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JJLehto last won the day on April 19 2022

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About JJLehto

  • Birthday 09/01/1988

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  1. Thank you!! Finally I don't feel like I'm losing my mind! Ka look I get it...but people were reacting like their puppy was murdered. I am sorry, it was long a worse version TTD and worsening over time. If ya never did it, OK I get it, get your experience, but if you did it once, you're good. A few times? You're very good. I always said you can get the same experience having a car crash on the highway. I never even bothered to look at Ka the last several times I went. As for the others, agreed everyone hated Lantern, I heard nothing but dislike, why pretend to be sad now its going? Most the others were indeed not anything special. Its like OMG they're gutting this park its evil! Nah not really lol I'm with you, Parachutes brings a twinge of "aww" I also recall it from my childhood, but even that like....we aren't really gunna cry over this? I say this as a born and raised NJer who has spent most of my life here: This park hasn't been good in ages. When I was in HS in the stone age of the early/mid 2000s we made fun how the park was kinda dumpy, half assed etc and its gotten progressively worse over time. So many rides were removed over time, granted I recall many never operating, its felt worse and worse, eventually it got to the point where I'd go for a few rides and leave. I used to tell people, IRL and on forums, I'd not be sad if they took the few good unique coasters, moved em to other parks, levelled this place and made it a state park (or bc this is NJ...apartments lol) So yeah Im actually glad investments are coming. It will take a while but maybe this park will become GOOD and not just a big area with a few good and unique rides, of which all will remain except Ka which struggled to run and felt like car crash. This is not a hot take or edgelording I've long felt this, and I am truly glad that hopefully investments are coming to this place and just bc its a gem in the SF chain doesn't mean lots of these meh, poorly/rarely running rides should be missed. Ya know it makes me chuckle, so many people saying "This park doesnt care about its guests!" yo I (and others, its true) have felt this for like 15 years lol So that out of my system I too am curious what the future holds. I'd have little faith in SF handling big investment well, with Cedar Fair involved, I am more hopeful. On a rare positive note: I do think Flash looks cool. I'll go for that, on a weekday off season, assuming it does indeed open this year XD
  2. Quite disappointing, but far from surprising. I do appreciate the info, will factor into if I want to bother going out here "just to do" or if its not worth it.
  3. Thanks! Good thing is I was looking after that week, so sounds like this will work out quite well. EDIT: And thanks to everyone who's commented. It sounds like mid to later April is a fine time to go, which is superb as that's when I was looking. Trust me, I have long learned my lesson about spring break week, anywhere. I treat it like the plague LOL
  4. Looks like progress is great with AlpenFury! Does anyone have even a vague idea when we may expect opening? I never know this **** but people always seem to have a good idea. I am planning on this park for the first time, kind of afraid crowds will be heinous but thinking in June.
  5. Is this regardless of time of year? I take it that's the case given what you said in October. Major oof....but good to know. Clearly I'll have to invest in Fast Lane regardless and prepare to hate my life lol
  6. Ah sorry I'm so far out of the loop by now or just checked out from life that I don't get it lol I enjoyed it in the past. That said does anyone know if it's open to all still?
  7. Not gunna bank on it but I'd like to get to Coastermania this year (guessing many others have the same idea lol) Is it still open to everyone or do you need to be in a club? I know recently it became open to anyone, and thus sold out in like .07 seconds of announcement. Regardless, excited to get back here after 2 seasons off.
  8. Planning my first ever trip out here. I try to avoid crowds much as possible, usually be doing weekdays not in "peak" times. What is a general idea of how crowded this place would be on a weekday in early June? In general what are crowds like at different times of the season? I am pretty flexible no real concrete time I have to go.
  9. Skipped Dollywood last year (painful as it was) looking to go back for 25. I am looking at mid April, a weekday. Any general idea what crowds are like? I've only ever been in early June and Sept.
  10. Well... this was unexpected! I admit I have been out of the loop this year, (took a park hiatus), but I still see stuff on the socials and catch wind and was there any rumor about this? Seems like it legit surprised everyone. But yeah would not have ever guessed "tilt coaster" coming to CP. Looks awesome! Its not just a gimmick seems like a good ride. My 25 trip to the point is going to be even better now! EDIT: I do assume TTD2 will be fixed for next season lol
  11. Nice! Looks cool. It's a shame it took soooo long but they finally learned the best way to do these dive coasters is not having a MCBR that kills all the speed and lazily waft through the rest, and this one has good stats, unique layout. Potential to be best dive yet. Gah I've already been beaten to the "it'll open in 2026" bit LOL
  12. Ah well, there it is lmao As stated already no one is really surprised just typical Six Flags stuff.
  13. Oh this looks damn fantastic! I think I finally need to visit this park next year (yeah much lament it's taken so long)
  14. Oh snap. One upside to falling out of the loop is its nice to be surprised by things again. Just saw a new coaster is opening (no idea when I see "2024" and its already July lol) this Flash: Vertical Velocity looks pretty cool. I reckon waits will be horrendous but just more justification to go off season weekday. I still am the resident "New Jersey person who hates Great Adventure" but they got the rides, so I drag myself once a year lol
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