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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^^Doesn't Darien Lake already have a random old Intamin Coaster sitting in pieces in a field!??! Why give them another to let rot away!?!?!


If Cedar Point does sell Disaster Transport to Darien Lake odds are it will be operating there and not rusting in pieces like the that other Intamin coaster from SFAW!

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As long as Herschend is operating Darien Lake I would expect to see quality additions to the park, not a used ride from Cedar Point. Based on the photos on Darien's Facebook page of the new Rowdy's Ridge area they did a nice job with it.


More than likely Disaster Transport will go the way of Wildcat when that time comes.

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Does anyone know why the Great Escape coaster is rumored to be scrapped? I'm no expert but I'd assume that these coasters either have high maintenance costs and / or are hard to find replacement parts for, otherwise I don't see why they'd get rid of it.


If that's the case, then I'd think Cedar Fair would have a similar situation with Disaster Transport.

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I agree with those who like Disaster Transport, I mean, It's by no means a destination coaster of the park, but it is always a quick thrill. The building is pretty ugly, but an enclosed bobsled coaster is still pretty cool. With a few updates, it could actually be a pretty unique ride.


If they move it to Michigan's Adventure, I vote they throw in Knott's Boomerang as well...

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I don't like Fast Pass systems...


There, I simplified your post.


No matter how much you try to prove to us that Fast Lane is a negative thing, you aren't going to change the fact that it exists.


Really it all comes down to is this:


You now have a choice at Cedar Point to not wait in long lines. The key word there is CHOICE. You can choose to wait in a 2 hour Top Thrill Dragster line, or you can choose to only wait 15 minutes. Crunch all the numbers and statistics you want, but I am going to choose the 15 minute wait any day!!


With that in regard those who are pro FL are never going to convince those who are not that the system is either fair or infallible.If the parks see too many complaints over the course of the peak season then we just might see the system removed by next season.


People went to the parks (CF.SF,Bush etc.) for years before the idea of "pay to skip the line" programs were started & they all knew what to expect....& that is the simple fact that you're gonna have to wait in a line at parks to get on rides,it's just a fact of life.Remember it has only been a decade or so since SFI first borrowed the concept of paid line cutting from disney after all.I have found from experience that it looks like you're better off going on days where rain is forecast as it keeps the crowds,and the fastlane lines down as my last trip to KD wasn't as bad as on opening weekend thanks to the weather forecast that day.

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^^Doesn't Darien Lake already have a random old Intamin Coaster sitting in pieces in a field!??! Why give them another to let rot away!?!?!


If Cedar Point does sell Disaster Transport to Darien Lake odds are it will be operating there and not rusting in pieces like the that other Intamin coaster from SFAW!


Based on what? Their track record says field.

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If Cedar Point does get rid Disaster Transport odds are the ride itself would be sold for scrap or to another park and only a small portion of the building would remain for Happy Jack's during Halloweekends!

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Sorry folks but Disaaster Transport is not a great ride, nor are any of the other "bobsled" coasters. It's questionable whether they are even coasters in my book either.



I have ridden it both indoors and out. Much nicer queing indoors instead of the blazing sun. The kids love it because it is not as scary as the big boy rides next to it. I believe they are coasters as they run on wheels, albeit not necessarily on a "track". I really like the Mack bobsleds better as they utilize the "train" instead of the short awkward looking single car.

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^Well, they have a whole hell of a lot of space behind the audio booth for foot traffic. I don't see how there will be any more of a problem with crowd control then what they had with the laser screen. If anything, I think it will be improved.

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Went to Cedar Point this last Thursday and Friday. Thursday no Fast Lane and Friday with Fast Lane, both days were fantastic weather to be there.


Thursday we managed to get on 31 rides and surprisingly Gemini was the longest wait of the entire day and that being 30 minutes, everything was pretty much a walk on ride. Rides we went on.


3 Raptor

3 Mantis

1 Windseeker

1 Maxair

1 Wicked Twister

2 Skyhawk

1 Magnum

1 Mean Streak

1 Gemini

2 Blue Streak

3 Millennium

3 Top Thrill

1 Mine Ride

1 Sky Ride

1 Corkscrew

1 Iron Dragon

1 Bumper Cars

1 Power Tower

2 Maverick


Friday with Fast Lane. The crowds were insane, wait times were routinely 1-2 hours for Top Thrill, Maverick, Raptor, Mantis, Millennium. Tons of buses and families in the park. I don't recall anyone getting mad at us for the Fast Lane only people asking where they could get one. We went on 41 rides Friday, skipping the rides we had no interest in going on a second time.


