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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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CP still has Mine Ride, Disaster Transport, Iron Dragon, Corkscrew & Blue Streak...I would consider those pretty much family or "starter" coasters and not "thrill" coasters. Not to mention the water rides, family flat rides, water park & two kiddie areas - a lot more than other parks offer.


Why is it that when any park removes one old-ass coaster or ride (that they can't get parts for or rehab) people whine about ruining the "family" atmosphere and say that they now don't have enough coasters for families to do together?


I agree with others that say that Wildcat was nothing more than a carnival style coaster that doesn't really have a place at a theme park like CP anymore...especially if it's old and has been deemed somewhat unsafe because of past incidents and current testing.


I rode it when I was like 12 (when it was in the old Avalanche Run/DP area) & didn't think it was that thrilling then. And what was up with final neck-jacking brake at the end? Ugggh!

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With my views on classic coasters, the only classic coasters that I really wouldn't want to leave is if they were:


-A world's first coaster: I would be upset if the Corkscrew (Silverwood) was scrapped, but I wouldn't be sad if the Canobie Corkscrew was scrapped.


-A coaster in which only a handful are left: Arrow Launched Loop (only 4 in existence)


-They are really amazing coasters: Schwarzkopf Looping Coasters in general


Wildcat is no way a World's First in anything, there are still 10 Wildcats still in existence, it isn't that amazing of a coaster.


Would I like to see Wilcat stay? Yes, but it doesn't make me that sad and doesn't make me want to create a Facebook page "Save the Wildcat!"

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The Wildcat always looked so junky and out of place. When it was painted white, it looked run down. Then when it was neon, it just was awful to look at. The queue moved far too slow. It just seemed like something that should be at a trashy state fair somewhere.


The carnival roller coaster sitting next to Millennium Force always seemed off. Poor feng shui. I'm thrilled for its removal.


I'm not going to argue that Wildcat was something it wasn't, because it was old, not original or unique, had an incident or two, and happened to be located right on top of land being used for a new project. Not sure if you're suggesting that Wildcat is being removed because it looked shabby amongst it's surroundings, but I would imagine that would be an afterthought when it was time to make a decision about it's future.

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With my views on classic coasters, the only classic coasters that I really wouldn't want to leave is if they were:


-A world's first coaster: I would be upset if the Corkscrew (Silverwood) was scrapped, but I wouldn't be sad if the Canobie Corkscrew was scrapped.


-A coaster in which only a handful are left: Arrow Launched Loop (only 4 in existence)


-They are really amazing coasters: Schwarzkopf Looping Coasters in general


Wildcat is no way a World's First in anything, there are still 10 Wildcats still in existence, it isn't that amazing of a coaster.


Would I like to see Wilcat stay? Yes, but it doesn't make me that sad and doesn't make me want to create a Facebook page "Save the Wildcat!"


And that of course is what got me to post my take on BBW's removal a few pages back.As for wildcat it seems to have had a good run but that run has come to an end & something better is probably bound to replace it in due time.

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I've been visiting CP every year for the past 20 years now, have been there countless times, and only rode wildcat twice in my life. Once when I was about 6, and once last fall when I was with a couple of friends who rode it.


Wildcat was often a ride I would skip due to being a long wait for something that wasn't that "thrilling". And in recent years I was scared to ride it due to the accidents/deaths on it as well as how unreliable it looked.


It was an ok ride, I'd give it about a 5/10. I won't miss it at all. It was a ride that had run its course and now can be taken out to pasture.

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With all those fancy huge coaster at Cedar Point the Wildcat was an anachronism for quite some time and its really not fitting anymore for such a big park. Sad though that they wanna scrap it.


However as long as the two Wildcats in my vicinity stay - the Achterbahn at Skyline Park and the Die Wilden 50er on the carnival circuit - I cant say I'm concerned about this...

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I wonder what they where doing there? That appears to be the paint scheme pre-2003. Maybe they took it apart to paint it green and purple.


Someone hasn't been keeping up with the thread If you're not sure what's happening, let's just say SFMM got their coaster crown back...

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^^actually you are probably not far off on how many people it takes to put one of these together or apart. I asked a carny from my last Butler Amusements show how long it took to take down their Zillerator Coaster. He said it can go up and down quick with the proper equipment and just a few people.


