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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I know we all like to crap on Six Flags for many things, but one thing I really credit them for is their efforts to maintain classics. They have several '70s Schwarzkopf coasters still in operation like Revolution, Mind Bender, Shockwave, and Whizzer, plus several flume rides, an Arrow Suspended, several Arrow loopers, a few sky rides, etc. Props to them!

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If Six Flags wants to keep an old ride running well they will. Rides like Mindbender, Whizzer, and Wild One prove that they know how to care of older rides. However, there's no telling which rides will get their TLC vs. which they'd rather give the ax.

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Thunder River could use a make-over. the tunnels need working water falls and random auto water cannons. Maybe lockers solely for those who whine that they have to carry on all of their items and wanna give away their money instead of bring ppl who don't wanna get wet that day.

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Couple of things - My 3 year old little coaster buddy is finally tall enough for the Mine Train, so we rode it 6 times last Sunday. I know I'm showing my age here, but does anyone remember when they ran 4 trains on this? I don't think they even have 4 trains for it any more


Also - when did they decide to not open the front part of the park early? I usually get there around opening with him and the last few visits it is just a $%*#show. Several hundred people waiting (with no shade.) The "Diamond Elite uber special secret entrance takes at least twice as long as the regular gates and security is slower than ever. It's just super frustrating and not the best way to start your day at the park.


Don't get me wrong - I still have a great time and this is now our Sunday "thing" that we do - He asks every day when I pick him up at daycare if we are going to Six Flags and that makes me smile.


David - need to go for a grown up day soon though- McCollum

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The time change for the front of the park must have happened in the last few weeks. It seems to me the early entry would allow people to start spending their money sooner but the park must have other ideas.


Couple of things - My 3 year old little coaster buddy is finally tall enough for the Mine Train, so we rode it 6 times last Sunday. I know I'm showing my age here, but does anyone remember when they ran 4 trains on this? I don't think they even have 4 trains for it any more


Also - when did they decide to not open the front part of the park early? I usually get there around opening with him and the last few visits it is just a $%*#show. Several hundred people waiting (with no shade.) The "Diamond Elite uber special secret entrance takes at least twice as long as the regular gates and security is slower than ever. It's just super frustrating and not the best way to start your day at the park.


Don't get me wrong - I still have a great time and this is now our Sunday "thing" that we do - He asks every day when I pick him up at daycare if we are going to Six Flags and that makes me smile.


David - need to go for a grown up day soon though- McCollum

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Just visited the park Saturday for the first time in a few weeks. I was only there a few hours at the end of the day but am planning a full day tomorrow. I was in the area and thought I would look for hints of project 2020, paying close attention to the Splashwater Falls area. Alas - nothing has changed, no survey markings, etc. Also I am quite surprised the park has not added an entrance sign for ScreamPunk coming from the Piedmont section. I know this area is very underdeveloped and am sure there is much more to come.


Which got me thinking about what may be coming next year. I share a popular theory that the park will likely add an S&S 4D Free Spin coaster as it seems to fit well in the former Splashwater Falls area. However, while that type of ride would fit, the size and height of such a coaster would be lost in the tree line. In fact, the only real clear view of this ride in that location would be from an angle, and it would seem to me that such a ride would look much better in the open area behind Pandemonium.


What if the new attraction coming to the SWF area is NOT a coaster? (The park could still receive a coaster in 2020 but maybe not in that spot - with the aforementioned lack of survey markers there.) There is a rumor going around that SF Fiesta could possibly receive a Zamperla NebulaZ model - and there is a video of a similar installation in Luna Park. I have to say this is one cool and fun looking flat ride! This type of ride would fit in PERFECTLY with the ScreamPunk theme with all the gears and such. And - it would fit in the space where SWF sits, thus taking on a ScreamPunk-themed name. For arguements sake, if such a ride were to get a DC theme, with its proximity to other DC attractions, it could receive a Cyborg theme too.


Speculation season is here! Let's enjoy every minute of it!

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Keep in mind that just because there are no survey markers doesn't mean it still can't happen. Six Flags builds stuff late, especially these Free Spin installations that they have done many times now. Batman at SFDK went up in a matter of a couple weeks.


Also, speaking of Batman, that ride was announced out of nowhere. There were no hints whatsoever a Free Spin was coming to that park and come announcement day, boom. It definitely surprised me.


I actually think that would be a great location for a Free Spin. Most of them so far are out in the open and clearly visible. One tucked in the tree line a bit and close to foliage would be something different and cool.

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So, my friends and I did both SF Great America and SF Over Georgia on our month-long road trip last month, and while I liked both parks, I've gotta say something about SFOG's loose articles policy...


