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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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If you haven't ridden it yet, definitely just get on the coaster, and get one lap under your belt, assuming it's more than a half hour wait to the station (if it's not, give the front line a try.)


Oh and pro tip... go to the front (left) station when you wait for the front. You get a great view of the ride and a nice breeze which makes the queue experience much less boring and much more comfortable.


I'm not sure if I have ever gone left....I love going to the right so I can watch the train ahead of me launch! Such a cool view.

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Mayflies have been over since late June/ Early July. Muffle heads (smaller/ messier )are the ones that have swarms throughout the summer season typically ending around late September when temperatures drop.


Thanks! I can't really remember having issues with them in the past, but I haven't gone later in the season before. Really excited to try out Maverick with the new restraints even though I never had a problem with the ride. I've been using coasterbill's "front seat and lean forward" method since 2007. I really think the front is better than the back! Mantis -> Rougarou is a welcome change, and I'm happy to hear that it isn't drawing in too long of a line.


I'm doing three days at the park, so I'm interested to see what little things I'll see differently or try at the park. Never been to the waterpark, but I'll check it out since we have Soak City free with the tickets. Never done the rapids ride as well, so I'll hit up all the water rides before the waterpark. ...which is really just the rapids and shoot the shoot, haha. I hope they invest in a traditional log flume sooner than later.

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^ Don't miss the swim-up bar - it's the best attraction at Soak City!


To echo the sentiment about front seat of TTD at night, I rode it there with another single rider the first time I ever rode it - holy freaking crap was that crazy!


And of course, who could complain about a front seat night ride on MF either...that's another significant game changer right there. If you have FL+, I would definitely wait the extra 1/2 hour for the front if you have the time to spare.

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Also, I can't find a legit answer on when the Mayfly season is over. I'll be there the last week of August...will I have to worry about the bugs still?


Thank you!!!


i know a couple years ago waiting for the front long enough that the sun went down, and the bugs came out. i believe we were the first train to go through the lights. i was covered. hitting all them at 120 was no fun. shirt was covered as well as my face. LOL

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I really like Dragster in any seat, and wouldn't recommend waiting for the front if the line is that much longer.


Especially once this new RMC is in the park. There's no real reason to be out of that area by Maverick/NewMeanStreak for too long.

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I really like Dragster in any seat, and wouldn't recommend waiting for the front if the line is that much longer.


Especially once this new RMC is in the park. There's no real reason to be out of that area by Maverick/NewMeanStreak for too long.


If they end up not getting an RMC I'll make sure I bring up this quote so everyone gets mad at you because you jinxed it.

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I really like Dragster in any seat, and wouldn't recommend waiting for the front if the line is that much longer.


This is terrible advice. Do not listen to this person. Go hard or go home.



Seriously though, you need to ride it in the front and draw your own conclusions. It's okay in every seat (unlike Kingda Ka) but It's absolutely mind blowing in row 1. One or two people might disagree but very few people would deny that riding Kingda Ka or Top Thrill Dragster in row 1 is infinitely better than in any other row. Some may not do it based on wait time, but you need to experience it and decide for yourself.

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I imagine that, for most, if you've never ridden TTD before it's most likely your first time ever visiting CP. If that is the case, I highly recommend investing in Fast Lane Plus for one day, even if you are there multiple days. It turned a 3 hour wait for Valravn into 5 minutes when I used it in May.


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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I really like Dragster in any seat, and wouldn't recommend waiting for the front if the line is that much longer.


Just because I am curious. . . Were you dropped/thrown on your head as a child??


The front seat on TTD is the only place to sit.

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I really like Dragster in any seat, and wouldn't recommend waiting for the front if the line is that much longer.


Just because I am curious. . . Were you dropped/thrown on your head as a child??


The front seat on TTD is the only place to sit.

Sometimes having a bug screen is nice.

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We are staying at a super 8 after park hopping from cedar point to kings island, lol. Fast lane plus is definitely worth it!


The super 8 near Kings Island? Ew.


we made that mistake once too.

If you can still change your reservation, I stayed at the Baymont across the highway from Kings Island. It was cheap and actually a decent hotel.

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I really like Dragster in any seat, and wouldn't recommend waiting for the front if the line is that much longer.


This is terrible advice. Do not listen to this person. Go hard or go home.



Seriously though, you need to ride it in the front and draw your own conclusions. It's okay in every seat (unlike Kingda Ka) but It's absolutely mind blowing in row 1. One or two people might disagree but very few people would deny that riding Kingda Ka or Top Thrill Dragster in row 1 is infinitely better than in any other row. Some may not do it based on wait time, but you need to experience it and decide for yourself.


Agreed. It was my last visit that I rode MF, TTD, Raptor in the front seat for the first time, rather than the back seat. I have to say that I prefer the front! Although the back for MF and Raptor's first drop are great. I still do like TTD in the back a lot because of the crawl over the top and then the whip straight down. Yes, please staple me in because it's terrifying to have any wiggle room at that point!!!


Excited to try Gatekeeper, Rougarou, and Magnum in the front row this coming trip

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^ Don't miss the swim-up bar - it's the best attraction at Soak City!



To chime in on the TTD station discussion, I do have to agree with the thought that watching the train in front of you depart from the front row of the second station, adds to the excitement, and anticipation! If I'm riding it with somebody who either hasn't ridden before, or is doing it in the front for the first time (as I did earlier this year), it's great hearing them get nervous and sweat it out as they watch the train in front launch!


As for which station has a shorter line, I found that on average, the left station (first station) has a shorter line, because for whatever reason, most people just seem to go into the nearest side to where the queue spills into that area, which is the right station side. I actually tracked our progress this year when going on the left, and we got to the station, and on the ride, much quicker than the people behind us who went to to the right side. Of course, if you go to the left, you won't have that experience I described earlier...


Again, all decisions about TTD need to be made with the understanding that a breakdown is imminent, you just don't know how imminent, imminent is! Generally, getting on it as soon after it re-opens from a breakdown, is the best time, as you probably have a good shot of getting on, and as others have mentioned, the line typically will be shorter.

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