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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Okay, the part about them marketing it as a coaster is shameful. Calling Bourbon Street Fireball at SFA their 10th coaster is just awful.


BUT, Mardi Gras Hangover is an incredible name. I'm in awe. It's original, it pushes boundaries, and most importantly, it's hilarious!!!!

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Okay, the part about them marketing it as a coaster is shameful. Calling Bourbon Street Fireball at SFA their 10th coaster is just awful.


2 Things to defend Six Flags:

- Valleyfair called their Northern Lights DiskO Coaster a Coaster before Six Flags called any Larson Loop a Coaster.

- Six Flags called them coasters from the beginning, Cedar Point called theirs a coaster months AFTER it was announced.


The only thing I can't wait for is Cedar Point's 201ft Model called LoopHawk with all of Cedar Point's 20 Records Broken

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Okay, the part about them marketing it as a coaster is shameful. Calling Bourbon Street Fireball at SFA their 10th coaster is just awful.


Its neither shameful nor awful. They bought the damn thing, they can market it however they want. Just because they call it a coaster doesn't mean you or any other enthusiasts has to. The fact that it gets nerds so riled up over something that has little to no consequence on their lives makes it more and more awesome imo. In fact, I hope Six Flags buy a second super loop for one of their parks that has one and then market it as dueling coasters just so I can watch some heads explode.

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2 Things to defend Six Flags:

- Valleyfair called their Northern Lights DiskO Coaster a Coaster before Six Flags called any Larson Loop a Coaster.

- Six Flags called them coasters from the beginning, Cedar Point called theirs a coaster months AFTER it was announced.


The only thing I can't wait for is Cedar Point's 201ft Model called LoopHawk with all of Cedar Point's 20 Records Broken


Fair. Also "LoopHawk." <-


Okay, the part about them marketing it as a coaster is shameful. Calling Bourbon Street Fireball at SFA their 10th coaster is just awful.


Its neither shameful nor awful. They bought the damn thing, they can market it however they want. Just because they call it a coaster doesn't mean you or any other enthusiasts has to. The fact that it gets nerds so riled up over something that has little to no consequence on their lives makes it more and more awesome imo. In fact, I hope Six Flags buy a second super loop for one of their parks that has one and then market it as dueling coasters just so I can watch some heads explode.


Never mind my "shameful" and "awful" hyperbole. It's just my opinion that it's not a coaster, and marketing something that we all (I think) agree isn't a coaster as one for a notable milestone (10th coaster) is, I don't know, a little disappointing. And if Six Flags wants to call their next tilt-a-whirl a coaster, then I can simultaneously hold the position that it's hilarious and terrible. I'm not a nerd who gets so riled up over things that it affects my purchases, etc. Finally, if you actually hope Six Flags buys a second loop thing for one of their parks just to watch people freak out about it, then I'm not the only one being a little hyperbolic.


Now back to Mardi Gras Hangover!! Awesome name.

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If it angers people then I believe it is a coaster.


Why do people care so much is my question, regardless of what it is classified as they are still fun rides and even if you don't like them parks usually have more than 1 ride to enjoy.

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If it angers people then I believe it is a coaster.


Why do people care so much is my question, regardless of what it is classified as they are still fun rides and even if you don't like them parks usually have more than 1 ride to enjoy.


Every little bit of this post sums up my opinion perfectly. They're fun, I don't care what they're called and I love that it pisses people off.

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I love that it pisses people off.




I could have used this image about 8,000 times since it's inception but I figured it was time to bring it back from the dead... lol


I know i originally didn't know what to think, but now that my brain has calmed down I love that Six Flags actually made a unique name so kudos to them.

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Finally, if you actually hope Six Flags buys a second loop thing for one of their parks just to watch people freak out about it, then I'm not the only one being a little hyperbolic.


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Never mind my "shameful" and "awful" hyperbole. It's just my opinion that it's not a coaster

Well, you're wrong. Tell me this, if you're so smart, why would they call it a loop coaster if it weren't loopy and coastery? Hmm? Checkmate!


and marketing something that we all (I think) agree isn't a coaster as one for a notable milestone (10th coaster) is, I don't know, a little disappointing.

10 coasters isn't a milestone. You only think it is because it's the number of fingers you have. Stop being so digitonormative.

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This name is fccking hilarious. I can't wait to see the snow flakes melt as they walk by. Apparently Six Flags is trending toward discount prices and Jersey Shore (the show) style themeing.


Maybe in a few years SFGam will give this ride VR, with the software synced as displaying a 'traditional' roller coaster. The name? Mardi Gras Hangover's Revenge; The Dry Heave

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