11 Maverick

4 Blue Streak

3 Raptor

3 Maxair

1 Wicked Twister

1 Power Tower

4 Top Thrill

1 Mean Streak

4 Gemini (had both trains running so thought is was fun to race.)

5 Millennium

2 Skyhawk

2 Magnum


We didn't see very many Fast Lane wrist bands on anyone with the exception of Top Thrill, they were loading the front train with Fast Lane and the second train with "regular" park people. The entire day the only place I saw a line slow down was at Top Thrill, the lines kept moving and as I saw the Fast Lane people didn't make the wait times any longer than if there was no Fast Lane.


We mainly wanted to get on a ton of rides and took any open seat we could get, never waiting for a front seat on anything. We did have a much more relaxed time in the park Friday, we sat down and had breakfast and lunch, if we would have really tried I am sure we could have gotten on 50 rides or more if we had tried.

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^Another ringing endorsement for Fast Lane. A day of walk ons without Fast Lane yields fewer rides than a packed day with Fast Lane.



Well I will admit we did marathon the big rides Friday, namely Maverick. The way things are set up makes it so very easy to get off and right back on the ride at Millennium and Maverick.

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Was at CP this past weekend for the ACE Spring Conference. First time at the park and we really enjoyed it. (The swarms of bugs in the evenings, not so much!) Of course Millennium Force and Top Thrill Dragster were our favs. I did not think the park was too crowded Friday afternoon (around 5:00pm) with MF only being a 40 minute wait, 1 hour for Maverick, and 75 minutes for TTD.


On Saturday, however, the park was insanely crowded. There must have been over 100 buses (school and charter) parked in the outer fringes and the parking lots were full, not to mention the resorts were fully booked and there were nearly 700 ACErs there for the conference. The line for MF was nearly an hour shortly after 10:00am, so we purchased fast lane passes and experienced a 25 minute wait for MF, 30 minutes for Maverick, and 45 minutes for TTD throughout the day versus normal wait times of over 90 minutes for MF and Maverick and nearly 2 hours for TTD. The wait times decreased a little towards 9:00pm as the buses began departing and the lines were cleared by 10:30pm for our ERT. TTD went down during our ERT Friday night, but it was quickly corrected by the park. Maverick ERT Saturday night was great, and MF ERT Sunday morning was awesome. Sunday crowds grew quickly as well and I would estimate it was similar to the crowd on Friday, if not slight smaller.


During the ACE dinner Sat night, CP officials indicated that we would want to return to CP at this time next year. They hinted that a new coaster of the winged variety would be opening then, but they wouldn't elaborate. They did indicate a formal announcement would be made later this summer.


Overall, we really loved CP, their great coasters and other rides. We were glad we had planned 2 & 1/2 days to enjoy the park, we only wish it wasn't a 7 hour drive so we could return more often.





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If that's true, I think it's a cool addition.


By the way, does anyone else think it's kind of interesting how every gimmicky, trendy ride CP has seems to end up on the "Oceana Midway"? They have an impulse coaster (big in the late 90's, early 2000's then dropped off of the map), a bobsled coaster (big in the 80's then dropped off the map), a windseeker (these rides and the starflyer rides are all the rage right now), they had a Chaos which was the ultimate gimmick / fad ride (and yes I know it was relocated) and now there is a wing coaster rumor.


By the way, I know the words "gimmicky" and "fad" can be considered negative but I don't really mean it that way, I'm just making an observation.

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Well that is dissappointing to here. I was convinced they would build a legitimate wooden coaster, hopefully they still will. It does seem unlikely they would just spill the beans like that, smokescreen perhaps. They could do a 4d I suppose at least it would be different. A dive coaster would be a lot better if they had to go with steel. I think Dive and Inverts are here to stay and Wingriders will go the way of Standups. There has been a rumor of a Dive Machine coming for a while and it is a winged coaster.


I'm sure they will build a nice coaster that people will enjoy but I would like to see them blazing the trail. It's time for the Point to build another world class coaster. If you are gonna copy something have it be El Toro.


Advertising wise the Wingrider would probably generate some buzz but a top 5 woodie would become a landmark. It will be interesting to see how the new guy thinks about the park and it's legacy.

Edited by dragonskeep
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^They actually said "coaster of the winged-variety"??? If they did, they certainly aren't trying to keep their next type of coaster a big secret.


Looks like that green track might be heading there after all?


Wonder what's going on with wave swinger? could it be that they're retiring it this season as scremscapes latest update has the park pretty much taking it apart right down to the mast being removed.

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