At SFGA, they have large cabinets, color-coded to the trains, where riders can put all their loose articles. They lock the cabinets and rotate their use, so that whichever train is coming into the train, that's the cabinet that gets unlocked for people to get their stuff. It's a super smooth process and you don't get harassed about not putting your stuff in a you-know-what.


At SFOG, though... all they have are the shelves you put your drink bottles in. Except Twisted Cyclone, which has a small cubby that has a sign over it that reiterates that loose articles are not allowed on the ride.


.....but they don't let you use that cubby. I put my hat and sunglasses in it, trying to follow the rules, but one of the ride operators grabs them and hands them back and tells me I'm not allowed to use that cubby. Like, what?! And here's the real issue: I didn't have that problem the first day there - they had no problem with me leaving my hat & sunglasses in the cubby on TC and setting them on top of my drink bottle at other rides. But omg, the second day, they absolutely wouldn't let me do that. So, I spent the rides trying to make sure I was holding my sunglasses tight enough (my hat was okay; I just stuck it around my wrist like I've done at other parks before).


It's disappointing that SFOG has moved to the whole "you have to use the pay-for you-know-whats" policy, whereas SFGA has such a smooth loose articles procedure and doesn't have you-know-whats everywhere.




Also, if you are 5'3" or shorter, good luck getting onto Pandemonium. I tried to get up but just couldn't manage. I asked the ride operators for a stool - which I assumed they'd have considering Acrophobia had two available - but they're like "oh we don't have stools, you just gotta jump". Like... seriously?! I tried again, this time maneuvering as if I was mounting a horse, and I managed to get into the seat, but the way I put my weight on my left leg was wrong and I pulled something in my calf. I was in pain the rest of the day into the next morning. I was limping the rest of the day. Thankfully, it was just a strain or something and ibuprofen helped so I was okay by the time we went to the park the next day.


But still, I don't understand why Pandemonium doesn't have stools like Acrophobia. Really a bummer. I was afraid of re-hurting myself the second day, so while I loved the ride, I skipped it while my friends went.


Those are the only real complaints I had about SFOG. Everything else was great! Oh, well, except Great American Scream Machine... All three of us agreed that we are never ever ever going on that one again. I tried to keep my mouth shut since kids were on the ride, but someone a few cars ahead of us was cussing a storm quite loudly by the end, and I totally agreed with him. WTF.

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However, while that type of ride would fit, the size and height of such a coaster would be lost in the tree line. In fact, the only real clear view of this ride in that location would be from an angle, and it would seem to me that such a ride would look much better in the open area behind Pandemonium.


Isn't most of everything at SF lost in the tree line, especially Mind bender?

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Great American Scream Machine was a let down for me. It looks soooooo good, and I can handle, and like, a rough ride, but wow. I thought I had spinal damage. Whatever air time there may have been wasn't noticed because well, my skeletal structure was being rattled out of place and the roughness took away from speed and anything. Was easily my least favorite ride there.


To add insult to injury...this ride jostled my rental car keys out! I got up, realized they were gone, went into panic mode, and by the grace of the coaster gods saw em in the car (not row but car!) ahead of me! I already hated the ride, I did during and immediately after. That was just icing lol

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It's disappointing that SFOG has moved to the whole "you have to use the pay-for you-know-whats" policy, whereas SFGA has such a smooth loose articles procedure and doesn't have you-know-whats everywhere.

I have noticed too that SFOG is the only park (I am aware of) that goes to such great lengths to require riders to make arrangements for loose articles other than drink bottles. Ride ops will hold up the entire train dispatch to wait for a rider to claim a ball cap left harmlessly on top of their drink cup. Of course loose articles can be left with a non-rider but the money grab hope is you will pay for "personal storage" - and the park is willing to foster bad will to achieve that extra revenue.


Again, this seems unique to this park. When I travel with my friends to other SF parks, this is a non-issue.

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Again, this seems unique to this park. When I travel with my friends to other SF parks, this is a non-issue.


Concur. Didn't see that in TX or NE.

Though last (only) 2 times I paid, you could move from location to location.


the park is willing to foster bad will to achieve that extra revenue.

With the pass & dining on my phone, season drink bottle and a secure pocket I don't carry much now.


Their loss. I have no funds on me to spend or anywhere to put purchases, so I don't make any.

Edited by TEDodd
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It's disappointing that SFOG has moved to the whole "you have to use the pay-for you-know-whats" policy, whereas SFGA has such a smooth loose articles procedure and doesn't have you-know-whats everywhere.

