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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm actually hoping to get there before it closes for good and try the coasterbill method. But if not...bring on RMC! This sounds just like what happened with some of the Six Flags wooden coasters before they were RMCed: rumors that the coaster would close later that season, then a farewell ceremony, then...announcement!


Of course this would be Cedar Fair's first RMC, but it makes sense that they would want the first one at Cedar Point. I'm really looking forward to what will happen with this ride, and I'm excited that I'll be in the area.

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So what would a RMC Mean Streak be called? The only catchy name that I've seen is Steel Streak.



Being that this is CF the name will be a little more original than the SF style. A la Mantis changing to Rougarou.

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I am one to usually not get involved with trying to decipher "clues" all enthusiasts see in teases from the parks.


But maybe the SplinterCat theme finds its way to point for this ride. Showing a man taking an axe to the ride, Splintercats come from logging folklore. Could have been a red herring thrown out from a different park!


Anyways, looking forward to whatever is announced as it'll be a better ride then whats currently there. My hopes are for RMC.

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Not sure if a groan, a face-plant or both would be the most appropriate at this point...but I can't say that I didn't know that the stupid boat and _____ Streak names weren't going to come out in droves as soon as I read this announcement.

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Too bad this ride is leaving. It was a great ride as long as you rode in the front left seat, leaning forward on an 83 degree Tuesday in June where the weight of the train equals the distance from the Earth to the sun divided by the attendance in the park that day plus the total number of guests riding Windseeker as your crest the top hill. And even then, if you're not riding with a transgender Muslim next to you and a copy of the 2010 hit single Fireflies by Owl City in your hand, you're doing it all wrong!

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Clearly the best candidates for an RMC Mean Streak name in my opinion are: Mean Streak:Revived, Twisted Streak, Cruel Streak, Metal Streak and Wicked Streak.



Oh my goodness. None of those are good.

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Too bad this ride is leaving. It was a great ride as long as you rode in the front left seat, leaning forward on an 83 degree Tuesday in June where the weight of the train equals the distance from the Earth to the sun divided by the attendance in the park that day plus the total number of guests riding Windseeker as your crest the top hill. And even then, if you're not riding with a transgender Muslim next to you and a copy of the 2010 hit single Fireflies by Owl City in your hand, you're doing it all wrong!


I totally thought you were serious until I hit the "83 degree Tuesday" part.

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So what would a RMC Mean Streak be called? The only catchy name that I've seen is Steel Streak.


New Mean Streak

Iron Streak

Iron Hawk

Iron Seeker

Steel Streak

Steel Hawk

Steel Seeker


. . . I mean, this is Cedar Fair we are talking about.

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So what would a RMC Mean Streak be called? The only catchy name that I've seen is Steel Streak.


New Mean Streak

Iron Streak

Iron Hawk

Iron Seeker

Steel Streak

Steel Hawk

Steel Seeker


. . . I mean, this is Cedar Fair we are talking about.

What makes this even funnier is that one of those is actually the name of a real Cedar Fair ride...lol


I'm personally hoping for Hawkinator 185.

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I really doubt (IF RMC would be doing anything), that they would call it ___ Hawk, ___ streak, etc. I feel like that's a bit more 2007ish Cedar Fair. Like Firehawk, Nighthawk, etc. I think it'll be something totally weird and unpredictable (and unpronounceable). They've been very unique with names for coasters as of recently. Take Valravn and Rougarou, for example. Those are totally unique. Even Gatekeeper and Maverick would be, too.

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Too bad this ride is leaving. It was a great ride as long as you rode in the front left seat, leaning forward on an 83 degree Tuesday in June where the weight of the train equals the distance from the Earth to the sun divided by the attendance in the park that day plus the total number of guests riding Windseeker as your crest the top hill. And even then, if you're not riding with a transgender Muslim next to you and a copy of the 2010 hit single Fireflies by Owl City in your hand, you're doing it all wrong!

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