I saw few posts on a site asking the question about "how are they going to have the area ready in time for opening with it going down this late?". I can not remember if it was here or not since I have been to busy laughing at the conspiracy theories around this decision at multiple sites. Anyways, the answer is that it has always been a fair coaster. Very easy to remove. It does not have footers and is balanced by wood blocks.

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Glad to see the park start to move in the direction of removing eyesores. Keeping a "coaster record" for pride is just pointless to the overall quality of the park experience. With Matt in charge, I think this is only the start of removing rides. I have no doubt that whatever replaces Wildcat, even if it is a complete visual overhaul of the area that focuses on retail, will make CP a better place.

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I wonder what they where doing there? That appears to be the paint scheme pre-2003. Maybe they took it apart to paint it green and purple.


Didn't know you wanted to get involved in the discussion there Mr Helper...




Just kidding, saw you response after my last one.


In short, what you responded to was a comment on in what my opinion is an over exposed photo. The supports where not the vibrant green that the ride was last year. Not sure if this was a result of a bad monitor on my side or a crap camera. I then looked at the photo closely and finally saw some green and purple.

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Does it only take 1 guy to "taer it down???"


The Wildcat was designed to be a portable coaster. It can be errected/dismantled by 3 men and a portable crane in 2 days if you've a good team.


And who did call this classic coaster an "eyesore"?

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EDIT: Photos have been removed


Closeup of stage construction


Maintenance doing what they do...


Power Tower is receiving some new parts...


...not sure where they go or what they are though.


Dragster is READY TO GO!! (yes I did)


This year, Blue Train is the parts bitch and Gold train will be operating! Gold train fans rejoice!


Power tower's line has been completely moved to over by by Super Himalaya...


...and the previous entrance is cemented and covered with a bench.


New boxes that hold your stuff


You will see this screen


I am guessing this was Magnum's freeway entrance? It is being transformed into the new Fast Lane entrance.


There are also dinosaurs at every entrance!


new entrance to Dinosaurs Alive


And new bridges to the island


There are these yellow lines all over the midways near Gemini...I think they are for vehicles, but it seems kind of silly...


New wood!


From where I was sitting, I could spot 48 trash cans, and I was up against a building with only 180 degrees of view


Another update some people may like. Mine ride is NOT using Gemini trains this year. Not sure if that's news, but I am reiterating it either way.


"No Gemini trains in here...just us Mine Ride trains"


More Wildcat deconstruction from the other side


I think there's something missing here.....


Looks as though they started taking it down just this week...hmmm wonder why


The entire Millennium lift has been painted. I thought they would be working in the opposite direction, but the first airtime hill is still not painted...


Closeup. It looks real purdy in person!


The new paint goes to this joint, which is just after the first overbanked turn where the track switches from 4 rail to 3 rail before the tunnel.


I always wonder why they are painting over the white lining, because the wheels are just tearing the paint off anyway...oh well.


This is the new Fast Lane entrance for Millennium. It is on the other side of Panda Express, and will walk riders under the station to the other side behind the control booth. The front seat line has been altered inside the station so that the fast lane line goes right behind it into the middle of the station. This does mean the front seat line is much shorter.


This is where fast lane guests will travel. Basically it's the old emergency exit from the station


They will see the underside of the station


If you're a dork like me, this amuses you. This is the gate mechanism.


Gemini is receiving a completely new path for its fast lane entrance


Along with some new decals apparently...either that of they are just removed for now.


...and some new wood!


I am not sure what this is for, it is a path that leads behind Dragster's l0ckers, underneath dragster and into the forest. At first I thought it would be the exit for Dinosaurs Alive, but I think it is elsewhere...


This is where it goes under Dragster...


...and disappears...


This is over under Iron Dragon on the Top Thrill Dragster midway. This is what I think will be Dinosaurs Alive's exit, since it is heavily themed.


Also for those wondering about the marks by DT, they have installed an elevator. They have made many more rides in the park handicapped accessible as well.


Dragster's new Fast Lane gate

Edited by coasterlover420
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^ The yellow lines were for the halloweekends parade, and the two mystery paths were for Blood on the Bayou (The one behind Dragsters lo.cker.s were the exit the other was the entrance.


Great update thanks!

Edited by kidcoaster 2
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