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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Is it safe to say Raging Bull will be open? I'll be going to this for sure.


I'd be hesitant to make any bold assumptions at this point since we're pretty much in uncharted territory. I feel like anything under the train tracks on the right side of the park is pretty up in the air.

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^^Maybe. Joker loves to throw temper tantrums in the cold. It's open in New England and at Great Adventure but it needs to close a lot... even with the wheel heaters in New England. It's never successfully operated until the end of the event at either park.


SFNE's Joker had no trouble on the 30 degree day I visited last year. I actually don't recall it having any trouble during the event until that last week when the temperatures reached single digits and all the park's rides basically died.

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The new GreatAmericaParks.com site is up. It's loaded with awesome pictures, videos and stuff. It doesn't look like some of the stuff that was on his original site hasn't been uploaded yet (like the Tidal Wave commercial featuring Pat Ast of Reform School Girls, there's one for anyone around in the 80s), but the site looks great! He also has a facebook page that has featured pictures (like construction of Whizzer, Eagle... and everything else) that don't appear to be on the website. Awesome stuff!



Here is exactly where the "magic happens" on the Gurnee Demon's drop. For anyone who has ridden the back car, you know this is where the snap airtime is. Both Demon's had this drop but the California model had it's drop "family-fied" sometime in the 90s. On that Demon, the drop now starts further back (directly after the curve) and has a more parabolic drop... also changed from the steeper 55 degrees we still enjoy in Gurnee to a more gentle 45 degrees.

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As they release more and more promotional videos it seems like they're focusing on Batman, Superman and Joker quite a bit. Obviously this is b-roll from other parks and nothing shown in these videos should be taken too seriously but it stands to reason that those areas and rides will be open anyway so I don't feel too bad about reading something into this...



[/fbvideonew] Edited by coasterbill
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As they release more and more promotional videos it seems like they're focusing on Batman, Superman and Joker quite a bit. Obviously this is b-roll from other parks and nothing shown in these videos should be taken too seriously but it stands to reason that those areas and rides will be open anyway so I don't feel too bad about reading something into this...




That really wouldn't be a bad thing to close the right half of the park and just have the left half open. We know Batman runs in the cold, and Dark Knight obviously can too. Superman, Joker, and Mardi Gras Hangover are in that same area too, so you've got five coasters clustered together. Add the kids area right behind there, and that's really plenty. You've got lots of flats scattered among those rides.

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Yeah, I'm starting to think that's how this is going to play out. Close the path on the right under the train bridge. Close the path a the bridge to County Fair. You have everything you need there... an indoor heated theater, a kids area, tons of food options and up to 8 coasters.


Superman, Batman, Joker, Dark Knight, Mardi Gras Hangover and Spacely's are pretty much a given. All of them have clones running in other cold weather HITP events and most of them have been shown in B roll promos already. You've also got Little Dipper and Vertical Velocity if it's practical to run them.


If they expand the other way at all, that's really a bonus. I wouldn't be shocked if they open back to Justice League but seeing how these promos are going so far I wouldn't really go in expecting those areas to be open.

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By this map, it looks like they've decided to use the Hurricane Harbor special entrance as the new Member's Only entrance. I hope so as it puts you right in line for Raging Bull.


Season passes as well. Looks like that entrance is for Hurricane Harbour only so you don't have to go through the park if you have a pass.

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Guys idk about you but I can’t stop thinking about opening day i’m literally so excited 3 MORE DAYS!! Is anyone else gonna be there for opening day? I was planning on getting to the park at like 9 to avoid the long line to get in lol is that too early?


I'm going. Probably gonna film some stuff.

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Guys idk about you but I can’t stop thinking about opening day i’m literally so excited 3 MORE DAYS!! Is anyone else gonna be there for opening day? I was planning on getting to the park at like 9 to avoid the long line to get in lol is that too early?



I'll be there! I'm looking forward to it. I don't think I've ever been there by 9am but I have been there at 10am when they opened at 11.

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Wait, There's a Sprint store in Six Flags Great America?

It's only a matter of time before a quick loans/check cashing place opens up. After that it will be a convenience store that wreaks of cigarette smoke, while offering single cigarettes half pints of cheap liquor for sale. I wonder if there will be any demand for a used tire shop near the parking lot.


Are we taking bets on the number of gang fights, mob actions, and shootings that will happen in the park this year? I'm throwing my money down on 2 that make the media and 17 that go unreported.


Time to lower the prices of season passes further and offer low monthly payments so that sh*tty parents can drop their kids off at the park and use it as a babysitter. This seems to hold true throughout the chain. You couldn't pay me enough to work security at one of the SF parks.



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