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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Heck, the FP is worth it just for TTD, MF, and Maverick. ...Any other ride is just a plus, imo.


You nailed it on the head. The first time you walk all the way past a completely full TTD queue and only have to wait for the few other peoria that are using Fast Lane at that time, you realized that the 50 bucks has just paid for itself. Also, keep in mind that this is just opening weekend and they are still experimenting with the implementation of the system. So, how they load TTD could still change if it proves to seriously hurt the capacity.

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Yesterday, I managed to walk-on to the front row of Raptor, "magic seat" on Blue Streak, and back row of Wicked Twister. Waited 30 minutes for MF and TTD. Today, I waited 15 for MF and 30 for TTD. I rode Mean Streak twice today and it wasn't actually that bad!!! Not perfectly smooth but actually pretty tolerable, hence why I rode it twice.

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Cedar Point Opening Weekend 2012!


Theme Park Review was at Cedar Point for opening weekend! And why where we there? Well....


I was asked to come out to Cedar Point by the production company working on the new Travel Channel shows to do some interviews. I hadn't realized at the time that it was actually the parks opening weekend! So it was a nice bonus to go up to both shoot the show and see what Cedar Point was like on it's first days of operation for the season.


Needless to say it was a pretty good weekend! Once we landed on Friday evening, we realized we were near to someplace really awesome....


We have arrived at America's Roller Coast! Oh wait...


"C'mon everyone! Bring your pick up truck and a ratchet set and we can totally SAVE TEH BIG DIPPER!!! My community college education and intentional business partner whom I've never met will come to its rescue! Just give us money!!"


Oh, yeah, you can see Raging Wolf Bobs is still back there too, but really, who gives a flying crap about that ride?


I can tell just by looking at TEH BIG DIPPER that this ride could easily be moved and operated in a new location without much additional work.


These photos will make Prince Desmond weep at night as he longs to have this ride re-built in Nigeria.


We made friends with some locals who had a pickup truck!!! While I'm no structural engineering expert, I'm pretty sure we can haul away the entire ride structure and the trains in this one truck! ARE YOU WITH ME!?! SAVE TEH BIG DIPPER!!!!




About an hour-ish drive later....


Hooray! We've made it to America's Roller Coast!!!


Hello Millennium Force! Can't wait to ride you on opening day tomorrow!


OMG! Rides are testing tonight! Getting ready for tomorrow's big opening day!


Isn't it just a thing of beauty? Or at least....a thing?


But tonight we are here for the OPENING NIGHT of TGI Friday's at Hotel Breakers! Hell, yeah, baby!!!


Only slightly intoxicated we took a stroll along the beach to check out the lighting on the Ferris Wheel.


That's right! It's muffle-head season!


Oh, yeah baby! We are here! Opening Day! Cedar Point! America's Roller Coaster! RIDE WARRIORS!!! RIDE ON!!!


We went to Maverick first! RIDE ON!!!


I think we made a good choice for our first ride at Cedar Point!


Cedar Point trivia time! Who can tell us what this building used to be?


Magnum is running! Oh, yeah!


That's right! Thanks to the new Fast Lane, We don't wait in any "peasant" line!*


Ooooh! Something is going on at Cedar Point today!


Dinosaurs Alive is now open at Cedar Point!


And speaking about new stuff, here's some construction on the midway where the new "Luminosity" will begin showing soon!


Fast Lane... Worth EVERY PENNY!!!


Just rode Top Thrill Dragster - Andrew only freaked out a little! RIDE WARRIORS!!!!


Eric and Andrew got their Wildcat credit!!!


Robb is about to talk about geeky coaster stuff on camera!


It was a four hour marathon interview session! I hope I gave them at least five minutes of usable footage!


I am happy to report that with the track work done during the off season, Mean Streak only slightly kicks your ass now!


The new Fast Lane queue for Millennium Force gives you this cool behind the scenes look!


Definition of irony? Guy with the word "balls" on his shirt just chickened out on Windseeker!


Ooohhhh look at this! Obvious construction work going on by the dorms behind Wildcat. With all the hoses laying around, I suspect they are putting an aquatrax in!


12E??? What does 12E mean???


OMG! Maggie is the 9th coaster at Cedar Point! It's legendary!


It's time for Draggie! Did we mention how amazing Fast Lane is?!?!


I *love* Millie's "toaster oven" station!


Absolutely impressed with Cedar Point and the commitment to Fast Lane by building new paths, etc. Great job!!!


Who can tell me what the FULL name of this attraction is?


For those of you who said "Dispatch Master Transport" .... You're right!


