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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Funny how no one mentioned Corkscrew even though it is one of CP's most iconic rides. It also has low ridership and old school Arrow loopers have started to leave the amusement landscape.


A Wing Rider that interacts with the Midway in the same manner that corkscrew does could be an interesting fit in that area.

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Honestly, with the speed that the cars came into the brakes with, I'm surprised there weren't more collisions than there were. I'm glad its being removed, though, it has always looked run-down and out of place, and the cramped cars didn't help the ride experience.

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Honestly, with the speed that the cars came into the brakes with, I'm surprised there weren't more collisions than there were. I'm glad its being removed, though, it has always looked run-down and out of place, and the cramped cars didn't help the ride experience.


I totally agree - GOOD BYE.

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some of the Facebook responses are completely psycho:


So take out one of the few rides my daughter rides and charge people $50 extra a day for a fast pass and make everybody wait longer, instead of doing the Disney model of staggering the passes for everyone.... there are two crying kids here tonight with the news


You say you want to put more rides in eventually... May I ask where will you find the space to build them? Other than ripping out the history of Cedar Point, and putting useless crap in to replace them.. I find this VERY disappointing. Especially since I'm sure you knew that the Wild Cat was going to be gone a year ago. You're letting us know now, RIGHT before you open for 2012? Hmm Short notice don't you think?


ok who ever agrees to the cat being removed is retarded. Its all about tradition. they are suppose to add costers not take them away. honestly you felt for force on the cat more than most of the older coasters there. whats next the blue streak honetly atleast that one had more accedents. look up the blue streak when it came off the track and went into the parking lot. yeah thought we forgot about that. but yet we ride on. yall suck i go atleast 6 times a year/ So now i refuse to go anymore. kings island here i come.


I just read this aloud to my wife and my 6 yo son busted out in tears, as he was finally tall enough to ride it! This story is a bummer to young kids and adults! Sorry to hear!



LOL. This news is ruining lives!

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Well if it does come down to maintenance or lack of for that matter I doubt they will be sharing that information


I'm sure that whatever they replace the ride with will give cause to the complainers to issue a decree of forgiveness.Let's face it folks parks change & need to upgrade all the time & sometimes that comes at the cost of a "classic" ride that many have a sentimental attatchment to.


It does beg the question however as to what the longevity of a steel coaster truely is...and for the record I'm not happy with BGW for removing what was arguably one of the best Arrow suspendeds ever built,but that one's for a different thread alltogether.

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It does beg the question however as to what the longevity of a steel coaster truely is...and for the record I'm not happy with BGW for removing what was arguably one of the best Arrow suspendeds ever built,but that one's for a different thread alltogether.


Which coaster is that?


Looking at the map and if they decided to take out the dorms there could be enough room to put to mid sized coasters for the in between ages. I know everyone wants the next huge best thing but along with Iron Dragon this could become a midway for the older than little kids and not yet big kids.

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It does beg the question however as to what the longevity of a steel coaster truely is...and for the record I'm not happy with BGW for removing what was arguably one of the best Arrow suspendeds ever built,but that one's for a different thread alltogether.


A suspended coaster like the Big Bad Wolf still has aggressive transitions plus the swinging trains, which adds stress to the ride. Steel coasters will last as long as parks are willing to maintain them, much like wooden ones.

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We are gathered here today to say good-bye to a family coaster from Cedar Point that I have always enjoyed riding everytime I visited Cedar Point. I can remember the first time I rode the Wildcar, the year was 1995 - the first time I've ever visited Cedar Point, and I made it a point to ride the Wildcat on each and every visit. On one visit, I rode it twice: once during the day and the second time during the nighttime with all its lights flashing.


Although I'm sad to see this coaster go, I'm even sadder to learn that the Wildcat will be heading to that scrapyard up in the sky instead of being sent to another Cedar Fair park in which I'm sure would've loved to add this coaster to their collection. I felt the same way when KIngs Dominion took out the Galaxy coaster after the end of the 1985 season.


But life must move on and I must not forget that even though there is one less Wildcat coaster of its kind, there are still other parks that still run and operate their Wildcat coaster - even though the track layouts may be different, the cars are different, and we know them by different names. And here's to Cedar Point to hopefully find a suitable replacement to fill in that void.


