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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Yea, I mean all those haunted houses make $Texas in November! In fact, why not just run Fright Fest for the entire operating season. Just think of the $$$$ that would be made with every day at capacity!




Hell, they could even run Holiday in the Park simultaneously. Speaking of which, why the FFFF does Christmas only have to be at Christmas time? I think it's silly there are not Christmas lights up during the season long Fright Fest. Speaking of which, why can't they have 4th of July Fireworks during the season long Holiday in the Fright Fest Park of July?


Taking it down a notch, Halloween feels like ages ago, because no one gives a shit about it after it's over.

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Have we heard any more information about their new "coaster" next year? I'm assuming it's a custom-made Larson loop. Is that all we know at this point? Considering this one is 100-feet and the others are 70, a 43%-ish increase in size is quite large. Dare I say, I'm actually intrigued by this addition.

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  • 1 month later...

This is still my guess.


50/50 on Raging Bull. Nitro doesn't use wheel heaters, I'd imagine Raging Bull would so that might counteract the colder climate a bit. Combine that with (most likely) 100% necessary single train ops to keep the train full and avoid sending empties at the end of the night and you never know...



They need to get to the kids area and they need to get to Justice League, so I think that makes the most sense.


I'm sure they'll break out a metric f*ck ton of wheel heaters for the coasters like they did in new England.

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That seems ambitious to have 2/3's of the park open. I get why JL and Bull are suggested, but its a ton of space to get there.


We'll see I guess. Im also curious to see what kind of snow removal systems are in place since they seem to just have Momma Nature at SFGAdv and SFNE. Here, snowfall at some point is a given.

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Here's what I think they will do:




Not sure about every single ride here, but I think this map provides a general idea of what could be open. County Fair and Yukon Territory are blacked out, and Yankee Harbor is a *maybe*. Whirligig would NOT be able to run for sure (As would any ride with a tarp), and I'm not 100% on Joker since it seemed to have inconsistent operations at other HITPs. Batman would potentially be the only ride open in the area, so maybe they'd decide to exclude Yankee altogether.


I also put the Picnic Grove as a possible open area. Maybe have some type of show/attraction there?

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So no kids area for an event that trends heavily towards families with small children?


There's a 100% chance that Yankee Harbor will be open because of the location of the kids area.

Would your proposal give SFGAm the most square footage for HitP? it just seems that SFNE is significantly smaller and SFGAdv is a bit smaller... I just see these "needed" elements being in the back being a problem...

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Oh it's absolutely a problem and that (along with the weather) is very likely why they took so long to add it at this park but no theme park on earth does a Christmas event without kids rides. That would be a terrible idea because there's a MAJOR demographic shift for Holiday in the Park.


The path being open on the left side to the County Fair bridge is a given, it's the other side where you have some options. livai may very well be right, I feel like they'll want to get to Justice League but they could go the other way and close Southwest Territory. I'm just leaning towards Southwest Territory being open since it's loaded with rides that can operate in the cold and even has another indoor ride in addition to Justice League plus a large heated, indoor dining location. I would also look awesome in Christmas lights, unlike the other path with a giant drained water ride and a bunch of wide open spaces.


Also, remember... just because an area is open doesn't mean every ride in that area will be. I could easily see them opening Southwest Territory and not opening Raging Bull. I'd be absolutely shocked if they don't close Viper regardless of what they do.

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I seem to recall X-Flight having cold weather issues in the past- I know they managed to get it going on the last day of Last Call (around 30 degrees), so perhaps it's just more finicky than the other B&Ms in general?


I think you'd see Superman, Batman: The Ride (and the one in a box), V2, Demon, and maybe Raging Bull going during a hypothetical HITP. Raging Bull is the one I'm unsure of, because as Bill and others have brought up, they might just not bother with Southwest Territory.

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Raging Bull is the one I'm unsure of, because as Bill and others have brought up, they might just not bother with Southwest Territory.


I mean, the area has 2 indoor rides (JL is technically part of Metropolis Plaza but). I think it’d be one of their top choices for areas to be open.

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Judge away, but this is my guess.



I suppose that could work. I'm leaning towards Southwest territory since it would look better with lights and it has 2 indoor rides and Yankee Harbor / Yukon Territory and Camp Cartoon since we already know that Batman runs like a dream during HITP and they're confident opening Joker in New England for HITP but you could certainly do that.

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I was just on the Six Flags Great America website, and I noticed that they have now added the Gold Plus Membership as a new option. I checked a few of they other Six Flags parks, and they all had it as well. I know that this was one of the options talked about in a recent guest survey. I wonder if any of the other membership options will be added. The survey listed Platinum, Diamond, and Diamond Elite.

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Judge away, but this is my guess.



I suppose that could work. I'm leaning towards Southwest territory since it would look better with lights and it has 2 indoor rides and Yankee Harbor / Yukon Territory and Camp Cartoon since we already know that Batman runs like a dream during HITP and they're confident opening Joker in New England for HITP but you could certainly do that.


I think Viper could run fine.

Plus they're announcing a new holiday event on February 13th

And I do have a wish/idea of a walk through of Hurricane Harbor with lights everywhere.


Edit: No freaking way Whizzer will be open in December if there's wind or snow.

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