The next morning....


Back at Cedar Point for the Travel Channel shoot with TPR member Niki aka "Dragster Girl" getting interviewed!


What's better than a front seat ride on Dragster first thing in the morning??? Front seat rides with "Dragster Girl" first thing in the morning!!!


Niki doing more interviews for the Travel Channel.


TPR riding with Niki aka "Dragster Girl!"


No, Andrew, it's "Dragster Girl" not "Dragons Girl!"


TPR EXCLUSIVE!!! No one has EVER taken this Mantits shot before! I'm happy to be the first ever to publish it on the Internet! You're welcome!


Mean Streak has a new exit ramp to make room for Fast Lane!


Mean Streak was running pretty good! Translation - It was still uneventful, but at least it didn't try to kill us!


Honestly, after today's ride I'd put Mean Streak in the "tolerable" category. (this is a compliment, people!)


The latest class in Carnival luxury cruise ships is now docking at Cedar Point!


"This one's for Tyler!"


This is kind of an interesting view! Who can tell me what coaster that is?


We paid a visit to Dragster Girl at her ride!


I think we rode Dragster more times today between the Travel Channel shoot and later in the day more than any other visit!


Hooray for Cedar Point still having a Skyway ride! (You can see the park was not very busy today!)


Do you think Andrew got on Windseeker today? Or did he chicken out again?


Time to KICK SOME SKY on Raptor!


Blue Streak looks so snazzy with its sexy new paint job!


Who do you think the winner & the loser is going to be?


The Cedar Point arcade is still rocking' these old machines! Flynn would be proud.


They even have one of the stars from Seinfeld at the arcade!


And no, Andrew didn't ride Windseeker today! He totally chickened out!


Yes! I am a fan of Maverick!


"Thanks to Jesus, I can't get chicken today."


Day two is coming to a close. Started off with Niki "Dragster Girl" getting interviewed for the Travel Channel...


We kicked some sky...


We drag raced...


And of course we ended our day exactly where you'd expect us to!


The final day....


Back again at Cedar Point for an early morning Travel Channel shoot on Millennium Force!


New paint looks good! Hopefully they'll get to the rest of it over the next off season.


Since we had an early flight out of Cleveland, we had time for one last ride at Cedar Point, and we chose Maverick!


We had an awesome opening weekend of Cedar Point!




* Please note - the comment about the "peasant line" was just a joke. Do not take it seriously! We don't actually think the people who wait in the normal lines are "peasants." Again, it was just a joke. Although, having said that, I did casually ask someone in that line if the could please get me a cup of coffee, and please hurry as we don't have much of a wait...they obliged and I tipped them 60 cents.

Edited by robbalvey
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* Please note - the comment about the "peasant line" was just a joke. Do not take it seriously! We don't actually think the people who wait in the normal lines are "peasants." Again, it was just a joke. Although, having said that, I did casually ask someone in that line if the could please get me a cup of coffee, and please hurry as we don't have much of a wait...they obliged and I tipped them 60 cents.



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What a great Trip Report! I still want to go to Cedar Point sometime. Unfortunately, I live in the Netherlands so it is not very easy to go there. But thanks for the photo's, really interesting!

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Geauga Lake pics were disturbing but following them up with the CP ones picked my mood right back up. Park didn't look that crowded at all for opening weekend. Thanks for the pics Robb!! It is interesting to hear that Mean Streak is "tolerable"..will have to check it out.

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Great Update, looks like they had a good crown for opening weekend! Glad to hear Mean Streak is back to a tolerable state again. Fast lane looks awesome, there's no way I'm ever going to a Cedar Fair park again in the future and not buying a Fast lane for the day.

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I still have yet to visit Cedar Point. Every year I say, "Well, I guess I'll go this spring," something happens to screw up my plans. But Fast Lane might just make a summer visit worth the trouble.

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"C'mon everyone! Bring your pick up truck and a ratchet set and we can totally SAVE TEH BIG DIPPER!!! My community college education and intentional business partner whom I've never met will come to its rescue! Just give us money!!"





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I visited King's Island a couple weeks ago. Travel Channel was capturing Diamondback footage. The ride was actually temporarily "shut down" to allow a camera man to wade though the small pond (in shorts, shoes, and socks) that Diamondback's track crosses to retrieve a camera.


In any case, I am looking forward to visiting CP this summer.

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Looks like fun! Which Travel Channel show was that footage for? Or was it for a new special on roller coasters/theme parks? Also it looks like Fast Lane will really come in handy on those really busy days and for those that visit from far away.

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