Can I get an "Amen"?


"Amen! Now will you please stop crying and come to bed?"

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Cedar Point and Magic Mountain provide more entertainment than they can possibly even imagine.....without even stepping through the turnstiles.


Now the mountain needs one less coaster for their crappy crown!




some of the Facebook responses are completely psycho:


So take out one of the few rides my daughter rides and charge people $50 extra a day for a fast pass and make everybody wait longer, instead of doing the Disney model of staggering the passes for everyone.... there are two crying kids here tonight with the news


You say you want to put more rides in eventually... May I ask where will you find the space to build them? Other than ripping out the history of Cedar Point, and putting useless crap in to replace them.. I find this VERY disappointing. Especially since I'm sure you knew that the Wild Cat was going to be gone a year ago. You're letting us know now, RIGHT before you open for 2012? Hmm Short notice don't you think?


ok who ever agrees to the cat being removed is retarded. Its all about tradition. they are suppose to add costers not take them away. honestly you felt for force on the cat more than most of the older coasters there. whats next the blue streak honetly atleast that one had more accedents. look up the blue streak when it came off the track and went into the parking lot. yeah thought we forgot about that. but yet we ride on. yall suck i go atleast 6 times a year/ So now i refuse to go anymore. kings island here i come.


I just read this aloud to my wife and my 6 yo son busted out in tears, as he was finally tall enough to ride it! This story is a bummer to young kids and adults! Sorry to hear!



LOL. This news is ruining lives!


Silly, silly people. "They are supposed to add coasters not take them away"- ok then, when they run out of room and they want to add more then what?




"You say you want to put more rides in eventually... May I ask where will you find the space to build them? Other than ripping out the history of Cedar Point, and putting useless crap in to replace them.. I find this VERY disappointing. Especially since I'm sure you knew that the Wild Cat was going to be gone a year ago. You're letting us know now, RIGHT before you open for 2012? Hmm Short notice don't you think?"


You want to put more rides in, where will you find the space, oh but don't take anything out.....huh? I'm sure you knew this a year ago----yes they did!


Oh brother!

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A picture of Wildcat's removal and Celebration Plaza's expansion.

How is this a picture of Wildcat's removal? If we could actually see the ride area, we would see it is still sitting there.

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Again, people are ignorant on Facebook and don't even bother to get their facts straight before they type something. It makes for a fun time reading them, though. I just wish people would think before posting, but on the internet world, I doubt many will.


Anyway, I'm wondering how fast they will have WC down and have that area ready for opening day. Seems like a lot in a short week-ish period.

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I'm voting for a beer place called 99 bottles to open up across from Luminosity where Wildcat sat.


99 beers to choose from....screw a new kiddie/family coaster.

Edited by Philrad71
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Despite being an Anton fan, tbh, I have always seen Wildcat as one for my credit whoring list... Maybe because this specific model is nothing more to a Belgian, than a coaster that attends most average sized fairgrounds this side of the Atlantic... Come on, it's not like there is no other ride at CP that one can enjoy with family... As for the coaster crown, I have never really gotten the point... I've become more of an "how many GOOD" (at least) coasters are there in a park... and in my book, lots of highly equipped parks like CP, many Six Flags (not to make people think I'm biased) or even other parks offer a large part of "meh" coasters in their collection. I have been to such parks, and will probably not reride a large part of the coasters they have, only to concentrate on the good, great, excellent, or ultimate coasters (which are rather seldom) I won't drop coaster names but I'm sure I could visit Cedar Point (as an example) again and just ride one third of their coaster collection.

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I do find it rather funny that whenever a ride is scheduled to go under the bulldozer on this forum, how many people come out of the woodwork to support it when they really never gave two thoughts about the coaster in the first place. In my own back yard, a lot of people were "shocked and dismayed" at the removal of the Python coaster at BGT... but.... it was always a walk-on, with most trains having you and your party being the only people on it... Big Bad Wolf, much the same. Scream Machine? I think we see where this is going...


You don't know what you have until its gone I guess.

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I drove past the park today and it is going down quickly. When I first got there around 7:15 the second layer of the swooping turn around was out which was closer to the old screen, by the time I left 15min later, the top layer of the turnaround was already taken out. This thing will be down by Saturday easily, they are just sawing it apart.

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