I have noticed too that SFOG is the only park (I am aware of) that goes to such great lengths to require riders to make arrangements for loose articles other than drink bottles. Ride ops will hold up the entire train dispatch to wait for a rider to claim a ball cap left harmlessly on top of their drink cup. Of course loose articles can be left with a non-rider but the money grab hope is you will pay for "personal storage" - and the park is willing to foster bad will to achieve that extra revenue.


Again, this seems unique to this park. When I travel with my friends to other SF parks, this is a non-issue.


Great Adventure is worse, trust me.

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However, while that type of ride would fit, the size and height of such a coaster would be lost in the tree line. In fact, the only real clear view of this ride in that location would be from an angle, and it would seem to me that such a ride would look much better in the open area behind Pandemonium.


Isn't most of everything at SF lost in the tree line, especially Mind bender?

Mindbender benefits tremendously from the wooded setting. For that matter, any 'fast' coaster does, whizzing past nearby objects, trees, etc. A ride like an S&S 4D would not really gain (or lose for that matter) anything from being nestled in the woods. If nothing else, from a pure marketing perspective, the park would want such a ride to be in the open and take full advantage of the eye candy that this type of ride is. While anything is certainly possible, I would not expect the park to start clearing away much forest from the beautiful Carousel Hill area to make room for any new attraction.

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It's disappointing that SFOG has moved to the whole "you have to use the pay-for you-know-whats" policy, whereas SFGA has such a smooth loose articles procedure and doesn't have you-know-whats everywhere.

I have noticed too that SFOG is the only park (I am aware of) that goes to such great lengths to require riders to make arrangements for loose articles other than drink bottles. Ride ops will hold up the entire train dispatch to wait for a rider to claim a ball cap left harmlessly on top of their drink cup. Of course loose articles can be left with a non-rider but the money grab hope is you will pay for "personal storage" - and the park is willing to foster bad will to achieve that extra revenue.


Again, this seems unique to this park. When I travel with my friends to other SF parks, this is a non-issue.


Great Adventure is worse, trust me.

Looking for any sort of consistency in their implementation of rules and procedures, either throughout the chain, or from park to park, or even from ride to ride... it's a lost cause. Case in point, from my visit to Great Adventure yesterday, most rides now have the "no loose articles of any sort" signs posted up. It's completely up to the employees' discretion though on whether or not they let you through with anything. Obviously at the big ones like El Toro and Kingda Ka, you won't get past the entrance without practically turning your pockets inside out. Meanwhile, at the Dark Knight coaster, even though they have the same signage and spiel, and there's a bay of lockers right outside the entrance, it makes no difference and they'll pretty much just wave you through. Then people end up leaving all their bags, stuffed animals, and drinks on the tiny platform next to the exit.


Don't even get me started on the height measurement sticks which vary from stick to stick. My son is right on the 54" mark, and most rides he got measured at, he got bonked in the top of the head. Two of them, he whiffed it by a quarter to a half of an inch. At Nitro? Two different sticks, two completely different measurements. Go figure. Thankfully they came to their senses and let him on.


I'd love there to be more consistency within the chain for their policies but honestly at this point it's just a fool's game.

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Don't even get me started on the height measurement sticks which vary from stick to stick. My son is right on the 54" mark, and most rides he got measured at, he got bonked in the top of the head. Two of them, he whiffed it by a quarter to a half of an inch. At Nitro? Two different sticks, two completely different measurements. Go figure. Thankfully they came to their senses and let him on.

I'm a fan of the places that have bracelets for heights. I know Hersheypark had it when I was there a few years ago, but haven't seen any other park mention it. Get their height at a station, then mark it somehow on them.


I don't mind the additional check at rides, but in the case of your son, they should err on the side of the "official" measurement.

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I'm a fan of the places that have bracelets for heights. I know Hersheypark had it when I was there a few years ago, but haven't seen any other park mention it.


Dollywood has a central measurement station like that and different color bands for different heights.

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I'm a fan of the places that have bracelets for heights. I know Hersheypark had it when I was there a few years ago, but haven't seen any other park mention it.


Dollywood has a central measurement station like that and different color bands for different heights.


Even with "official height checks" at guest services where you can get a wristband, the ride ops still have the final say on if someone gets to ride or not. There are various reasons from "shrinking during the day", to body frame/size (might be too petite even with the correct height)...I've seen several reasons over the years.

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Even with "official height checks" at guest services where you can get a wristband, the ride ops still have the final say on if someone gets to ride or not. There are various reasons from "shrinking during the day", to body frame/size (might be too petite even with the correct height)...I've seen several reasons over the years.

Agreed. But in situations where someone is juuuuuuuuuuuust below the measurement on the ride but has a marking to indicate they hit that during their "official" measurement, I can see a ride op allowing that. Obviously, an inch or more would be cause for questioning, but some discretion should definitely be allowed.

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