't think you can make assumptions about the launch until you experience it.


I think a media day for an attraction that is not open is probably one of the worst case scenarios for your public relations department who is planning a media event just for the ride in question that is closed. I can't think of many other scenarios that would give a PR team a nightmare. I think it also speaks volumes that RMC put out their own independent press release.


It's not the first time and it won't be the last time this has happened. I would say an accident or something endangering public safety is much more of a "PR Nightmare." However, I understand some people like being overly dramatic, so call it whatever you want. This PR tragedy will be detrimental to the park. Oh what a world!




Exactly prozach! I've been really surprised by the response to LR delay these last few weeks. So many folks are acting like this is something that never happens. There have been so many situations when parks new additions are not able to open when planned (coasters, rides, etc). I just don't understand why THIS ride at THIS park is so different? It happens.

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I can't think of many other scenarios that would give a PR team a nightmare.

Oh, there are lots. PR team hires a clown, but his makeup is done badly and looks like the Joker's. One of the PR reps puts a very lifelike rubber snake in a highly used desk drawer. PR team leaves food out and discovers that their office has rats. PR team is informed that their building was one of the last ones built with asbestos and that it was never removed.


Many more things are nightmare-inducing than this.

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Check Dollywood's Facebook Page and the Comments about the Lightning Rod Ice Cream. There are every day people complaining about the ride not being open. The same thing happened last year on Lagoon's Facebook Page when Cannibal didn't open with the park. Lagoon never gave an exact Opening Date, even when the ride was announced, and your average Utah Bob took to Facebook to express how they felt ripped off. It was especially funny that people who hadn't yet been to the park felt "ripped off." People called news stations, and one station or another was doing a story on it every couple weeks or so. Of course, once it opened on July 2nd, everyone forgot about it.

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This thread has been pretty toxic over the past few weeks. I'm as excited as everyone else, but you guys need to relax. I'm sure everyone is trying their hardest to get this open - It's not like Dollywood or RMC are deliberately spiting us enthusiasts. Just be patient, I bet we will see this thing open within a month.

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here's my speculation from the comfort of my desk chair...the thing simply wasn't going fast enough up the hill. being the keyboard engineer that i am, they probably need to swap some parts out and do some better calculations with the info they now have.

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Keyboard engineering is fun.

I think there was a comment from RMC about cosistency at some point? Could be something as simple as the launch works but every few cycles it overheats, or trips out or something like that.

Which would take time to solve but not that big of a deal.

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Last time I was at Dollywood was back in 2006... I NEED to return when Lightning Rod is done, but just wanted to point out that when I was there a decade ago (wow... it's so weird to say that it was a DECADE ago) Thunderhead was imo the best ride there. How's the old girl holding up? Still a goodie?

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Saw this posted on Twitter today...looks like at least 1 RMC person (or at least someone wearing an RMC jacket) doing something on Lightning Rod today. Hopefully progress.


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I was just listening to our local news station outside of Atlanta, GA. They were interviewing with a Dollywood publicist and discussing stuff about the park and also Lightning Rod. She said they are "going to open the coaster in a couple of weeks". She wasn't specific, however. I'm not totally buying this YET. Thank goodness my family has season passes, we can return anytime this year and will try to make it to the park as soon as it opens.

Good to hear. My trip to Dollywood isn't until late May, so if "going to open the coaster in a couple of weeks" is true, then I should be fine.


It's a shame that all of these of delays have happened, but I guess it's better than opening it as is and having it be another Top Thrill Dragster (closed half of the time).


It's sad to say that may still be a gamble, but be optimistic.


I'm still not putting my money into what that publicist said. My current thinking is that LR won't be open until AT LEAST the middle of next month. I mean, we still don't know what the exact problem really is regarding the launch, and I am hoping that the issue isn't anything major.

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Finally we are seeing some signs of something going on with Lightening Rod. My friends and I have been keeping an eye on the status of Lightening Rod for the last couple of weeks in the hopes it might be up and running for the weekend of May 14th. I am still not very optimistic that Dolly's new toy will be ready by then but in the event it isn't we will head towards Indiana and Kentucky instead.

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